Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1920)

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Photoplay Magazine— Advertising Section Tou cb^n ed^rn from ^lio*2 a.n hour in ijourspAre time writing show c&rdff; quickly Andoivsilij lea^rned MO CAMVASING we teAch you how and SELL YOUR WORK .T^^rrsAnERKAH SHOWOmD JCHOOl 2-10. m\i ma. J2?» ^; TORonia.cAfiADA ^^asHome^ A Complete Conservatory Course Bv Mail Wonderful home study music lessons under ^A Aui, ?''^'" American and European teachers Endorsed by Paderewski Master teachers guide and coach you. Lessons a marvel of simplicity and completeness? Any Instrument or Voice u^lVse'™^ are .interested m-Piano. Harmony. Voice. F^jblic School Jwfn' ^'°\'" ^"""T' M='"dolin. Guitar. Banjo, or Reed Organ-and we will send our FREE CATALOG covennea" instrumentaland vocal courses. Send NOW ""^^""^ fi170 ^.NIVERSITY EXTENSION CONSERVATORY 6179 S.egel-Myer. Bldg. Chicago, Illjnoi. mmm "$100 a Week, NeH! Think What That Means To VsV tt< kiBy Mail in Ten Weeks , ,^,' P?"';''"';s now open for men. ivomen and hovs i'lT'^ i" ^•■'■'"'^s for beginners average $2J5 a niondi. S eady advanceinent up to $350. Opportunity to travel or lo "eeks and guarantee positions to those who qualify. No srhnol'Sri""'"''"" ?.«",'■"">■■ >""•-' correspondence r.,dio school m America. Wireless inslrumtnt.' sent to stiKicnts. Send postal for Free Book, " Wireless the Opporlonity of Today." Jjalional Rajiojnslilule.Depl.154. 14lh & USls.Washinglon, D.C. » Be a "Movie ^^ Photographer " ^ Earn $50 to $200 Weekly Faseinatinir work takinir you to \ all parts of the wii Id E. BRUNEI COLLEGE ' OF PHOTOGRAPHY They ve made me Superintendent— and doubled my salary! Now we can have the comforts and pleasures we've dreamed of— our own home, a maid for you, Nell, and no more worrymg about the cost of living! "The president called me in today and told me. He said he picked me for promotion three months ago when he learned I was studying at home with the International Correspondence Schools. Now my chance has come— and thanks to the I. C.S., I'm ready for it ! " Thousands of men now know the joy of happy, prosperous homes because they let the Interndtional Correspondence Schools prepare them in spare hours for bigger work and better pay. You will find them in ofhces, shops, stores, mills, mines, factories, on railroads. everywhere. r—-. t.„ „„.„.„ LJl 'NTEHNATIONAL ^CORRE^SPONDENCE_ SCHOOLS ■^581.^1 /No i-onnection witlii V any other school } -_ _„ _ -^ -269Broadway,N.Y. Oon.°rl.i"ph'„'t''i"''y ' -Tionth"' rnurse complete instruction in Mmer?L I?. ^ f^'"."""' "otion Pictures operating all standard OMr/fet' .E^P"' '"sfU'-tnrs. Installments taken En<ile Brunei defphiA niV L'"'pt K N?" York. Chicaeo. Boston, Ph.laaelphia. Detroit. Pittshurgh . Call or send today for Booklet P. How to Raise Cash Mail us old or broken jewelry, diamonds, watches, old gold.silver.plaiinum, magneto points, false teeth (with orwiihout gold fillings). War Bonds and Stampsanyihine valuable. Highest prices paid. Cash by return mail. Goods returned if you're not satisfied. THE OHIO SMELTING & REFINING CO a04 Lennox Bldg. CLEVELAND, OHIO everywhere. Why don't you study some one thing and get ready for a real job, at a salary that will gi\e your wife and children the things you would lik« them to have? You can do hi Pick the position you want in the work you like best and the I. C. S. will prepare you for it right in your own home, in your spare time — you need not lose a day or a dollar from your present occupation ! Yes, you can do it ! More than two million have done it in the last twenty-eight years. More than 100,000 are doing it right now. Without cost, without obligation, find out how you can join them. Mark and mail this coupon ! BOX 6509, SCRANTON, PA. «h« .Pi^ ."' '"'"'out obligating me, how I can qualify for the position, orm the subject, be/ore which iSwkX. ■■" "D SALESMANSHIP D ADVERTISING D Window Trimmer DShow Card Writer nSign Painter EI.Eti.ilCAI, ENGINEGIt Kleetrlo I.iiriiline and Itji. Electric Wirir. ,7 Telegraph Engineer Telephone Work UEOIIiNICALENGINEKK ;ci. II SUflohanleal Draftfiinan Moehlne Shop I'raotlee JToolmaker Gas Engine Operating CIVIL ENGINEER l8ur»ejlnf and Mapplne MINE KOIIFMANorKNtnt STiTIONAUY EINSINEEIt Marine Engineer Ship Draftsman ARCHITECT Oontraetor and Hnlldnr irebltectnral llraftsnau Concrete Builder Structural Engineer PI.UUIIINd INU HEk riiVG Sheet Metal Worker , Textile Overseer or Biipt. JnilEJIIST Q Navigation D Railroad Trainman DILLUSTRATING Q Cartooning nBlISI.\ESS MANAflEMER* U Private Secretary □ BOOKKEEPER □ Stenographer and Typljt Cert. Pub. Accountant f^ TRAFFIC MANAGER P Railway Accountant □ Commercial Law a GOOD ENGLISH D Teacher □ Oommon Sehool SDbJeet« U Mathematics □ CIVIL SERVICE □ Railway Mall Clerk UAU'lOMOIIir.K nPERiTIHa UAnto Itepairlne IClSpaDbb □ AGUIOUI.TllllKlnRreneh UPonltryBalslnBl^ltallan I Name I Present ' Occupatio:i_ I Street • and No Cl{r_ -State When you write to adverti.iRra nleaao TTi(iTitlo« TrrTriTi