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Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1954)

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Something thrilling happens CASTS OF CURRENT PICTURES Your skin feels soft and smooth as a rose petal simple two-way treatment helps blemished skin. Suddenly your skin looks like a little girl’s. Gone are hateful blackheads, pimples, oily shine, flaky dryness. That s your thrilling reward for making Cuticura Soap and Ointment your daily routine . . . How does Cuticura work such wonders. Cuticura Soap is superfatted, the mildest, best kind of complexion soap. It preserves the natural moisture as it cleanses. And Cuticura Ointment softens, gently stimulates, visibly improves your skin as it helps clear up externally caused blemishes. Millions of women thank worldknown Cuticura for their exquisite skin— why don t you try Cuticura! AFRICA ADVENTURE — RKO. Written and narrated by Robert C. Ruark: documentary. AIDA I. F. E. Directed by Clemente Fracassi : the players Aida, Sophie Loren; Amnens. I-ois Maxwell, Radcnnes, Luciano Della Marra; ^= A|ro Pnli Ramfis Antonio Cassmelli : The t’naiaon, r-n nco Formichi. Ballet Corps of the Rome Opera Principal dancers: Alba Arnova, \ 'Ctor Ferran, Ciro j; PirHo The singers; Aida. Renata 1 ebakli , am neris, Ebe Stignani; Radames CeW^Th'e A monasro, Gino Bechi ; Gc ltP Radio Or Pharaoh, Enrico Formichi. Italian State Had o chestra of Rome BRICADOON — M-G-M. Directed by Vincente Mmnelli. Tommy Albright. Gene Kell ' Jeff Eh ouglas Van Johnson; Fiona Campbell, Cyd Gharisse, ./a Ashton. Elaine Stewart; Mr. Lundie, Barry Tones, Harry Beaton, Hugh Laing; Andrew Campbell , A bert Sharpe; lean Campbell, Virginia Bosler, Charlie Chisholm Dalrymple Jimmy Thompson; Beat on, Tudor Owen; Angus, Owen McGiyeney, . Ann, Dee Turnell ; Meg Brockie, Dody Heath, Sandy, c-a die Quillan. GANG A CEIRO-Co) P™ 5 TcI&t GaldilZ Ferreira. Milton Rtbeir Maria Clodia V anja Orico; Bandits . R>«rdo Campos, A nira Barbosa, Neusa Veras, Ze do Norte. DETECTIVE, THE — Columbia. Directed by Robert Hamer Father Brown. Alec Guinness; Bishop s Secretary, Ernest Clark; Parkinson. Si idney Thesiger. DR AGNET Warners. Directed by jack Webb: Ser D , iik-L Tick Webb; Officer Frank Smith, VnAl JnAeC’CaptainHamilZ . Richard Boone ; Grace Downey, Ann Robinson; Max ris Ethel Marie Starkie, Virginia Gregg, Adolpn Alexander, Victor Perrin;^ i i c ■ jp'se Guinn, James Griffith, Koy Cathcart ; Lee Reinhard, Malcolm Atterbury ; Caster n Willard Saee' Ray Pinker, Olan Soule, cap msmrnm Thomas Gomez; Yvette Rivage, Lisa Daniels; Andre RivZe Kevin McCarthy; Claude St Germaine Douglas Dick; Cadis. John Wengraf; Pierre Bonet, Donald Randolph; Renard, Henri Letondal; Garonne, Jay Novello; Josh, Woody Strode; Etienne, Peter Mamakos; Raoul. Ivan Triesault. utru AND DRY — U-I. Directed by Alexander Mackendrick; Marshall, Paul Douglas ; The Skipper, Alex Mackenzie; The Mate, James Copeland The Engineer Abe Barker; The IV ee Boy, T ommy Kear:nJ Pusey Hubert Gregg; Campbell, Geoffrey Keen, Miss Peters, Dorothy Alison; The Reporter Andrew Keir; Sarah, Meg Buchanan ; The Laird, Mark D g ter FiS-cSf ou :ia Shand Gibbs; Campbell s Secretary, Betty burn; Inspectors, Douglas Robin, K. B. ■ ’ Hired Car Driver, David ^,a.meron\,riij CrichCatherine Fletcher; ^urjdaster,^ Gillie 'Se* beri C Cameronfoany MacDougall. Gilbert Steven G rwfa Grahame; Carl Buckley, Broderick Crawford, Ka^thleen^Case5;' hisnsnz « as Soule. MANED ALIBI— U-I. Directed by Jerry Hopper; NAKbL) si q. 1 Havden ■ Marianna, Gloria ass. CWin-ta^ Kincai’de, Chuck Connors; Lt Commissioner » Haaeerty' Babcock, Stu JfflS, SI Eh,?5"BS? tU» D„ Garrett. onniP COP M-G-M. Directed by Roy Rowland; Stephanson, Janet Le\g » Francis; Patrolman Raft; Nancy Corlane ^nne hran-.s Robert Simmi-K Detective Father IS,0 vTne^ Edwards. vrVPTIAN THE — 20th. Directed by Michael Cur Ire, Henry faniell ^ve.^obber, Senmut, Carl Benton r ndv in Waiting, Donna Wmsmm Foreman, Mike Mazurki. f«yHEDTfe°|oheDri: fo n?Meyia%e Byarle7, Debra Paget; Captain Barbee, SHIELD FOR MURDER-^. ^^omi^O'Brfen ^fy ^n^ Marla English; Edmond linen, r u y _ Gunnarson, Emile Mark Brewster John Agar, Michae,Si Meyer; Girl at Bar.L army j Ryle; Cabot, Herbert ^rfiddf*' 'Packy Reed, Hug^Sandersi ftlrnZlelUD^L idttyHngZsTmManning, Richard Cutting. STEEL CAGE THEU. A. Walter Donigei : W°rdf.n ®i’. Walter Slezak; Sorry, Maureen O Sullivan, Lams, Fraser; Older George E Stone; 1 Marie , Brother, Charles Brother, John Ireland, ngero ^ Lyle ?°!leoi-rrLLfe. «he To\ey|;r^ Chaplain, Arthur Franz; Shorty, George Chandle . FREE SOAP sample, folder telling right way to DON’T MAKE UP YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT LIST UNTIL . . . You’ve read Rock Hudson’s bonus feature for December on how to be popular with your favorite man at^ mastime by giving him gifts that please. Rock says, « The Giving Is Easy” . . . tehen you know how to shop. ItT PHOTOPLAY BE YOUR CHRISTMAS GUIDE! On sale November 9th 26