Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1920)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section HIGIf SCliOOli COURSE IN TWO y EARS you ARE BADiy if you lack HANDICAPPED f;|^^fn°°| You cannot attain business or social prominence. You are barred from a successful business career, from the leading professions, from wellpaid civil service jobs, from teaching and college entrance. In fact, employers of practically all worth-while positions demand High School training. You can't hope to succeed in the face of this handicap. But you can remove it. Let the American School help you. FIT rOURSELF FOR A BIG FUYUDE '^^''^ Course. ■"■^ B^««^«^» which has been prepared by some of America's leading professors, will broaden your mind, and make you keen, alert and capable. It is complete, simplified and up-to-date. It covers all subjects given in a resident school and meets all requirements of a High School training. From the first lesson to the last you are carefully examined and coached. USE SPARE riNE ONLy Most people idle away fifty hours a week. Probably you do. Use only one-fifth of your wasted hours for study and you can remove yourpresent handicap within tivoyears. You will enjoy the lessons and the knowledge you will gain will well repay the time spent in study. you RUN NO RISK So that you may see for yourself how thorough and complete our training is, we mvite you to take ten lessons in the High School Course— or any course of specialized training in the coupon below— before deciding whether you wish to continue. If you are not then satisfied, we will refund your money in full. We absolutely guarantee satisfaction. On that basis you owe it to yourself to make the test. Check and mail the coupon NOW for full particulars and Free Bulletin. AMERICAN SCHOOL or COBRiSPONDENCE Dept. H-71 1 Chicago, Illinois / Explain how I can qualify /AOu for the position checked. Hlffh School Graduate Lawyer ..„Electrical Engineer Business Manage/ ..Elec. Light& Power Supt Certified Pub. Aceonntant ....Accountant and Auditor ....Bookkeeper ....Stenographer ....Fire Insurance Expert ....Sanitary Engineer ....Master Plumber .... Heating & Vent. Engineer .. .Autonioliile Engineer ....Automobile Repairman ....Airplane Mechanic ..-General Education Course ....Common School Branches Hydroelectric Engineer Telephone Engineer Telegraph Engineer Wireless Operator Architect Building Contractor Civil Engineer .....Structural Engineer Mechanical Engineer Shop Superintendent .....Steam Enginetr .....Draftsma:! and Designer Name Addrees.. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ttm QXyi£l Rate SOcents per word . 'i J'f».«V rsr^.^:nr\r\.n:n All Advertisements have equal display and same good opportunities for big results. asiim ptiofioei^ h: rt'nn n H^n-n^r^f^jfn r This Section Pays. 85' of the advertisers using this section during the past year have repeated their copy. |i/;^W'UU.iJ'U:UUUAU-U'UMU U U'U UUU U'g U U'tF^ FORMS FOR MARCH ISSUE CLOSE JANUARY HRST mK HELP WANTED THOT SAXDS U. .S. (JOVKRN.MENT CKNSU.S AM) Railway Mail Positi!)n3 now opfii. Mpii-Women, IS up. .'S1100-$170i) year. Commnn cdiu'ation sufficient. Write imniiiliaK'ly for list positions. Franlilin Institute ])opt. >l-:i04. lioi'liBater. N. Y. 15E A l)Lri:rTIVK:--EXCi:i.T,r.NT OPPORTUNITY: good pay : travel. Write C. T. Ludwig, 567 Westover B!dK.. Kansas City. JIo. JEWELRY <!OVT. POSITION.S DKSIRABLE. SIOOO $1200 t'^ start. Let our expert (Former Govenimen^ Examiner) nrepare you. Free booklet. Patterson Civi' ServJee School. Box 5024. Rooliester. N. Y. WOMEN TO fmw. GOODS SENT PREPAID TO your door; plain sewing; steady work; no canvassing. Send stamped envelopo for prices paid. Universal Co.. Dept. 21. riiiladolpllia. Pa. WANTED— 5 BRTCHT. CAPABLE LADIES TO travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25.00 to $50.00 per \yeeli. Railroad fare paid. Wiite at once. Goodiieh Dnig Co., Dept. 59. Omaha. Nebr. RAILWAY TRAI.TIC INSPECTORS: $110.00 A month to start and expenses; Travt.'l if desired: !'"■ limited advancement. No ago limit. Three monllis' home study. Situation arranged. Prepare for permanent position. Write for booltlet CM26 Standard Business Training Institute. Buffalo. N. Y. \vo:mi;\— $i25-$2iin montu. he( o.aib expeih' Dress Dtsi,s4ners. Siuniili Ics^uli flei . W^rite iinlmdiately. Frauliliii Iii-i.. Deix. .M-Sili;, Itoduster. N. Y. AGENTS AND SALESMEN .$40 JO 5.100 A \M.1.K. FKKE .■^.\.Ml'l.i:,S. <;i)LI> Sign Letters anyone can put on windows. Bis demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 431 -K N. Clark. Chicago. TELL THE BJ^ADERS OF I'lIOTOPLAY' WHAT ynn liavo of interest to iliem. Von can reach tlieni at a very small cost through an advertisement in tl'e classified section. A^^'o of the advertisers nsinjf this section during the past year have repeated. The section is read and lirin;:s results. AGENTS: A BRAND NEW Hi).SIEBY PROPOSl ti;n for men, women and children. Must wear 12 months or replaced free-. AW styles, colors and finest filk hose. You can sell at less than store prices. Kvcvv homo a pvositect. Write for samples. Thoma^ Hosiery Co., ,TSCl Noiili SI., Dayton, OhLu. FOR SALE— DOGE rOI! SALK \JI!1:DALE pip. MNEST SPIiCTES. t^tnisualiy inuliiyuit, ('h.-tcr Williamson. ,\rgos Ind. $200,000.00 GIVEN AWAY FREE. OUR BEAUTJ fidly illustrated Jewelry Booli Lelnxe for 1920. ccstiu-i lis $2.00 a copy will ho sent free to 100. 000 licople. We ;<uarantee to save you inure ihan 50'''. Our 3.) years' reputation and iron chid ^uarantee are your protection. Send today. Rogers-Thuinian & C,o., •lewclers Wholesale Supply House. Dcpi. !>!. 5 S. Waiiash. Chicago. 111. MANUSCRIPTS TYPEWRITTEN MANU.sriill TS lYPEWRITTEN, COKHECTLY aiTaniied and pnio-iuated. Neatness, promjitness. Criterion Service, West New York, New Jersey. SCENARIOS. AiANUSCRIPTS TYPED TEN CENTS page. Carbon included. Seven years' experience. Marjorie Jones, liOS lieaper Block, ('hioago. SCENAKTOS — MAN^•SCRIPTS — SHORT STORHvS proic-,-,i>)nally typed for you to soul to producers and pub!i>iiers. Wiitc Thomson Literary Butcau. Station F. P. x 120, N. w York. MOTION PICTURE BUSINESS S.'iD.oo PROFIT Nic:;H'n,Y. small capital Starrs ;oo. X) exiteiience needed. Our machines ar^ used an<i endotsed by government institutions. Catalog free. .\llas .Moving Pii'turo Coiirpany. 438 Morton IMdg., Chicago. OLD COINS WANTED i;|;NCINE old « r)IN AND LAV.Ci: 12 PAGE IL lii-i,ralcd Clin Catalog tor ten ci rils. .lust a "gi't acnuainl.'d" oifn . Send NOW. B. >lax Mclil, Coin Dealer, Mehl Bliit'., Dcjit. P, F. rt Worth, Texas. OLD JION"EY OF AIJ> KINDS WANTICD. WE BUY and sell over .$100,000.00 worth a .vear. We pay cash for thousands of coins and bills. Many valuable coins are in circulation. Get iKisted. Send 4c for otir Large Illustrated I'oin i ircnlar. Send now. NU.MIS^LVTIC BANK, Dept. 1^. Fort Worth, Texas. PATENTS P.\1EN'1S. WIUTE FOl! lUl.E I I.I.I^STI!.\TEU guide book "How o> 01)tain a Patent." :^end Model or skctcli for opinion of patentable nature free. Higliest References. Prompt Attention. Reasonable Tonus. Victor J. Evans & Co.. 703 Ninth. VVasliiiigion. D. C. For amateurs; Monologs, Recitations, Drills, Minstrel and Vaudeville Jokes and Sketches; ideas for all kinds of entertainments. .s; Ml ion FRKE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING CO., 542 So. Dearborn St., Chicago PLAYS arn'35t>100aW<^ BECOnE A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Big Opportunities NOW. Qualify for this f asc^iiiatin.? profession. Three months course co\ers all branches: Motion Picture — Commercial — Portraiture Cameras and jllaterials i'uiiiishcd Hlh^K Practical instruction; modern equipment. Day or evening classes; easy terms. Tlie school of recognized superiority. Call or write for complete catalog. N. Y. INSTITUTE of PHOTOGRAPHY Dept. 37 141 W. 36tli St., N. V. City £S yC/>/>S THE STANDARD TR»IWnO SCHOOL FOR TH£ATR£ ARTS AAJVTEVi^ SC:H00I/ roUl? SCHOOLS IN ONE. PRACTICAL STAGE TRAINItlCTHt SCMOOL'S STUDENTS STOCR-""THEATRE Af FORD PUBUC STACE APPEARAMCK Write for <,aUloK mi'iitioniog ^tll>ly desired to A. T. IRWIN, Secretary 225 W. S7th St. New York City THISS20 00 INDOOR TOILET 60 Days' Free Trial. Common outdouse costs $35 to $40. Here is an indoor closet at special price of $9.25, complete, that brings health, comfort, convenience and sanitation to yoar home. No water—no seweraRe Sot up Id IB mlnnteB Satisfaction firaaranteed or money refund«>d. Order today or write for doecriptive circular and particular*. AddresB BKRiyET CHEMICAL CLOSET CO. Dept. 36 Waterloo. Iowa Comic:^, Cai-toons, Comniercial. Newspaper and MaKJizine lllusiratintf, I'asttI Oajoi) I'ortraits and FashIon::. By Mail or Local Classes. Write for terinsanu list of sui'ce.saful students Associated Art Studios, 12AF!alinmBldt{. New York Learn How to Write Short Stones There is a big I «^HVrc *^MVrtC9 demand for short |t stones, photoplays and feature articles. You can li>am how to write at home in spare time, lack London said so. He and other great writers have endorsed cor home study course. Course in fascinating and takes only n few of your spare hoars. Write for free book "'"l.'lotaila <•' our Limited Intm• ■•■■.e .ui ■•<;<£ uuun ductory Offer. No oblieationa. Hoosier Institute. S. S. Dept 1S31 Ft. Wayne. Ind. DOYOU LIKE TO DRAW? CARTOONISTS ARE WELL PAID Wt; wilinotgive vouany grand prize if you answer this ad. Nor wiU we claim tit tnako you rich in a week. Hut if inn are anxioii.-i to develop your talent with a successful cartoonist. II yon cHii make money, send a copy t' (his picture, with He in stamps for portfolio of cartoons and sample leo.-^oii plate, and let us explain. The W. L. Evans School of Cartoonins 850 L«ad«r BIdg., Clevaland, O. VElERINARY COURSE AT HOME Taught in simplest Eoslish duting spare time. Diploma eranted. Cost withia reach of all. Satistac* tion guaranteed. Have beent^cb* ing by correspondence twenty years. Graduates assistedinmaoy ways. Every persoa iatercsted io stock should take it. Write for catalogue and ful] p B p Wjf particulars • F ■* ^ b London Veterinary Corres. School Dept. Q London, Ontario, Ci^n J.:iijm.!I::iii|:i|.ib;;i:iII1|"I"I"I;'I:iI;; :iB]|lii|'llillii|>:' JAMerryChrisfmas'^K See Page 114 IIiiil!illlllllMIIIIIIIIIIni:iiiiii[|;ii;ii)i|iiii:|ii|ii|ii|it|ii|;i|ii^,lirL Eiery adveHisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.