Photoplay (May 1921)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section 89 Studio Directory For the convenience of our readers who may desire the addresses of film companies we give the principal active ones below. The first is the business office; (s) indicates a studio; in some cases both are at one address. ASSOCIATED PRODUCERS, INC.. 729 Seventh Ave., N. Y. (s) Maurice Tourneur, Universal City, Cal. (s) Thos. H. Incc. Culver City, Cal. J. Parker Read, Jr., Ince Studios, Culver City, CaJ. (s) Mack Sennett, Edendale, Cal. (s) Marshall Neilan, Hollywood Studios, 6642 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. (s) Allan Dwan, Hollywood Studios, 6642 Santa Monica Blvd.. Hollywood, Cal. (s) Geo. Loane Tucker. Brunton Studios, Hollywood. Cal. King Vidor Production. 7200 Santa Monica Blvd.. HoUy^vood. Cal. BLACKTON PRODUCTIONS. INC.. 25 West 45th St., New York; (s) 423 Classon Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. ROBERT BRUNTON STUDIOS. 5300 Melrose Ave., Hollywood. Cal. CHRISTIE FILM CORP., 6101 Sunset Blvd.. Hollywood, Cal. FIRST NATIONAL EXHIBITORS' CIRCUIT, INC., 6 West 48th St., New York; Mr. and Mrs. Carter De Haven, Prod., 1420 La Brea Ave., Hollywood. Cal. Mildred Harris Co. and Anita Stewart Co., 3800 Mission Boul.. Glendale. Calif. Holubar Productions. 6642 Santa Monica Blvd.. Hollywood. Cal. Louis B. Mayer Studio. Norma and Constance Talraadge Studio, 318 East 48th St., New York. Katherine MacDonald Productions, Georgia and Girard Sts., Los Angeles, Cal. (s) Chas. Ray, 1428 Fleming St., Los .\ngeles. FOX FILM CORP., 10th Ave. and S5th St.. New York; 1401 Western Ave., Hollywood, Cal. CARSON STUDIOS. INC.. 1845 Alessandro St., Edendale, Cal. GOLDWYN FILM CORP., 469 Fifth Ave., New York; (s) Culver City, Cal. HAMPTON. JESSE B.. STUDIOS. 1425 Fleming St.. Hollvwood. Cal. (s) HART. WM. S. PRODUCTIONS, 1215 Bates St., Hollywood. Cal. HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS. 6642 Santa Monica Blvd.. Hollywood, Cal. INTERNATIONAL FILMS, INC., (s) Second Ave. and 127th St., N. Y. METRO PICTURES CORP., 1476 Broadway, New York; (s) 3 West 61st St., New York, and 1025 Lillian Way, Hollywood, Cal. PARAMOUNT ARTCRAFT CORPORATION, 485 Fifth .-^ve.. New York. Famous Players Studio, Pierce Ave. and 6th St.. Long Island City, N. Y. Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Cal. PATHE EXCHANGE. Pathe Bldg., 35 W. 45th St., New York, (s) REALART PICTURES CORPORATION, 469 Fifth Ave., New York; (s) 211 North Occidental Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal. ROBERTSON-COLE PRODUCTIONS. 723 Seventh Ave.. New York; Currier Bldg., Los Angeles; (s) corner Gower and Melrose Sts., Hollywood, Cal. ROTHACKER FILM MFG. CO.. 1339 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, 111. SELZNICK PICTURES CORP., 729 Seventh Ave., New York; (s) 807 East 175th St., New York, and West Fort Lee, N. J. UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION, 729 Seventh Ave., New York. Mary Pickford Co., Brunton Studios, Hollywood. Cal.; Douglns Fairbanks Studios. Hollywood, Cal.; Charles Chaplin Studios. 1416 LaBrea Ave.; Hollywood, Cal. D. W. Griffith Studios, Orienta Point. Mamaroneck, N. Y. UNIVERSAL FILM MFG. CO.. 1600 Broadway. New York; (s) Universal City. Cal. VITAGRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA. 1600 Broadway, New York; (s) East 15th St. and Locust Ave.. Brooklyn. N. Y., and Hollywood. Cal. Millions of People Can Write Stories and Photoplays and Dorit Know It/ THIS is the startling assertion ri-contiy made by E. B. Davison, of New York, one of the highest paid writers in the world. Is his astonishing statement true? Can it be possible there are countless thousands of people yearning to write, who really can and simply haven't found it out? Well, come to think of it, most anybody can tell a story. Why can't most anybody mile a story? Why is writing supposed to be a rare gift that few possess? Isn't this only another of the Mistaken Ideas the past has handed down to us? Yesterday nobody dreamed man could fly. Today he dives like a swallow ten thousand feet above the earth and laughs down at the tiny mortal atoms of his fellowmen below! So Yesterday's "impossibility" is a reality today. "The time will come," writes the same authority, "when millions of people will be writers — there will be countless thousands of playwrights, novelists, scenario, magazine and newspaper writers — they are coming, coming — a whole new world of tliem!" And do you know what these writers-to-be are doing now? Why, they are the men — armies of them — young and old, now doing mere clerical work, in offices, keeping books, selling merchandise, or even driving trucks, running elevators, street cars, waiting on tables, working at barber chairs, following the plow, or teaching schools in the rural districts, and women, young and old, by scores, now pounding typewriters, or standing behind counters, or running spindles in factories, bending over sewing machines, or doing housework. Yes — yoti may laugh — but these are The Writers of Tomorrow. For writing isn't only for geniuses as most people think. Don't you believe the Creator gave you a story-writing faculty just as He did the greatest writer? Only maybe you are simply "bluffed" by the thought that you "haven't the gift." Many petjple are simply afraid to try. Or if they do try, and their first efforts don't satisfy, they simply give up in despair, and that ends it. They're through. They never try again. Yet, if, by some lucky chance they had first learned the simple rules of writing, and then given the imagination free rein, they might have astonished the world! "DUT two things are essential in order to become a writer. First, to learn the ordinary principles of writing. Second, to learn to exercise your faculty of Thinking. By exercising a thing you develop it. Your Imagination is something like your right arm. "The more you use it the stronger it gets. The principles of writing are no more complex than the principles of spelling, arithmetic, or any other simple thing that anybody knows. Writers learn to piece together a story as easily as a child sets up a miniature house with his toy blocks. It is amazingly easy after the mind grasps thesimple"knowhow." A little study, a little patience, a little confidence, and the thing that looks hard often turns out to be just as easy as it seemed difficult. Thousands of people imagine they need a fine education in order to write. Nothing is farther from the truth. Many of the greatest writers were the poorest scholars. People rarely learn to write at schools. They may get theprinciplesthere, but they really learn to write from the great, wide, open, boundless Book of Humanity! Yes,seethingall around you, every day, every May Allison, faniooa Metro Movie Star, saya : "/ havfl hearti many famoun directors and editors warmly endorse 7 HE IRVIKG SysTKM. I am fully safsjied that Vt>ura is ths ONLY method of uTril iTiff that really t caches people hoto to vrrile stories and plays. " MIX. LETTERS LIKE THIS ARE POURING IN! "Every obstacle that success can be mastered thi this simple but thorongh tern.' MRS. OUVE MICH. CHAIU.EROI. Pa. * '1 can only say that I am amazed tbatit is possible to set forth the principles of short story and photo play writing in such a clear, concise manner. " C O B D O N MATHEWS, Montreal. Can. "I received your Irving System some tiTie ago. It la the mo^t remarkable thing I have ever seen. Mr. Irving certainly has made story and play writing amazingly simple and easy."-ALFRED HORTO, Niagaka Falls. N. Y. "Of all the compositions I have read on this subject, I find yours the most helpful to aspiring authors •'HAZEL SIMPSON N A Y L O R . LiTKRARY Editor, Motion Picture Magazine, "With this volume before him. the veriest novice should be able to b'lild stories or photoplays that will tind a ready market. The best treatise of its kind I have encountered In 24 years of newspaper and literary work."~ H. PIERCE WELLER. Managing Editor, The BingbahTON Press. "When I first saw your ad I was working in a shop for $30 a week. Always having worked with my hands, I doubled my ability to make money with my brain. So it was with much ekepticlsm that I sent for your Easy Method of Writing. When the System arrived, I carefully studled it evenings after work. Within a month I had completed two plays, one of which sold for $500. the other for $450 1 unhesitatingly say that I owe It all to the Irving System." HELEN KINDON. Atlantic City. N. J. hour, every minute, in the whirling vortex — the flotsam and jetsam of Life — even in your own home, at work or play, are endless incidents for stories and plays — a wealth of material, a world of things happening. Every one of these has the seed of a story or play in it. Think! If you went to a fire, or saw an accident, you could come home and tell the folks all about it. Unconsciously you would describe it all very realistically. And if somebody stood by and wrote down exactly what you said, you might be amazed to find your story would sound just as interesting as many you've read ia magazines or seen on the screen. Now, you will naturally say, "Well, if Writing ia as simple as you say it is, why can't / learn to write?" U'fto saya you can't? T ISTEN ! A wonderful FREE book has recently been written on this very subject — a book that tells all about the Irving System — a Startli ng. New, Easy Method of W riting Stories and Photoplays. This amazing book, called "The Wonder Book for H>i(ers,"shows how easily stories and plays are conceived, written, perfected, sold. How many who don't dream they can write, suddenly find it out. How the Scenario Kings and the Story Queens live and work. How bright men and women, without .tny special experience. learn to their own an:azenient that their simplest Ideas may fumlsli brilliant plots for Plays and Stories. How one's own Imagination may provide an endless gold mine of Ideas that bring Happy Succp.^s and Handsome Cash Royalties. How new writers get their names Into print. How to tell if you .iRE a writer. How to develop your "story fancy." weave clever word-pictures and unique, thrilling realistic plots. How your friends may be your worst Judges. How to avoid discouragement and the pitfalls of Failure. How to WIN; This surprising book is ABSOLUTELY FREE. No charge. No obligation. yO£/ii copy is waiting for you. Write for it A O ir. GET IT. IT U YOURS. Then you can pour your whole soul into this magic new enchantment that has come into your life — story and play wrUtng. Thelureof it, the love of it. the luxury of It will All your wasted hours and dull moments with profit and pleasure. You will have this noble. ab.sorblug, money-making new f)rofes.slon! And all in your spare time, without Interferng with your regular job. Who says you can"t make "easy money" with j'our brain ! Who says you can't turn your Thoughts into cashl Who says you can t make your dreams come true! Nobody knows — BUT THE BOOK WILL TELL YOU. So why waste any more time wondering, dreaming, waiting? Simply ail out the coupon below — you're not BUYING anything, you're .netting It ABSOLUTELY FREE. A book that may prove the Book of Your Destiny. A Magic Book through which men and women, young and old may learntoturn their spare hours into cash. Get your letter In the mail before you sleep tonight. Who knows — It may mean for you the Dawn of a New Tomorrow 1 Just address The Authors' Press, Dept. 285 Auburn. New York. 1 THE AUTHORS' PRESS. Dept. 235, Aubarn.N.Y. j Send me ABSOLUTELY FREE, -The Wonder Boot I /or Writers." This does not obUgate me In any way. Name.. Address I CUv and State When you write to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINB.