Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1920)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Are You a Pill Feeder? Are you liying t)> tlopc ynursclf Lack U> health jirul sireiifith with patent niediciiu* pills ami potions? Are yiu (Hie of tlie hiiiKtu'ds of thon>;iii<ls of weakenwl. siekly dist'oui J';;nl nini in I he <'ouiitiy who have been fooUd liy lyiiiK m-wsiiiiper ads into ihinkio^ ihty r'Hiil.l Ket h'MH'sl itiI hloo.l and vinlr manhood oul of a pill-box/ Don't waste your uuod nmncy any longer on so-raMed "rempfhes" lh;it cost a or 9 cents to miiiie and aro sohl tn yiui at a dollar. There's nothinu in it — except for the fat purses of tlteir unscrup\i!ous propi iotors — and always the pos-iihility of ucipiii iiU'. sonic <iisgnsline druK hahil ihal will he worse than ytnir present ills. Let Nature Restore Your Vitality N.i'uif is llu^ tiiif nii'iit rcriipirativi'. rcvilaliziiiK agcni thai always can lie depended nn, if yon kivc her half a cliiHiet' to Ke) in her ^'ood work. She doesn't deal in dojx* and drutts ; sIk)iul.s up no prescriptions. Hut she can huild you up; free ynu from your ailments: restore your vigor and vitality— and she will do it. if you will make up ynur mind li> set well and nd then go about it. the right way. STRONGFORT The Perfect Man Strong again a Let me show you how the forces of Nature will di;; out the cause<s of the constipation that may he rotting away your body and your brain: how they will relieve you of the dyspepsia, indigesiion. biljoiisuess that lake the tuck out of you antl make you worthless for any work: Imw they will develop your nniscle?, give yi'U the red blood that makes beet ami brawn, stre-ngthen all yuur vital organs, and fill you up again with the vim, vigor and virility thai makci life worth living and enables men tn BO Tillies in the woild. STRONGFORTISM Strongfortism is the science of Living Life in Nature's way, and giving tlie natural forces she has implante<i in evei-y human organism the fullist opportunity to get in their healing, rebuildin-^, reviialIzing work. It makes no diffireinv what your ctm(iitimi is now. what hrougln you to it or how weakened, sickly and disrouraged ynu lia'"e beeome. Strongfortism will take hold of ynu and build you up. Strongfortism will start you on the road to fudhlooded. vigorous, virile ALAXIIOOD. I CT'ARANTKL to improve your condition 1 'Hi per cent, jf you will follow my dii ectiuns fni a few muiiths. Send for My FREE BOOK The way Strongfortism built me up into the striuigest man in the world; the way it has built up and is building up my pupils in every part of the world, is stateiJ in plain, straight-forward talk in my hook, "Promotion and Conservation of Health. Streng h and Mental Energy." It sIi-avs ynu how Strongfortism can and will d(f for VOT" what il ahcaily has done for thousands of other men weighed down by cbronie ills. You want a copy of this book. Yi u would gladly pay gc)od m(Uicy for it. if you knew what it contains, IT'S PRICE. Send ilnee 2v stamp:^ to cover postage and parking and I will mail you a copy at once. LIONEL STRONGFORT, Physical and Health SpecialisI 1108 Strongfort Institute NEWARK, N. J sfltt=Home A Complete Conservatory Course D IV^oil Wonderful home study music lessons under Mjy IVldll great American and European teachera. Endorsed by Paderewski. Master teachers guide and coach you. Lessons a marvel of siniplicity and completeness. Any Instrument or Voice ^courleyou are interested in— Piano, Harmony. Voice, Public School Music, Violin, Cornet, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, or Reed Organ— and we will send our FREE CATALOG covering fill instrumental and vocal courses. Send NOW. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION CONSERVATORY 6146 Siegel>Myers Bldg. Chicago, IlUnois For Fifty Cents You can obtain the next three issues of PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE delivered to you by the postman anywhere in the U. S. (Canada 65 cts.) This special offer is made as a trial subscription. Also it will avoid the old story "Sold Out" if you happen to be a little late at the news-stand. Send postal order to Dept. 1 7 A. PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE 350 North Clark Street, Chicago, 111. -'apply' s AtiiNf^^iK:Vi^ld#iijtiM T KEN S ATI N ski li^l»ilWOi tRV?i; A Flyer In Pasts (Continued) dressed up in blue velvet pants and a red cap, was Charlie Ray. He knew I never would have let him, but I couldn't make a .scene right there so he went throuRh with it and was the happiest boy in town. He was so tickled I don't see how he ever stayed inside those pants. ''He was always of a philosophical turn of mind and a great judge of human nature. He watched things and people then just as he does now to put them into his pictures. "He started running away to go on the stage pretty early. Then his father told him if he really had his heart so set on it, we would allow him to give it a fair trial. His father would give him money and he'd start out, to return in a few months, broke and worn out, but happy and undismayed. He took up business for a while to please us, but his heart was always with the stage and at last we saw it would ruin his life to interfere any more." She is a regular "Lavender and Old Lace" mother, is Mrs. Kerrigan, mother of the screen's first great matinee idol. Behind the daintiest of tea tables, in a graceful, trailing creation of pearl gray satin and real lace, she presented a picture out of a story book, an idealized motherhood. And her gentle, aristocratic voice, her adoration of her son! fit well with her appearance. "Warren was the ugliest baby I ever had,'" she began, glancing at a fine oil painting of the grown up version of her statement thai hung above her head in the place of honor. "In fact, he was about the ugliest baby I ever saw. He was a twin you know, and when I looked at him lying there on the pillow (I promised you wc might have to see our most cherished hero stripped of all camouflage) I wondered what could have happened to him. He was all bone and black hair and about the color of a bougainvillia vine. He was so boney the nurse had to carry him around on a pillow for days. "And to think that his first fight was because someone told him he was too pretty for a boy!" She shook her gray curls. "Oh, what agony that first fight caused me. All my boys were fighters. The Kerrigans always have been. And I was so tired of it. I tried to bring Warren up not to fight. to see that it was wrong but one day when he was about six, he came home from school — oh, such a sight. His stockings were down, his face was covered with blood and learand sweat and dirt. Finally, between sobs, he confided to me that one of the bigger boys had told him he was too pretty for a boy and he had tried to lick him. "Warren was the youngest of the family, yet from the time Mr. Kerrigan died, he was the 'father.' He was devoted to his family — he had a great sense of love and loyalty to all those of his own blood. The outside world, outside friends meant nothing to him — nothing compared with us. He didn't care much for sports as a child, nor for games, btjt he always had his nose in a book. "I wanted him to be a painter. He began to do some remarkable drawing when he was very young. I have always believed hi. vocation lay there, that he would have done his best work in that line. It would have suited his taste and character in every way better than acting. But his sister Kathleen was on the stage and he drifted there through her influence and his affection for her." You can always count on Priscilla Dean to run true to form. If I were going to make a book on any movie, I think I'd choose Prisci'la. Somehow, I was quite sure when I cornered Mrs. Mary Dean, busy with new contracts, entertaining the Fleet and minor details of that kind, that I should find pretty Priscilla was a perfect little devil as a child. She was. $95 an Hour! "Every hour I spent on my L C. S. Course has been worth $95 to me! My Eosition, my $5,000 a year income, my ome, my family's happiness — I owe it all to my spare time training with the International Correspondence Schools!" Every mail brings letters from some of the two million I. C. S. students telling of promotions or increases in salary as the rewards of spare time study. What are you doing with the hours after supper? Can you afford to let them slip by unimproved when you can easily make them mean so much? One hour a day spent with the I. C. S. will prepare you for the position you want in the work you like best. Yes, it will! Two million have proved it. For 28 years men in offices, stores, shops, factories, mines, railroads — in every line of technical and commercial work — have been winning promotion and increased salaries through the I. C. S. More than lOO.OOOmen and women are gettin g ready ng/lf now with I. C. S. help for the bigger jobs ahead. Your Chance Is Here! No matter where you live, the I. C. S. will come to you. No matter what your handicaps, or how small your means, we have a plan to meet your circumstances. No matter how limited your previous education, the simply written, wonderfully illustrated I. C. S. textbooks make it easy to learn. No matter what career you may choose, some one of the 280 1. C. S. Courses will surely suit your needs. When everything has been made easy for you — when one hour a day spent with the I. C. S. in the Quiet of your own home will bring you a bigger income, more comforts, more pleasures, all that success means — can you let another single priceless hour of spare time go to waste? Make your start right now! This is all we ask: Without cost, without obligating yourself in any way, put it up to us to prove how we can help you. Just mark and mail this coupon. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS BOX 6508, SCRANTON. PA. Explain, without obligating me. how I can qualify for tbe position, or in the subject, before which I mark X. ; EI.EOTRIOAI, ENdlNEEIl SALESMANSHIP . Electric MEhtlni and lt;i. ADVERTISING „ Electric Wiring Window Trimmer ^ Telegraph Engineer Show Card Writer Telephone Work Sign Painter , MECIIANIOAL ENGINEEU Railroad Trainman _ UeobaniTnl DraftsmBii ILLUSTRATING ^ Maolilne 8I10P I'raotloe Cartooning ^ Toolmaker BUSINESS MANAflEMEM , Gas Engine Operating Private Secretary " CIVIL ENGINEER BOOKKEEPER HiirTerlii^ and Mappinir Stenographer and '1 jplat MINE F()I1EM«,\ oi-KNtru Cert. Pub. Accountant „ 8T1TI0NAKT ENGINERIl TRAFFIC MANAGER. ^ Marine Engineer Railway Accountant Ship Draftsman Commercial Law r ARCHITECT GOOD ENGLISH _ Uoiitruotor and llnllder Teacher ^ Arohltectnral Draftimaa (Common School Sobjeeta ^ Concrete Builder Mathematica Structural Engineer □ CIVIL SERVICE □ Railway Mail Clerk ^ I'l.CMIIINU ANU HEk'i'lNG , Sheet Metal Worker n AUTOJIOIIII.E OPERATIRa Textile Overgeeror Sn[>I. ^Aato Uepalrlnf ■□Spanlab CHEMIST H AtiltlOUl.TUIlE InKrenoll ^Navigation □ Poultry Ralilns: iQItallaa fS^mii Present -"" OoClip'f^tinn Street rtt^ stoJo Every advertisement in Photoplay is guaranteed not only by the advei^iser, but by the publisher.