Photoplay (May 1921)

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ii6 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rate 40cents per word All Advertisements have eaual display and same good opportunities for big results. tlCIvUUvUU'UU This Section Pays H'v of the advertisers using this section during the past year have repeated their copy. 1^ UUU'Uuuuu Rate 40ceDts FORMS FOR JULY ISSUE CLOSE MAY FIRST AGENTS AND SALESMEN .\GEKTS, $60 TO $200 A WEEK. FREE SAMples. Gold Sign Letters for Store and Office windows. Aiij'one can do it. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 431-K. No. Clarii St., Cliicago. AGENT.S— 200% PROFIT. WONDERFUL LITTLE article: sometliing new; sells like wildfire: carry in pocket: write at once for Free Sample. Albert Mills, Gen. Mgr., 4891 American Bklg.. Cincinnati. Ohio. WE START you WITHOUT A DOLLAR. SOAPS, Extracts. Perfumes, Toilet Goods, E.\i.erience unnecessary. Carnation Co., 205 Olive. St. Louis. EDUCATION AND INSTRUCTION ■ STI NTS WITH CHALK' —COMPLETE COI KSE— Lightinng Cartoons. Tric-jvS, Patter. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 36 imge book, $1.00 — Samples, 10c. Sailor Artist Chris, 2925 Euclid. Kansas Citj'. FURRIER FURS TO ORDER AT MODERATE PRICES. REpairing, remodeling, furs stored. Miuli chokers, Edwarii BnickTier. S22 Si.xtli Avenue, near 47tli Street, New Tori.' City. HELP WANTED I. S. GOVERNMENT WANTS MEN— WOMEN, over 17. Humheds positions. $135-$195 month. Conunon education sufficient. List positions free. Write irmuediately. Fraulilin Institute, Dept. J-143, Kocliester, N . Y . WOilEN TO SEW. GOODS SENT PREPAID TO your door; plain sewing: steady work; no caiivassing; send stamped envelope lor prices paid. Universal tcmpany. Dept. 21, Pluladelplna. Pa. DETECTIVES EARN BIG MONEY. E.XCELLENT opportunity, E.\perience unnecessary. Particulars free. Write, American Detective System, 1968 Broadway, Nt-w Yorl;. ' WANTED— 1,5 00 RAILWAY TRAFFIC INSPECtors; no experience: train for this profession thru eparetime home-study: easy terms: $110 to $200 monthly and expenses guaranteed, or money back. Outdoors: local or traveling: under big men who reward anility. Get Free Booklet CM-26, Stand. Business Training Inst.. Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED— MEN AND WOMEN AMBITIOUS TO maite money writing Stories and Photoplays. Send for wonderful Free Book that tells how. Authors' Press, Dept. 123, Auburn, N. Y. MEN WAiNTED FOR DETECTIVE WORK, EXPErience unnecessary, ^Vrite J. Gauor, former U. S. Gov't Detective. 136 St. Louis. BE A DETECTIVE— WONDERFUL OPPORTUNIties: particulars free. Wagner, 186 East 79th, New York, Dept. 334. BE A DETECTIVE— EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY, good pay, travel. Write C. T. Ludwig, 567 Westover Bldg. , Kansas City, Mo. WE WILL START YOll IN THE CLEANING AND dyeing business; little caiiital needed. Big profits. Write for Ixioklet, TUe Ben-Vonde System, Dept. B-M, Charlotte, N. C. WANTED WOMEN— BECOME DRESS DESIGNers. $45 week. Learn while earning. Sample lessons free. Franklin Institute, Dept. J-S62, Rochester, N. Y. MOTION PICTURE BUSINESS *30.00 PROFIT NlGllTLV. SMALL CAPITAL starts you. No experience needed. Our machines are used and endorsed by government institutions. Catalog free. Atlas Moving Picture Company, 469 Morton Bldg.. Chicago. MSS. TYPED SCENARIOS TYPED. CORRECTED AND ARran^ed. Fifty cents each. Jack Jones, Hermantown, Dniiith, Minn. OLD COINS WANTED COLLECT OLD COINS FOR PLEASURE AND profit. Send only 10c. Get large old U, S, copper cent, nearly size of half-dollar, and illustrated coin catalogue. Send now. B, Max Mehl. Coin Dealer, Dept. P, Mehl Building, Fort Worth, Texas, WATCH YOUR CHANGE. WE OFFER FROM 10% to 1000 premium on old Cents, Dimes, Quarters. Half Dollars, Dollars, etc. We buy ^11 old coins, and bills. Get posted. Send 4c for I-arge Illustrated Coin Circular. It may mean large profit to you. Send now. Numismatic Bank, Dept. 75. Fort Worth, Texas. PATENTS PATENTS SEND FOR FRKE HOOK. CONTAINS valuable information for inventors. Send sketch of your invention for Free Opinion of its patentable nature. Prompt service. (Twenty years experience). Talbert & Talbert. 4925 Talbert Bldg,, Washington, D. C, PATENTS SECURED. PROMPT SERVICE. Avoid dangerous delays. Send for our "Record of Invention" form and Free Book telling How to Obtain a Patent. Send sketch or model for examination. Preliminary advice without charge. Highest references. Write TODAY. J. L, Jaciison & Co., 132 Ouray Bldg., Washington, D. C, PATENTS. WRITE FOB FREE GUIDE BOOK and Evidence of Conception Blank. Send model or sketch for opinion of its patentable nature. Highest References. Prompt Attention, Reasonable Terms. Victor .1. Evans & Co., 763 Ninth. Washington. D. C. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS "CHANGE A RECORD. " NEW PLAN PROVIDES you with 3 to 4 newest and best selections for your phonograph at the usual cost of one. If you own any make of phonograph you are eligible. Ask for full and frank explanation and special privileges extended to members. Dept. 3, National Record Excliange. Ann Arbor. Michigan. PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIAL OFFER— YOUR NEXT KODAK FILM developed 10c and prints 2c each. Best workmanship. Enlargements a specialty. 24 hours service. Enclose money witli order. Write for pritje hst "26" and sample print. Johnston & Tunick, 53 Nassau Street, New Y'ork. POEMS POE.MS WANTED FOR PUBLICATION. CASH paid for those available. Send one short poem today for free examination. Idyl Pub. Co., 189 N. ClaiK Street. Suite 214. Chicago. "BOW LEGS and KNOCK i ^. KNEES" UNSIGHTLY '' ^^ V,,,, SEND FOR BOOKLET SHOWING PHOTOS OF MEN WITH \f£ fi AND WITHOUT THE PERFECT LEG FORMS PERFECT SALES CO.. 140 N. May. {iel<lAve.,Dcpt.54 Chicago, III. V' BE AN EXPERT Wonaerlul. new atjvice, guides your hand ; corrects your writing in fevr daya Big improvement in three houre. No failures. Complete outline FR££. Write 0. J. OzMENT Dept. 80 ST. Louis, Mo. GUARANTEED TUBE FREE offered -es bought during the recent tire panic and now to you at greatly reduced prices. ot includes tires that are rebuilt throughout, slightly cord and fabric tires and reconstructed tires that were guaranteed by the manufacturers for 5,000 miles. A Standard Make Tube Free with Each Tire Ordered ..$5,75 31x4.. $9. 00 32x4^. .$10.25 36x4>i , .$11 .90 .. 6.35 32x4.. 9.10 33x4>^.. 10.50 33x5 .. 12.00 7.15 33x4.. 9.50 34x4'4.. 10.70 35x5 .. 12.25 7 60 34x4.. 9.75 35x4;^.. 11.40 37x5 .. 12.75 No Special Discounts to Dealers or Agents Buy your summer tires now. Order today and save }noney. Statestraightsideorclincher. Send$2 deposit with your order and tire will be shipped balance C. O. D. Orders will be filled prompUy until our limited supply is gone, so order today, before it is too late. Chicago Tire Sales Company 86 Vincennes and 39th St> Chicago Questions and Answers ( Concluded) J. v. B., MoBERLY, Mo. — How beautifully euphonious is that Moberly, Mo. Let's write a limerick about it, shall we? I have had to write to the West Coast for that information you want, so when you send me your limerick I'll send you the information. Is that a bargain? Jack. — Who is Agnes Ayres? What a question! To begin with, she is a very beautiful young lady, as you probably guessed, or you wouldn't be writing in to ask about her. She isn't married. .She began her screen career with Essanay in Chicago after graduating from high-school in the Windy City. Then she came to New York and appeared in the O. Henry pictures, for Vitagraph. For Marshall Neilan, in California, she did "Go and Get It"; for Realart, "The Furnace"; for Cecil de Mille, "Forbidden Fruit," in which she had the leading feminine role, and "Five Kisses" — the re-named picturization of "The Affairs of Anatole." And — oh, yes — Agnes lives with her mother, her brother, her sister-inlaw and her little niece, in a bungalow in Hollywood, California. And if there's anything else you want to know about her, I suggest that you write her yourself. D, M, K., Florida. — My dear chap, 1 can tell you almost anything statistical about almost any film star, but I simply cannot look up their family trees for your edification. I know whether or not they ha^■e brothers or sisters if said kin happen also to have won fame in the films, but otherwise — not. I hope I have made myself as obscure as possible. Marie Prevost was born in Canada, in 1898. She was educated in Denver, and her screen career has been entirely with Mack Sennett. She is not married. Thelma. — Charles Ray appears for First National now. He is married to a young lady who was formerly a Miss Grant. William Russell was born in 1886. Gloria Swanson is Mrs. Herbert K. Somborn. Her little daughter is named Gloria, too, also II. A. A., Eugene, Oregon. — Florence Dixon in "Too Fat to Fight." Jack McLean, not Douglas, played Freddie in the same production. William Boyd was Mr. Carpenter in "The City of Masks." P. P. S., Tacoma. — Betty Compson doesn't give her age, although she is so young that I should think she'd have no objections. However, that's none of our business, is it? None. She was born in Salt Lake and until "The Miracle Man" made her famous overnight, she was a violinist in vaudeville and a comedienne in Christie comedies. She has her own company, relea.sing through Paramount, now. Two Compson releases are "Ladies MusC Live" and "Prisoner of Love." She isn't married. Marjorie, N. Y. C. — I can see you have never been in japan from one glance at your Fuijiama stationery. Mary Pickford was born April 8, 1893; Viola Dana, in 1898; Corinne Griffith in 1899; Enid Bennett, July 15, 1895, and Blanche Sweet, June 8, 1896. Mary. — If you don't think for yourself, you can't be said to think at all. And that's flat. Bobby Vernon? Here's everything our files know about Bobby: that he was born in Chicago in 1897; that he is married; that he weighs 145 pounds and is five feet two and a half inches tall; and has light hair and blue eyes. And now I suppose you will admire Bobby more than ever. Kvcry ailVL-nisi-mi-iit m I'UOTOPLAY MAGAZINK is guarauteed.