Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1920)

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'34 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Stronger, Clearer Voice for YOU! Weakness, huskiness and harshness banished. Your voice given a wonderful strength, a wider range, an amuzint; clearneia. This is done by / the FeuchtinptT Method, en J^ dorsed by leadme Enropf'an ^ muBifiana, actora and speakers, ,>* Pisa it in ii"ur own home. Simple, elleiit exercia«*9 taken a few minutes daily Impart viTor to the vttcal orRran^^ and give a Buroaasinff qu^.lity to the tones. Send '^^t tbe facta end proofs. ' Do Yon Stammer? If yoa have any voice impediment this methoii will iiolp you. Ymi need in»t stammer or liep — if you will follow our ' liistructiona. Mail coupon for free book. WRITE! Send the coupon and get our free book and literature. We will HI you jii-~t what this m€<thod Is, how It Is ^1 ed and what it will do for you. No niattf^r liow hopeless your ease may seem tlie I-Vjuchtinnrer method win impr<*ve your voice 31K) per cent. No oMigation on you if you ask for this information. We gladly send it free, postase prepaid. Jost mail the coupon. ^Perfect Voice Institute 1772 Wilson Ave. ChlCagO, III. Send me the nook and facts about the Feuchtinger Method. Have put X opposite subject that interests me most. Q Singing O Stammer! Qff □ Speaking □ Lisping: Name , Address . I H^^K^I IAN MUSK If you arc a loper of iuiisi<' ;md w;int tOKi^'M-xirt'Hsion to it, why sihmkI >onrs and >c!ir8 of shidy fx'fore you <lo justice to your rlt^sii-t's? ThiHyonns ladv learned within a month how to 4truni tlie swce'^est HontJts on a TTkulelf. \\h*'u there are cullerw at the house, or when ".lackeomes'roniid," she haB 110 troulile entertain inK BE A SOCIAl ASSET Thoro is notttin^r >*.» Hatisf"> inu to thf lint-r senses thnn the admiration ol' voii by y<(ur liieiidH. and thf' Ckulele or the Haw:iii;ii. guitar u<-eouii'lishes that <'onipleteVv and qnickly. Create in .\onr Iionie an at mo .phereof e\ er(present cheer thntngli the marvello isly ea8y-to-le;irn I'knUde. THE HAWAIIAN Ukulele or Guitar Satisfies Every Music Taste What will yon have? X wnappy, jaKzy. Hjncopated popular )iit — one of tht* iiiiiuortal op( ratie elajifies — a touching love balhid or some romantie molody' Whatevpi* it; lie. you can oorrectly play it and in addition draw furlh that mysterious, crooning, faraway, tuneful sweetness tliat can cotru only from the genui'if Hawaiian Ukulele. I7DU17 *-*^^ of these t»i*auF!\ulj *'f"' instruments. Orop us a card at once, and we'll explain withoijt ohlifiTuting you. how t-asilv' y.u can learn ""oplas-. Hawaiian Institute of Musk 1400 Broadway, Dept. 3-A NEW YORK f\h< Copy this Sketch anrl let nie see what you c;im do with it. Many newspaper artists earning $30.00 to $12o.00or more per week were trained by my course ot personal individual lessons bv mail. PICTURE C-R.-VRTS make original drawing easy to learn. Send sketch of j . Uncle Sam with 6c in stamps ^^^^ iJ^ (or sample Picture Chart, list ^-^'Mt of successful students, ex '*'" amples of their work and evidence of can accompli;li. Please sUile your a^'. what YOU I^Ae Landon School of CARTOONING and ILLUSTRXTINf; 1207 S< lion.-l,! Hldi;. rlevelaiirl, Ohio itm PATENPSENSE "c/Ae Book for Inventors 6" Mfrs? Bv Return Mail FREE. WriU LACeVfi'XACEY, Dept. E, Wd9hin$ton.D£. Questions and Answers (Cont Rene S., Dcluth.— It is very flatterintr to an old man like me to know that a yovmg lady like you takes enough interest in me to consider my preference in paper. Women are not all thoughtless, after all. Wallace MpcDonald, Brunton studios, L. A.; Dougias McLean, Ince, Culver City; Robert Ellis, Selznick (he's directing now); Dick Barthelmess, Griffith, New York City. iniied) Susan, Hastings. — Constance Tylmadge i not dead. I should say not. Richard Barthlemess isn't married, or engaged. There will be a story about him very soon. Muriel Ostriche is somewhere in the twenties. I don't think she is married. And she if, I believe, a sort of free-lancette, appiaring for various companies. M. A. D., Chattanooga.— So I was a full month answering your letter by mail? Well, that's nothing to be mad about; but I suppose you can't help it. Here's the cast of 'The Man Beneath": Dr. Chindi Ashutor, Sessue Hayakawa; Kate Er.skine, Helen Eddy; Mary Erskiiie, Pauline Curlev ; y<j;);('v Bassetf. Jack Gilbert; Cointtes.<< Pe'tile Florence, Florence LaRue; Flanco'is, Wedgevvood Xowell. You're welcome to anv cast 1 have. A Typical Tropical Tkamp, — 1 don't know what that is, but I should like to be it. Bill Hart has never been in the Te.\as Rangers that I know of. Glad you won your bet and the other fellow's pay — with no hard feelinits, I wish you'd write to me again soon. Mrs. Carl B., Indiana. — That was a very silly report indeed; and it seems to me a good practical jokesmith could concoct a better one. You say men don't marry the girls they flirt with. Well, it's not the girls' fault. Jane Novak was Sybil Andres in ■'Eyes of the World." by the literary gentleman whom Emerson-Loos kiddingly called, in one of their pictures, ''Harold Bell Wrong.'' Sallv Jack, Al.\ba.\xa. — I like you .Alabama bantams. You seem to drawl your worrls even on paper. I am sure Tony Moreno would send you a Spanish picture of ' himself if you write to him care western I Vitagraph. Tony's a very good scout; I am j glad they are going to put dim in features soon. I Eleanor, K C. — t had rather, nuuii \ rather, be "real jolly" than frightfully clever. I don't boss the oftico-boy around so that I i can g:'. off and play golf in the afternoon. j For one thing I haven't a personal office boy and for another thing I don't play golf. I am very nice when you know me. Jack Pickford s with Goldwyn now, working on his iivst 1 r them unde,; Harry Beaumont's direction, Charles Ray's latest for Ince is ''Paris (Treen." His contract with Thomas ' H. will soon be up; then Charles will go with First National. Charles Chaplin's latest to be released at this writing is "Sunnyside." A new one will be prcstnted soon, called "Paradise Alley.'' RuTHiE, Tacoma. — Now that's an original idea. Selling my autographs for pinmoney. The editor might not approve of such cheap methods but I do need a new hat. I'll think it over. Constance Binney was a dancer in "Oh, Lady, Lady," and for Zicgfeld before she went into drama, spoken and silent. She is making Realart Pictures now — the first, "Erstwhile Susan." Her latest legit, appearance is in ",?o East," with Henry Hull. Gish and Talmadge families discussed elsewhere in this issue. Miss Billie, Springfield — Florence Reed and Wallace Reid are not related. If you 11 notice, there's a slight difference in spelling. Miss Reed is the wife of Malcolm Williams, an actor. Mr. Reid, or Wally, is married to Dorothy Davenport, who was w-ell-known in the films before she married and retired to private life. The Reids have one son, BilL Cand.ace, St. Paul. — I like your name. Also your stationery. But you're wrong about .Alma Rubens; she was born in Frisco, not St. Paul. She has been married. She has her own company now, working in New York under the supervision of Dr. Daniel Carson Goodman. She was Fairbanks' leading woman for Fine Arts, a star in her own right for Triangle, and she made "Diane of the Green Van" for Pa the. Now she is a leading luminary for Cosmopolitan Productions. Fl<)rence Vidor won recognition when she rode in the death-cart with Sydney Carton (William Farnum) in the Fox edition of ".\ Tale of Two Cities." Then she went with Lasky, where she was a DeMille heroine in "Till I Come Back to You'' and "Old Wives for New.'' She is the wife of King Vidor, anrl will play in his pictures henceforth. There is a little Suzanne X'idor, who is almost a year old now. J. W. Troy, New York. — Louise Huff, not Shirley Mason, provided the excuse for the exclamation point in "Oh, You Women!" Don't see how you could confuse identities; Louise is very, very blonde and Shirley is as dusky as her sister, Viola Dana. Miss Huff isn't with Famous Players-Lasky now; she is a star for American Cinema, a comparati\ely new company which is also exploiting Mollie King-Alexander. John Bowers is with Goldwyn, on the west coast. Your request for a story about him was granted in the .August issue. What did vou think of it? Eva, Jersey Shore, Pa. — So you are one of those ladies who plays "Hearts and Flowers'' when the old grandfather passes this vale of tears while the camera-man turns the crank, or Mendelssohn's Wedding March when the happy film couple passes down the aisle to the final fadeout. I have a lot of things to talk over with you. O'.g-i I'etrov;" isn't jilaying in pictures now. Edith R., Knoxvillf.. — I'm mighty glad you thought you would like to. write to me. I don't mind telling you that my favorite correspondents ate little girls — and boys — of ;ibout twelve, wath twin sisters of seventeen, two Pekingese dogs, two white rabbits, a canary, and goldfish. The Dolly Sisters are are not in pictures at present; they are going on tour again next season in their musical comedy success, "Oh, Look!" in which the popularization of an air by Chopin is accomplished in "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows." Katherinc MacDonald's first picture for her new company is "The Thunderbolt." Evelyn, Worcester, M.ass. — You say you must needs be saucy. That's a hot one. But I do nob shoot my cuff. I am a he-man. A perfect third-party, I grant you; the right angle on the eternal triangle — but I am sternly, severely masculine ; when you ask me the time I pull out the old silver family heirloom and then glance at the office clock before replying. Have you noticed, it isn't the cost — it's the upkeep of family heirlooms. Also — I keep my handkerchief in my pocket, not on my wrist. I know that; it is from — let me see — Milton's '"L'Allegro?" Am I right? What? Pardon; and write again, soon. PTqoTOPT.AY IvrACAZTXIi; i.'? eii.iranteed.