Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1920)

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Photoplay Magazine — ADVEinisixG SicciioN 129 And a Couple of Lions (Concluded from page ji) no dog ever saw the day he could sail with that lion. For miles, all you could see was the friend of the lion on his motorcycle, going hell bent for election, with that sinnle minded old lion right at his mud guard. Never heard whether it curdled any of the milk of friendship in his bosom or not. "The elephant is extremely intelligent, though not as human nor as courageous as the lion. He slops and uses his head more than any other animal. In an extremely thick jungle we stumbled on a herd of them asleep. \Ve"d have been all right but for one old lady who was restless. She sniffed us and went back to wake the other:;. It was amusing to watch her whack them with her foot and her trunk to wake them. They simply wouldn't budge. At last she got them up and they appointed an investigating committee of ,s. ^^'e had a hot time getting out, after that. "Being charged by a rhino is most thrilling but not very dangerous. He looks like an animated grand piano bearing down on you, but he is ciuite easily handled. If you wait until he is quite close he will put down his head to horn you. Then shoot owr his head and get him in the middle of the back where he is quite vulnerable." This seemed bad enough, but when he told me that he was a iirm believer in ilii)lomacy rather than force, and that hLs nio-t formidable weapon was an old opera I at of the crush vintage, I felt the thing had gone far enough. He wore this when receiving native potentates and their envoys. Later he would inadvertently sit upon it, whereupon expressions of dismay and disappointment would arise. With a gesture of careless grandeur he would then restore to its former magnificence, thereby establishing himself as a magician and king of great power. In fact one old chief thus impressed became almost too generous in his immediate desire to supply the white man"s needs. He sent him two very black, supposedly beautiful and startling unclad ladies with the following message, "I see you are traveling without your women. Do me the honor to accept the loan of these two while }ou arc here." After all, it has been done in more civilized lands. The Tie That Binds FRANK TINNEY and Pearl White put on a duologue at the big actors benefit show given in New York during the actors strike. The part that made a hit with mo\ ing picture fans ran as follows: Frank — How much do j-ou get a week in the movies. Pearl? Miss White — S5,ooo per. Frank — That's a lot of money, Pearl. Do you ride a horse? Miss White — No, why should I ride a horse ? Frank — Well, Je'^se Tames always rode a horse. Wui^LlTZEJ^ SOS years of innrument makmj Play ITa Week ■you may have your choice of more than 2.000 instruments for a week's trial in your own home. Play it as if it were your own. Then if you wish, you may send it back at our expense. Trial does not cost you a penny. Don t miss this big offer. Convenient Monthly Payments **" If you decide to buy you may pay the low manufacturer's price at the rate of a few cents a d..y. The name Wurlilzer" has stood for the highest quality for nearly two centuries. Every known musical instrument sold to you at directfrom-the-manufacturer's price. We've supplied U. S. Gov't with trumpets for 55 years. >^^ m^ ^^m ^^ ^gm Send the Coupon / '**M?l?l'^Sf,''*""<^» Just put yoiir name and address on the coupon ^ s%it.l'T.l\n^:a,""l-o?iu. now. Please state what instrument you are intertsced X 1^ .\ m 1 ,cn in Thereis noohligation. Wewill send you the big / ^^iTr^l'^rl'^^Zt^Ttfl^Mi:^^^ 160-page book free and prepaid. Send coupon now! ' about your .-special offer direct from tb« X Diaiiufacturer. The Rudolph Wurlitser Co. Dept. 16.31 ^ Aumc. y Addresr,... East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. S^II^JlJJ^^^^sJ^^j^^^^ lam inUre^uA in.. (NaiiiM of Insfrumeut. here) FREETRfftt Less ctftHOWS , Vcss Than Buy at Bis Saving or rent oneof my rebui It-like-new Standard Visible Underwood Typev-'Hters, fuliy guaranteed. Equipped with back spacer, two-eolor rnbbon, tabulator, automatic ribbon reverse, etc. Looks, writes and wear^ like new. Try one for 10 days FKKE. Pay only vihen fully satisfied. Easy termf , big discount for cash, or earn one FREE through my aB:ency plan. No canvaBPi.-»g« 200,000 satisfied cuutomeid. 27 years expe " ^ rieoce. Ace quick and sav* ^^*^ monay. Aaic fur offer No. r,::. fmmm BKTROIT is the The Auto Center .Logical Place„-„ ._.,,. _«,^ ° -*^ ■■■" ^*^^ The Auto and Tractor Bnsinoss is the greatest iu the World. ^ ^ -^^ ■ I ■ »_^r •■ Millions of niaihlnes In OBe — :7:., r^.^rM.1 I ■.■^T , '"«us'*'>'J« niofoauitl d.iiiy. Worider i ,';''5"?"i'l'''^? ^"' V'mng men la an unlimltt^d held. , Oiir course preparea you to open aK-iraK". Fell Hutoa, triulu or tractors. worklnlactoiy. K^ago or eervice eUtlon. Good wtth biif futures. Jobs Earn $1 00 to$400 Monthly DETROIT BUT C. W. S. Shipman President TYPEWRITER EMPORIUM I 34-36 W. Lak« Street CHrCAGO OarcoQTse incomplete and easily un UerBtood. Gives thoroutrh knowIedi;e of AutobuainefiH. Big dc^tnaod f<»roiir studentfl. Detroit trained meD get preference. TRACTOR COURSE INCLUDED with Aiitf>(_:.turflH. HrazioK. Welding and liie Repaii intj taii«ht separately, LEADING AUTO FACTORIES heartily endorse our CQnipnient and methods of instruction. In fact, they assisted in outlining present Course. * Catalog FREE. Fully Illustrated. Olves complete in formation: e_\plain3 Course; ahow3 equipment and quote>i letters from f laduatea, I'oSitivoCiuarantt.-e. Write t.iday. MicmGAN State Auto School gtt7-fls-9i'wo°dwai~d A^t. Dctyoit Mlclu U.S.A. BECOME A AWYER study At Home. Lejra'Iy trained men win high positions and liig success in business and public life. Greater opportunities now tlian cvtr. Be a leader. LAWYERS EARN $3,000 to $10,000 Annually We ,s;uide you step by step. You can train at home during spare time. Wc prepare you for bar examination in any slate. Money refnndtd according to our (niaranteeBond if dissatisfied. Degree of LL. B. conferred. Thousands of successful students :l. I.iiw cost, eusy tcti, 1,1. 1-V.urt.' l.iliraiy free if yuu enroll ni.,\. our valilal.le l:iO-patre "'Law Guiile" " ar^.l lence" Lnjok.s irce. Send lor tliem-NOW . LaSALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, Dept. 1302-1, Chicago, III. Be a "Movie" t^ Photographer Earn $50 to $200 Weekly r :ist'in:itiiiir v. nrk takinp vou to all parts of the world \ E. BRUNEI COLLEGE OF PHOTOGRAM i No connection with\ ' anv other school / 1269 Broad way, N.Y. -. , -.Jisses, y morths' course complete instruction in General Photography and Motion Pictures operatinp: all standard cameras. Expert instructors. Installments taken, Emtle Brunei operates 2o studios in New York, Chicago. Boston, Philadelphia. Detroit. Pittshurgh. Call or send today for Booklet P. Making Trials of True Tone by Tune-aPhone Capitalize YOUR Ability THE WORLD PAYS FOR SKILL This profession now offers inmsual opportunities for making money. It is uncrowded, your time is yonr own. Our Correspondenee Course with tools, and tfie wonderful Tune-a-Phone, our patented instrument of precision in sound , mako the seemingly difficult easy to understand by anyone. Diplomagivengraduates. IHyearsof successful correspondence teaching. Write for free book. NILES BRYANT SCHOOL OF PIANO TUNING 401 fine Arts Institute BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN Why Have Gray or Faded HENNA D'OREAl New French Discovery wliicli is composed of pulvtri;!' I Henna .i,ncl Herbs, provides the onl\harmless coloring in the world. Not affected by previous dje. Will n"t stain scalp or rub off. All shades. easy to apply. Beware of inferior substitutes, a perfect p reparati on proven to be absoluteh the best. Appl hcation in daylight parlors. Price $1.30. Postpaid, $1.40 Blond Henna tor lightening hair that has grown d.ak. Price S2. 25. Address Dept. M BDAIII HAIR COLORING SPECIALIST I rAUL 34W. 37th St.. New York, N.Y. Tel. Greelej 730 UTien you writs t3 aavertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY JIAGAZINB.