Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1920)

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i6 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section NERVE EXHAUSTION ajS? By PAUL VON BOECKMANN Lecturer and Author of numerous books and treatises on Mental and Physical Energy, Respiration. Psychology, Sexual Science and Nerve Culture THERE is but one malady more terrible than Nerve Exhaustion, and that is its kin, Insanity. Only those who have passed through a siege of Nerve Exhaustion can understand the true meaning of this statement. It is HELL; no other word can express it. At first, the victim is afraid he will die, and as it grips him deeper, he is afraid he will not die; so great is his mental torture. He becomes panic-stricken and irresolute. A sickening sensation of weakness and helplessness overcomes him. He becomes obsessed with the thought of self-destruction. Nerve Exhaustion means Nerve Bankruptcy. The wonderful organ we term the Nervous System consists of countless millions of cells. These cells are reservoirs which store a mysterious energy we term Nerve Fqrce. The amount stored represents our Nerve Capital. Every organ works with all its might to keep the supply of Nerv. Force in these cells at a high level, for Life itself depends more upon Nerve Force than on the food we eat or even the air we breathe. If we unduly tax the ner\es through overwork, worry, excitement or grief, or if we subject the muscular system to excessive strain, we consume more Nerve Force than the organs produce, and the natural result must be Nerve Exhaustion. Nerve Exhaustion is not a malady that comes suddenly. It may be years in developing and the decline is accompanied by unmistakable symptoms, which, unfortunate])y, cannot readily be recognized. The average person thinks that when his hands do not tremble and his muscles do not twitch, he cannot possibly be nervous. This is a dangerous assumption, for people with hands as solid as a rock and who appear to be in perfect health may be dangerously near Nerve Collapse. One of the first symptoms of Nerve Exhaustion is the derangement of the Sympathetic Nervous System, the nerve branch which governs the vital organ (see diagram). In other words, the vital organs become sluggish because of insufficient supply of Nerve Energy. This is manifested by a cycle of weaknesses and disturbances in digestion, constipation, poor blood circulation and general muscular lassitude usually being the first to be noticed. I have for more than thirty years studied the health problem from every angle. My investigations and deductions always brought me back to the immutable truth that Nerve Derangement and Nerve Weakness is the basic cause of nearly every bodily ailment, pain or disorder. I agree with the noted British authority on the nerves, Alfred T. Schofield, M. D., the author of numerous works on the subject, who says: "It is my belief that the greatest single factor in the maintenance of health is that the nerves be in order." The great war has taught us how frail the nervous system is, and how sensitive it is to strain, especially mental and emotional strain. Shell Shock, it was proved, does not injure the nerve fibres in themselves. The effect is entirely mental. Thousands lost their reason thereby, over 135 cases from New York alone being in asylums for the insane. Many more thousands became nervous wrecks. Tho strongest men became paralyzed so that they could not stand, eat or even speak. One-third of all the hospital cases were "nerve cases," all due to excessive strain of the Sympathetic Nervous System. The mile-a-minute life of today, with its worry, hurry, grief and mental tension is exactly the same as Shell Shock, except that the shock is less forcible, but more prolonged, and in the end just as disastrous. Our crowded insane asylums bear witness to the truth of this statement. Nine people out of ten you meet have "frazzled nerves." Perhaps you have chased from doctor to doctor seeking relief for a mysterious "something the matter with you." Each doctor tells you that there is nothing the matter with you; that every organ is perfect. But you know there is something the matter. You feel it, and you act it. You are tired, dizzy, cannot sleep, cannot digest your food and you have pains here and there. You are told you are "run down" and need a rest. Or the doctor may give you a tonic. Leave nerve tonics alone. It is like making a tired horse run by towing him behind an automobile. Bronclii.ils Cliesr Rtc athinj Diaphragii Stomach SOLAR PLEXUS Liver Intestines Kidneys Coign -Bladder i*^''^' Pelvic Organs The Sympathetic Nervous System Shmi'iiid lioiv F.vei-y Vital Organ is governed bii the Nerx-ous Hi/stem, and how the Solar Plexus, coninionlg known as the Alidoinfnal Brain, is the Great Central Station for the distribution of \erve Force. Our Health, Happiness and Success in life demands that we face these facts understandingly. I have written a 64-page book on this subject which teaches how to protect the nerves from every day Shell Shock. It teaches how to soothe, calm and care for the nerves; how to nourish them through proper breathing and other means. The cost of the book is only 25 cents. Bound in cloth, 50 cents. Remit in coin or stamps. See address at the bottom of page. If the book does not meet your fullest expectations, your money will be refunded, plus your outlay of postage. The book "Nerve Force" solves the problem for you and will enable you to diagnose your troubles understandingly. The facts presented will prove a revelation to you, and the advice given will be of incalculable value to you. You should send for this book today. It h for you, whether you have had trouble with your nerves or not. Your nerves are the most precious possession you have. Through them you experience all that makes life worth living, for to be dull nerved ' means to be dull brained, insensible to the higher phases of life — love, moral courage, ambition and temperament. The finer your brain is, the finer and more delicate is your nervous system, and the more imperative it is that you care for your nerves. The book is especially important to those who have "high strung" nerves, and those who must tax their nerves to the limit. The following are extracts from letters from people who have read the book and were greatly benefited by the teachings set forth therein: "I have gained 12 pounds since reading your book, and I feel so energetic. I had about given up hope of ever finding the cause of my low weight." "I have been treated by a number of nerve specialists, and have traveled from country to country in an endeavor to restore my nerves to normal. Your little book has done more for me than all other methods combined." "Your book did more for me for indigestion than two courses in dieting." "My heart is now regular again and my nerves are fine. I thought I had heart trouble, but it was simply a case of abused nerves. I have reread your book at least ten times." A woman writes: "Your book has helped my nerves wonderfully. I am sleeping so well and in the morning I feel so rested." "The advice given in your book on relaxation and calming of nerves has cleared my brain. Before I was half dizzy all the time." A physician says: "Your book shows you have a scientific and profound knowledge of the nerves and nervous people. I am recommending your book to my patients." A prominent lawyer in Ansonia, Conn., says: "Your book saved me from a nervous collapse, such as I had three years ago. I now sleep soundly and am gaining weight. I can again do a real day's work." The "FLU" Coming Again A warning has been sent forth by the Board of Health of various cities that the Spanish Influenza will break out again this winter. Dr. Royal S. Copeland, the Health Commissioner of New York, is especially emphatic in this warning. The "Flu" killed more than twice as many people during the few months that it raged than were killed in the war duriny; the entire four years, and those who recovered from the disease were left seriously weakened in constitutional power. Over 6,000,000 died of the "Flu" in India alone. The real cause of the "Flu" is not known. We know that it is -a disease involving the respiratory tracts, therefore, by making these tracts healthier through breathing deeply, a great step will be made toward immunity. The proper method of breathing is described by diagrams in the book "Nerve Force." Clothing the body scientifically is another important factor in the prevention of the "Flu." This subject and other important points are clearly and exhaustively dis.cussed in a special 16 page booklet I have written on the Prevention of Colds. I shall agree to send a copy of this booklet free to purchasers of the book "Nerve Force," mentioned above. Address: PAUL VON BOECKMANN, Studio 55, 1 10 West 40th Street, New York Every advertisement in PEO^OPLAT MAGAZINi; is guaranteed.