Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1920)

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H Photoplay Magazine— Advertising Section Voiff* Choice 50c a Week CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING £3. "S^?: Rate SOcents per word ^JJP ■tJTTd ^fTpfiif'^'^-^-^^r''^'^ All Advertisements have equal display and same good opportunities for big results. mjtoPMSf ~SJ This Section Pays. 85^f of the advertisers using this section during the past year have repeated their copy. !U:U;U:U;U-UCrTJ^TPU''lj.UUUlJii;U'U^ rrh^rvri-n-'H-rfrt^rtfl TTD^i-UiJl, FREE! With every Bet is inoluded — FREE — a Consultlnff Membership whieh gives yott the privilege of sahmitting yoar perplexing problems to a corps of expertsfor an entire year. This Consulting Membership regularly Bells for $12.00. No matter what your occupation, one of the home study sets listed below will ouickly fit you for a better job and bigger pay. Any Bet you select will be sent for seven days examination, and if you decide to buy you may pay the rockbottom price at the rate of only 50c a week. But you must act now! The rising cost of paper and binding materials won't permit U3 to continue tne present low prices much longer. . ,i.v„,ifi„a These bool<a are the work of recognized authorities. They are written in plain, easily-undei^tood ljfnB>'age by recognized authorities, and contain hundreds ot photogrf phs. diagrams, taides eto., that make d'ffi™ J points as simple as A-B-0. Ha"f'"°?Pl''/?^/"'^?j^,'f bound in halt or full morocco leather (except as noted), and stamped in gold. Pay-Raising Boolis at Greatly Reduced Prices FORMS FOR APRIL ISSUE CLOSE FEBRUARY RRST $19.80 29.80 24.80 21.80 19.80 21.80 44.80 15.80 14.80 14.80 14.80 14.80 Carpentry and Contracting. 5_ volumes, 2138 pages. liiOO pictures. V\as Sio.UO. Now Civil Engineering. 0 volumes, 3900 pages. 3000 pictures. Was .?4.j.00 Now Electrical Engineering. S volumes. 3000 pages, 2600 pictures. Was .S40.0U Now Antoniobile Engineering, 6 volumes. 2600 pages, 2000 pictures. W as S30. 00 Now Macliin*^ Shop I»ra«;tlce. 6 volumes, 2300 pages, 2500 pictures. Was S30. 00 Now Steam and Gas Engineering. 7 volumes, 3300 pages, 2500 pictures. Was >.3o 00. Now Law and Practice (with reading cmirse). 13 volumes, 600U pages illustrated. Bound in law buckram. Was S72.00 Now Fire Vrevention and Insurance, 4 vols . 1500 pages, 600 pictures. Was 820.00. Now Telephony an<l Telegraphy, 4 volumes 1728 pages, 2000 pictures. Was 820.00. Now Sanitation, Heating and Ventilating. 4 volumes. 1454 pages, 14110 pictures. Was $20.00 ^o" Practical Accounting, 4 volumes, 1800 pages. 800 pictures, etc. Was 820. 00 Now Drawing. 4 volumes. 1578 pages. 1000 pic tures. blue-prints, etc. Was $20.00 Now Send No tUoney Shipped for 7 Days' Trial Yes, we'll gladly ship any set right to yotir home or office upon your simple request. Pay only shipping charges when the books arrive. Don t sena a penny until after you have used them seven days, then remit only $2.80 or return them at our expense. Pay balance at the rate of $2.00 a month— 50c a week. $3 00 a month for Law books. Act now-while these splendid books are being offered at 20% to 50% less tlian regular prices. 1 his offer is open to ever.v person within the boundaries pi the D. S. and Canada. Grasp your opportunit>-nu in and mail the coupon now I HELP WANTED , TJ. S. fiOVER^-JlENT WANT.S HUNDKEDS HAU>nay Mail Cleil«. .$1300 first year. Raise to .f2UilU. jlen— women. Examinations coming everyvylicie, ( omm<m education. Sample ques; f';j''-„. .^^'''t^' """"V diateUv. FraiilUin Institute. Dept. N-204, Rochester. New Y'ork. I5E A DET1XT1VE:-EXCE1J-E.NT OlM'OKTUNITY ; giiod pay: travel. Write C. T. Ludwig, jOi Westover Tsidg.. Kansas City. Mo. (JOVT rOSlTlONS ARI3 DESIRABLE. $1000— $1200 I" start. Let our ex)ie:t (Former Govenimeiit Examiiiw) prepare you. Free. Imoklet. Patterson Civil Service Scliool. Box 5024. liorliesliT, N. Y. ~vbMI5N TO SEW. (iOOirs SENT PREPAID TO your dour; plain sewing; steady work; no canvassing. Send stamped envelope for prices paid. Universal Co.. Dept. 21. Philadelphia. Pa. "IVANTED— 5 BRIGHT, CAPABLE LADIE.S TO travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. J.!.>.ou to $.-.n.00 iier week. Railroad fare paid. Wnie at oiue. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept, d9^ Jjiiiaha. Nebr. RAILWAY TRATFIC INSPECTORS; f 110.00 A ni.iuth to siart and expenses; Travel if desired; l-nlip itcd advancement. No age limit. Tliree months liome studv. Situation arranged. Prepare for permanent position. Write for liooldet C.M26 Standard Business Training_I^n3titute^_Buffalo,_N._Y. HELP WANTED TO TINT PHOTOGRAPHS. TTTltN siiare time into money. Experience unnecessary. 1 ascinating work, easy to learn. Write: Kedkrafts, Dept. 201. Denver, Colo. WOME1N--BECOMB DRESS DI-iSIGNERS. $12r, A month. Fascinating work. Sample lessons free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. N-Sbt,, RnclKS'er. V. Y AGENTS AND SALESMEN $40 TO .fion A \vei;k. Kiit.i-. sA:Mri.i:s. cold «i.'n letters anyone can put on windows. Big demand. I iherai offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co.. 4.S1-K N. Clark. Chicago. "tEIJ^ THE REAJDER.S OF PHOTOPLAY WHAT you liave of interest to them. You can reacli ilicni at a very small cost through an advertisement in tlic classified section. 8 5% nt the advertisers using tins .sc'tion during tha past year have repeated. Tlie section I's read and brings results. ■ INSYDE TIRES— INNER AIUIOR FOR AUTO.MOhile tires' prevent pmictures and blowouts; double tiro mileage ' Liberal profits. Details tiee." American Vccessoiies Co . Cincinnati. Ohio, Deiit. 129. MANUSCRIPTS TYPEWRITTEN .MANUSCRIl'TS TYPEWRITTE.N. COUKECTLY arranged and piinetnatc.l. Neatness, promptness. Criterion Service. West New York.Js'ew .lersey. ^ '^■ENAltlOS. MA.M SCKIPTS TYPi;D TEN CENTS page. Carbon included. Seven years' experience. Marjorie .Tones. 008 Itcaper Block. Clilcago. SCE.VARIOS. MANUSt RIPTS. Al J. CONTID 1;:JS'TI AL work professionally put in form and typed. We criticize script frco of iliarge. Tliomson Literao' Bureau, Station !■' Hoi 120. New York. ^__^_^ MOTION PICTURE BUSINESS ■ $35.00 PROFIT MCHTIA'. SMALL CAPITAL starts you. No experience needed, Our machines ars used and endorsed by government institutions. Catalog free. Atlas Moving Picture Company. 438 Morton Bldg., Chicago. ______^__^— ^ ni n COINS WANTED " GENl INK OLD lOlN AND LARGE 42 P.MIB IL -si:^'";;ifci:"'"s;^„r^f^v.^"'^; .i?' Me,.r^c^^ i'wer Mebl Bldg.. Dept. p. Fort Worth. Texas. ■ WATCH YOUR CllAXCE. VMS OFEBK FRCIM 10% to looo";. premium on old Cents. Dimes. Quarters. Half Dollars.'^ Dollars, etc We buy ^'1 ? '' ™'"f «"^ hills Get posted. Send 4c for Large lUustiated Coin Circular It may mean large profit to you. Send S^L™'x-nmilm"ic%iank. Pent. 7 5. Fort Worth. Texas. "old COINS. LARGE SPRING COIN CAT.UXJGUB nf ^Mns for sale free. Catalogue quoting prices paid ?orToins. ten cents. William Hessljin. 101 Tremont S'rcet, Dept. X. Boston :m -s-. PATENTS r 4T1'-NTS WRITE FOR FREE <:UIDE BOOK and Eviclence of Conception Blank. Send model or sketch for onln on of its patentable nature. Highest Referonces'. ""p omp? AUention. Bea.,onable Terms, vtctor T. Evans & -^ '"''^ Ninth \\ ashington. D. t . SHEET MUSIC 1.T PI4NT\DOSI CO., MUSIC PUBLISHERS. 240 «■ diiV, St N Y C. for popularizing purposes, offer tile r YaVest WaltV. Song •■Egyptian Nights. 30c "eller. and eleven other choice song hits, post paid for SI 00 ^ ■ FnllCATION AND INSTRUCTION SPANISH SPONTANEOUS METHOD. YOlJ AND I exdiange private letters exclusively in Spanish eveni^r inexrensive. Particulars free GuiUermo Hedm. R.-.09 Franklin Ave.. St. Louis. Mo. Rider Agenfs Wanted "Don't Shout" Everywhere to ride** and_exhi ^^^^== iLi."* .... i ._ l — . Everywhere to ride — ..t,— ;, bit the new Ranger "Motorbike" completely equipped with electric light and horn, carrier, stand, tool tank, coaster-brake, mud guards and anti-skid tires. Choice of 4* other styles, colors and sizes in the "Haneer" line of bicycles. EASY PAYMENTS if desired at a small advance over our Special Factory-to-Rider cash prices. DELIVERED FREE on approval and 30 DAYS TRIAL. YIpcC Lamps. Wheels Sundries, and parts p ■■ ^ ^r OUIIUIICO. a.iv. ^u> ..k for oil bicycles-half oaual prices, SEND NO MONEY but tell us exac vou need. Do not buy until you get terms and theb.g FREE catalog. ^_„_,„„ M^i M 1^ CYCLE COMPANY b M U Dept. S.40 Chicago n I American Technical Society, Dept. X-872, Chicago, U. S, I I Please send me sot of. I I for 7 DAVS' examination, shipping charges col . lect. 1 will exi'mine the books thoroughly nnrt. it I satisfied, will S2.80 within 7 days unci si each I , month. S3. 00 for Law, until 1 have paid the special ' price of If I decide not to keep the ' (books. I will notify you at once and hold them sub . ject to your order. Title not to pass to me until the I «rt* i.. f..ll>r 1 nr ' "I hear you. 1 can hear now as well as anybody. •How'? With the MORLEY PHONE. I've a pair in my ears now. but they are invisible. 1 would not know I had them in, myself, only that I hear all nghl. ^16 MORLEY PHONE for the is to the ears what glasses are to the eyes. Invisible, comforlable, weight' less and harmless. Anyone can adjust it" Over 100.000 sold. Wrile for boolilel and lesfimonials. THE MORLEY CO..Depl.789,26S.15th St.,Phila. DEAF DOYOU LIKE TO DRAW? CARTOONISTS ARE WELL PAID We will not give vou any grand prize if you answer this ad. Nor will we claim to make you rich in a week. But if you are anxious to develop your talent with a successful cartoonist, so you can make money, send a copy of this picture, with 6c in stamps for portfolio of cartoons and sample leeson piate. and let us explain. The W. L. Cvans School of Cartooning 650 Leader Bldg., Cleveland, O. GIVEN ACROMATIC TELESCOPE «,U.T .VOU WANT , li.JUST< IW^ FARM '■-smw&m} -j "g^ C ENT^ I set is fully paid for. Name. .Vddeebs. LT Reference. J OR RANCH Made upon new Fcientific principles, nieeiy brassbound "vith powerful lenses, scientifically ground. Travelers, hunters, farmers, boy scouts and everyone needs a telescope. Have yiu ever enjoyed the marvels of a teleBoope! Each telescope pruaranteed just as represented, or money promptly refunded. Send 99 cents to-day. EASIERN HOVeLiY CO., Oepl.73, -t77E.93St.^ew York ill/ 1 11 III C Hawaiian Guitar. Violin, Mandolin. UIMILCLC Guitar, Comet, Tenor Banjo or Ban|9 WonderfDl new system of teachlne note masic by "»"• J" ^'' papila In each locality, we Ki»e a »20 eaperb Violin Mandolin. Ukulele. Guitar. Hawailn Guitar, Cornet, Tenor Banio or Banjo aosoIntelyfree. Very small charge for lesaona only, we guarantee sac. cess or no charee. Complete outfit free. Write now No oblluatloo. SLINGEBLAND SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Inc. Dept. 42 CHICA60, ILU wmsosi Mk PATENTSFNSE. "c%e Book for Inventors & Mfr». Bv Return Mail FREE . Wri<e liACEy&'liACEY, Dei»t. E, Wi»limgton.D.C Learn How to Write Short Stories demand for short m stories, photoplays and feature articles You ■^can learn how to write at home in spare time. lacR l.ondo?8»iA»o. He and other great writers have endorecd our hoSe Btndy coarse. Course in fascnabng and takes only a few of your spare hoars. v ,,, .. X _ <_u k»l> and deta » of oar Limited Inl« Write for free book SuJiors. offer, no obligation,. Hoosler Institute. S.S. Dept ^^32 Ft. Wayne. Ind. Kverv advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.