Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1954)

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of Warners motion picture ‘The Command.’ ” In years past you couldn’t have dragged Guy to a premiere. Being the star of the picture, he more or less had to be at the one for “The Command,” but he’s since gone to a lot of others. He wore the new tux for the first time at the premiere of “King Richard and the Crusaders,” and he didn’t go alone but asked Barbara Warner, Jack Warner’s daughter. “Guy was worried about whether people would think he was buttering up the boss by taking out his daughter,” an associate of his commented. “I told him that was silly. For one thing, Barbara’s a real cute girl and is a lot of fun to be with. She can have all the dates she wants without trading on her father’s name. For another, Guy’s in a position today where he has to butter up nobody, and people know that.” With an income estimated at a quarter of a million dollars a year, Guy Madison is indeed in an enviable position. Helen Ainsworth figures he’ll earn at least ten million dollars before he’s through, and the way he’s been going, that doesn’t seem to be such a wild guess. His contract for the Wild Bill Hick ok television series calls for a percentage of the profits, and that alone, in addition to his radio and film earnings, is probably worth a small fortune. He’s only thirty-two and should easily be good for another twenty to twenty -five years of movie stardom in the type of roles he’s grown into. Guy’s manner is still unassuming, but he knows that he’s in a strong bargaining position and the knowledge has given him poise and self-assurance. One result is that after ten years in Hollywood he’s taking his place in the social life of the movie colony and no longer feels himself to be an outsider here. He joined the Lakeside Club about six months ago and took up golf, a sport that’s tame compared to hunting wild boars with bow and arrow, his favorite pastime since his early teens. “Howard likes the game, so I figured it must be all right,” he says, referring to his great friend and hunting companion Howard Hill, the world’s undisputed archery champion. He’s also finally traded in the Ford pick-up truck which he drove the longest time for a snazzy Lincoln-Capri hard-top convertible. It isn’t the kind of car a man would drive who’s withdrawing from the world to nurse a broken heart. He wouldn’t be Guy Madison without his great love for the outdoors. Whenever he can squeeze it into his busy schedule, he takes off on hunting trips. This fall he plans to go antelope hunting in Wyoming and this winter, if time permits, on a safari in Africa. Needless to say, he hunts only with the bow and arrow. It’s an interest he shares not only with Howard Hill but also with his other close friend, Rory Calhoun. These two and their wives, along with the Andy Devines, are the handful of people with whom he feels completely at home and relaxed and whom he visits frequently. In fact, he has most of his meals with them. Success hasn’t interfered with the loyalty he feels toward the few people he’s known for a long time, and it’s a good guess that it never will. Guy was once quoted as saying that he wanted a round dozen kids. He didn’t have even one with Gail, and under the circumstances that was undoubtedly for the best. But Guy has a quiet way of going after and getting the things he wants. There’s no hiding the fact that he’s coming out of his shell — a new house, a new car, a new tux, and maybe a new girl. He’s found new pleasures, new assurance, and renewed joy of living. Luck, it would seem, has changed and is giving him a great big grin. The End For advertising rates , write to Publisher's Classified Department , 9 South Clinton Street , Chicago 6 (Dec.-WoJ 4 OF INTEREST TO WOMEN WANTED CHILDREN'S WOTOS (All Ages-types) for billboards, calendars, magazines. Up to $200 paid by advertisers. Send small black and white photo for approval. (One Only). Print child's full name and parent's name and adaress on back. Picture returned 60 days. Spotlite Photo Directory, Dept 15, 5864 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, California. SAVEI BUY WHOLESALE. Tremendous savings for you, family, friends. Nationally known gifts, merchandise, hosiery, lingerie, dresses, jewelry, sheets, spreads, robes, watches, razors, etc. Picture catalog 25c. Send Today! Sibert’s, Dept. Y, Chattanooga 4, Tennessee. EXTRA MONEY WEARING Famous French Perfume. Distribute samples to friends. Samples free. Postcard will do. Lifset, Box 22G, Schenectady 1, N.Y. EARN EXTRA MONEY Weekly mailing folders to New Mothers. Enclose stamped addressed envelope. Write Allen Co., Warsaw, Indiana. COMPILE MAILING LISTS, typewriter, longhand. Unusua opportunity. Particulars, list national markets, freel Economy Publishers, Rowley, Mass. PROFITABLE HOME BUSINESS. Make Fast-Selling chenille monkey trees. Literature free. Velva, Bohemia 32, N.Y. EARN SPARE TIME Cash mailing advertising literature. Glenway, 5713 Euclid, Cleveland 3, Ohio. PROFITABLE HOMEWORK. IMMEDIATE Earnings, Everything furnished. Eastern, Box 142W, Dorchester 24, Mass. SEND OUT POSTCARDS. Cash daily. Bicorp, 143 Belmont Belmont, Mass. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ELECTRIC GUITARS, AMPLIFIERS, etc., wholesale. Free catalog. Carvins, Baldwin Park, Calif. PROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS GROW MUSHROOMS, CELLAR, shed. Spare, full time, year round. We pay $3.50 lb. We paid Babbitt $4165.00 in few weeks. Free Book. Washington Mushroom Ind, Dept. 164, 2954 Admiral Way, Seattle, Wash. PERSONAL BORROW BY MAIL. Loans $50 to $600 to employed men and women. Easy, quick. Completely confidential. No endorsers. Repay in convenient monthly payments. Details free in plain envelope. Give occupation. State Finance Co., 323 Securities Bldg., Dept. Z-69, Omaha 2, Nebraska. OUT SIZE SWEATERS — Direct from Mills. Sizes up to 52 carried in stock. Larger sizes to order. Regular sweaters for entire family. Write for Free catalog. Est. 1892. Nelson Knitting Mills, Dept. O, Duluth, Minn. PSORIASIS VICTIMS: HOPELESS? New Discovery! Free Trial Offer. Write Pixacol, Box 3583-C, Cleveland, Ohio. HOME SEWERS WANTED WOMEN — SEW BABYWEAR and Kiddy Aprons. Home. Profitable, Fast, Easy. Liebig Industries, Beaver Dam 3, Wis. ASSEMBLE PRE-CUT Ties for our Markets. Everything Furnished. Wilson Ties, Stillwater, Minnesota. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES COMPLETE YOUR HIGH School at home in spare time with 57-year-old school. Texts furnished. No classes. Diploma. Information booklet free. American School, Dept. X974, Drexel at 58th, Chicago 37, Illinois. MALE & FEMALE HELP WANTED MAKE PERMANENT SPARE-Time Money without sell ing. Appoint full and part time sales people in your area. Write for free details. NSC, Box 244, Lynwood 1, Calif. WORLDWIDE EMPLOYMENT GUIDE and Job Applica tions for Teachers, Nurses, Social Workers, Clericals, Construction Men, Adventurers and Vagabonds, $1.00. Seaways, Box 1231 F, Baltimore 3, Maryland. EARN EXTRA MONEY selling Advertising Book Matches. Free sample kit furnished. Matchcorp, Dept. WP-8, Chicago 32, III. AGENTS WANTED ADD TO FAMILY income. Thousands now earn $15~$25 daily in spare time demonstrating household plastics and toys. Your choice from 800 items, many exclusives. No canvassing, no experience necessary. Halliday, Dept. P, 17 Pennington Ave., Passaic. N.J. NEED EXTRA CASH? Get it selling Blair's unusua! line of household and food products. Every housewife a prospect. Products sent on Free Trial. Write Blair, Dept. 185MY, Lynchburg, Va. STAMPS FIRST U.N. SET. Among World’s Prettiest. Only 10c. Approvals. Welles, Box 1246-PX, New York City 8. 66 DIFFERENT U.S. — 10c. Approvals. Leonard, 1143X North Keeler, Chicago 51. MISCELLANEOUS FREE BOOK ON Arthritis, Rheumatism explains specialized system on non-surgica!, non-medical treatment. Write Ball Clinic, Dept. 750, Excelsior Springs. Missouri. AVIATION AIRLINES HOSTESS— 18-30 Wanted. Send $1.00 full information, McConnell Hostess School, 1030 Nicollet, Minneapolis Minn. MONEY-MAKING OPPORTUNITIES Need EXTRA INCOME? Make $5,000 to $10,000 yearly spare time. It's easy, fun, a new way of life. Send 10c for full details. Derit, Box 244, Lynwood 2, Calif. EARN EXTRA MONEY Weekly mailing circulars for ad vertisers. Complete instructions — 25c. Siwaslian, 431 7-F Gleane, Elmhurst 73, N.Y. WE PAY $5.00 for some names. Home work income plan 25c. Armstrong, Box 73136, Los Angeles 3. FREE BOOK "505 Odd, Successful Businesses". Work Home! Expect something Odd! Pacific T-3, Ocean side, Calif. MAKE MONEY AT Home! No cost, no obligation. Write today! Box 671, Taunton, Mass. EARN MONEY AT Home! Must Have good Handwriting] Write for Details. Atlas, Box 188-A, Melrose, Mass. EARN SPARE TIME Cash Mailing Advertising Literature. Glenway, 5713 Euclid, Cleveland 3, Ohio. PEARL FINISHING. BEAUTIFUL pastel colors. Bulletin Free. Pearlite, Box 73136, Los Angeles 3. §£ND OUT POSTCARDS. Cash daily. Bicorp, 143 Belmont, Belmont, Mass. GUARANTEED HOMEWORK! IMMEDIATE Com missions! Everything Furnished! Hirsch's, 1301-C Hoe, New York City 59. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WOMEN SEW READY-CUT Ties! No selling. Free Details. Fashion Ties, P.O. Box 2066, Dept. AC, West Inglewood 4, Calif. EARN BIG MONEY — Invisibly Reweave damaged gar ments at home I Details Free. Fabricon, 8340 Prairie, Chicago 19. MONEY, TYPING-SEWING! Details Free. Edwards 3915-WG 12th, Des Moines 13, Iowa. BUY WHOLESALE — 25,000 items. Catalog 25c. Matthews, 1472-K3 Broadway, New York City 36 HELP WANTED MALE FOREIGN-U.S. JOBS — So. America, Alaska, Spain. Fare Paid. 1000's U.S. Jobs to $18,000. Trades, Offices, Factories. Stamped self-addressed envelope brings reply. Job Opportunities, Waseca 11D, Minn. “FOREIGN-AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION, Aviation, Oil, Job Information!!" To $1500.00 Monthly. 28 Countries. Year Exclusive Registration-Information Service. Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. $2.00. Airmail $2.25. ( COD'S Accepted). Universal Service, Clayton 5, Missouri. FEMALE HELP WANTED WE HAVE WORK at Home Jobs if you have time. $20-$50 weekly possible. No selling, experience unnecessary. Rusn reply: Maxwell, 2108 Payne, Dept. B12, Cleveland 14, Ohio. WOMEN NEEDED TO work 3-5 hrs. per day at home by several national companies. A. B. Dunbar Co., 4130 Mark Terrace, Cleveland 28, Ohio. HOME SEWERS WANTED. Sew readi-cut ties, aprons. You make them, we sell them. Jud-San, 518 E. 105, Suite M61, Cleveland 8, Ohio. BEAUTY DEMONSTRATORS: UP to $5 hour demonstrating Famous Hollywood Cosmetics, your neighborhood. Free Samples and details supplied. Write Studio-Girl, Dept. P-124 Glendale, Calif. MAKE MONEY INTRODUCING World's Cutest children’s dresses. Big selection, adorable styles. Low prices. Complete display free. Rush name. Harford, Dept. M-5359, Cincinnati 25, Ohio, HOME WORKERS. HELP fill demand for hand-made moccasins. Good pay. Experience unnecessary. California Handicrafts, Dept. 71, Los Angeles 46, Calif. $2.00 HOURLY POSSIBLE doing light assembly work at home. Experience unnecessary. Crown Mfg., 7159-B Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles 36, Calif. WOMEN. SEW READY-CUT Wrap-A-Round, spare time— profitable. Dept. D. Hollywood Mfg. Co., Hollywood 46, Calif. ADDITIONAL INCOME EARN READY CASH doing mailing work. No experience needed. F. Wilson Business Service, 7372 Melrose, Los Angeles 46, California. MAIL ORDER HOUSE Needs Home Addressers spare time. Suppliers Mailing, Buena Park, California. SALESMEN WANTED ANYONE CAN SELL famous Hoover Uniforms for beauty shops, waitresses, nurses, doctors, others. All popular miracle fabrics — nylon, dacron, orlon. Exclusive styles, top quality. Big cash income now, real future. Equipment free. Hoover, Dept. H-119, New York 11, N.Y. OLD MONEY WANTED WANTED— 1894-S DIME Pay $1,000.00. Certain 1913 nickel $1,500.00. 1901-S quarter $30.00 to $250.00. Hundreds of others. Know their true value. Complete illustrated catalogue 50c. Worthycoin Corporation (D-510), Boston 8, Mass. WE PURCHASE INDIANHEAD pennies. Complete all coin catalogue 20c. Magnacoins, Box 61 -AY, Whitestone 57, N.Y. WORK AT HOME $30.00 WEEKLY MAKING Roses. Easy. Write Studio Company, Greenville 7, Penna. CONTESTS WIN A REMINGTON Quiet-Riter! How? Write: "Contest^, Box 6751 A, Chicago 80. EXCITING! All your favorites. Newest intimate offguard i photos. Professional wallet size I — suitable for framing. HollyF wood's Biggest Offer! Hurry! ORDER SEVERAL FOR GIFTS WHILE THEY LAST! paiapi with your order! BIG SURPRISE rllrM G,FT f worth 750 private HOME ■ nfcL» ADDRESSES, plus other REVEALING INFORMATION of 100's OTHER TOP STARS. Also GIANT NEW CATALOG containing ADDITIONAL HUNDREDS OF PHOTOS AND NAMES of Newest Stars-all is SENT FREE WITH YOUR ORDER if you act now! HOLLYWOOD FILM STAR CENTER I STUDIO B12 BOX 2309. HOLLYWOOD 28. CALIF. BOTH RINGS CAN BE YOURS Lovely Birthstone King in 1/40 14-k rolled gold plate — popular design, your size and month. Also an Initial Ring in solid sterling, new octagon style. Your Initial imprinted. Special value! Send No Money. for selling $2.00 worth < Rosebud Products. Order 8 Rosebud N Salve to sell at 25tf each or 4 Rosebud Perfume to sell at 50tf a bottle. Order onlv 4 salve or 2 perfume if just the one ring is wanted. ROSEBUD PERFUME CO. Box 21 W00DSB0R0. MARYLAND