Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1920)

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Photoplay Magazine^ — Advertising Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING HlliliSCMOdL COURSllH IWOTiARS you ARE BADLT if you lack HAMPICAPPEDfS^f-: You cannot attain business or social prominence. You are barred from a successful business career, from the leading professions, from wellpaid civil service jobs, from teaching and college entrance. In fact, employers of practically all worth-while positions demand High School training. You can't hope to succeed in the face of this handicap. But you can remove it. Let the American School help you. FIT YOURSELF FOR A BIG FUTURE This Course, which has been prepared by some of America's leading protessors, will broaden your mind, and make you keen, alert and capable. It is complete, simplified and up-to-date. It covers all subjects given in a resident school and meets all requirements of a High School training. From the first lesson to the last you are carefully examined and coached. USE SPARE TINE ONLY Most people idle scinzy fifty hours a week. Probably you do. Use only one-fifth of your wasted hours for study and you can remove your present handicap within two years. You will enjoy the lessons and the knowledge you will gain will well repay the time spent in study. you RUN NO So that you may see for yourself how thorough and complete our training is, we invite you to take ten lessons in the High School Course— or any course of specialized training in the coupon below— before deciding whether you wish to contini.e. If you are not then satisfied, we will refund your money in full. We absolutely guarantee satisfaction. On that basis you owe it to yourself to make the test. Check and mail the coupon NOW for full particulars and Free Bulletin. RISK AMERICAN SCHOOL OF COnRESPONDENCE Dept, H-713 Chicago. Illinois :h:rt:n,h:T-ii1^h:;nn:nhin:n:n;n^,n All Advertisements have equal display and same good opportunities for big results. PHOIDRbWr This Section Pays. 85T of the advertisers using this section during the past year have repeated their copy. ■,■ V!.'^' 1I.U;U UvU-ULTUll U U U.UUU-U'UPTJiP mw FORMS FOR MAY ISSUE CLOSE MARCH FIRST HELP WANTED / TKAINING-THE KEY TO SUCCESS Explain how I cs n qualify A\uu for the position checked. ..High School Graduate Lawyer ..Electrical Engineer Business Manager ..Elec. Light & Power Supt Certified Pub. Accountant ..Hydroelectric Engineer Accountant and Auditor Telephone Engineer Telegraph Engineer Wireless Operator Architect Building Contractor Civil Engineer Structural Ertgineer .....Mechanical Engineer .....Shop Superintendent .....Steam Engineer . _ . _ .....Draf tsma;i and Designer Common School Branches ..Bookkeeper ....Stenographer ....Fire Insurance Expert ....Sanitary Engineer ....Master Plumber ....Heating & Vent. Engineer ...Automobile Engineer . ..Automobile Repairman ...Airplane Mechanic ..General Education Course Name Address.. YOUNG LADY, SClCN.iKIO EXPKRIENCB, TO translate Yidt-isli into English. Ov-operate with autlior. H. Doitch. 144S Roosevelt. RJ.. rhicago. BXAiUNATIONS EVERYWHERE COMING FOU hundicUs U S. Government Pi »sitions. Men— Women. 18 up. $1100 to $2000 j'i>ar. Quick raise. Easy work. Short hours. Permanent — no layoffs. Common education sufficient. Pull uimc'essarj-. List openings frc*. Write today. Franklin Institute. Dept. O-20 4. Rociiester, N. Y. BE X DETECTIVE :—EXCEIJ.ENT OPPORTUNITY; good pay ; travel. Write C. T. Ludwig, 367 Westover Bide.. Kansas City. Mo. \VOME,N TO SEW. GOODS SENT PREPAID TO your door: plain sewing: steady work; no canvassing. Send stamped envelope for prices paid. Universal Co.. Dept. 21. Philadelphia. Pa. "IvANTED— 5 BRIGHT. ('APABLE LADIES TO travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $23.00 to $50.00 per vvcck. Railroad fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 59, Omaha. Nebr. RAILWAY TRAFFIC INSPECTORS: $110.0 0 A month to start and expenses: Travel if desired: T'nliKited advancement. No age limit. Three months' liome study. Siluatioii arranged. Prepare for permanent position. Write for ti.i.iUlet CM26 Standard Busincs-^ Training Institute. Buffalo. N^ Y. WANTED IJI.Ml'2 lAHvLV. MEN, 18 UP. ItAILway iiail f lerks. C.i>mnuMK'e $1,300. Vacancy list free. FrankUn Institute. Dept. 0-20.3. Rochester, N. Y. BH A DETECTIVE— EARN BIG MONEY: EASY work; write Wagner. 186 East 79th St., Xew York, Dept. 58 2. BE(.-OMB DRESS DISIGNEKS. $12.3 SIO.NTII OR open parlors. Sample lessons free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 0-Sfi6. Rochester. N. Y. AGENTS AND SALESMEN MAKE $30 NEI.S.T SATURDAY. SPEEDERATOU for Fords selling like wildfire. Used by Forri Motor officials. Makes any Ford run like a Packard. Stop stalliiig and bucking. Put on quick — instant satisfaction. No holes to bore. Sell ten to twelvo a day Spieuditl profits and exclusive territory. Write quick for information. Address Perrln Ctoiupany, 10 43 Hay%vard Bklg.. Detroit. Michigan. WATERMAN'S SlilJf-INSTRUCTION CIVIL .SERVice Courses new 33t3-page book. Quickly preparer for all e-xaminations. By mail. $2.50. Money bark if not satisfactory. Information free. Wi-ite TODAY. Chicago Civil .Service College. 804 KesnerBldg., Chicago. TELL THE READERS OF PHOTOPLAY WHAT ynu have of interest to them. Yuu can icacli them at a very small cost through an advertisement in the ciassified section. 85% of the advertisers using this section during the past year have repeated. The section Is read and brings results. $40 TO $100 A WEEK. FREE SAMPLES. GOLD Siya Letters anyone can put on windows. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co.. 431 -K N. Clark, Chicago. AGENTS. MAKE BIG MONEY SELLING GUAR anteed waterproof Kitcl>en Aprons. Write and learn how bo obtain samples without cost. Moss Apron Com pany. 913 Pilot Hklg.. Roi'liepter. N. Y. iURACLE MOTOR^GAS AiMAZES MOTORISTS. 3o worth equals gallon giisoliiie. Eliminates carlMjn. 300% profit. Isom, Idaho, v\-ires: "Ship 500 packages. Slade $70 yesterday." Investigate. Chas. Y. Butler Co.. Toledo, Ohio. ■INSYDE TIRES— INNER, ARMOR FOR AUTOMObile tires; prevent punctures and blowouts: double tire mileage. Liberal profits. Details free." American Accessnties Co . CMicninati Ohin. Dept. 129. MANUSCRIPTS TYPEWRITTEN -MANUSCRIPTS TYPEWRITTEN, CORRECTLY arranged and punctuatetl. Neatness, promptness, Criterion Service, West New York, New Jersey. SCENARIOS, MANUSCRIPTS TVPl^D TEN CENTS page. Carbon included. Seven years' experience. ^Iar,iorie .lones. 608 Reaper Block. Chicago. MANUSCRIPTS Ti'PB\\'IUTTEN. ARRANGED AND punctuated. $1.00 per thonsaiui words. Two carljon?. Ralph Zj. Myers, 7 25 Montrose Street, Vineland, New .Terscv . IMOTION PICTURE BUSINESS $33.00 PROFIT NIGHTI>Y. SMALL CAPITAL starts you. No experience needed. Our machines are used and endorsed by government Institutions. Catalog free. Atlas Moving Picture Company. 438 Morton Bhlg.. Chicago. OLD COINS WANTED GENUINE OLD COIN AND LARGE 42 PAGE LL lusUMetl Coin Catalog for ten cents, .lust a "get acquainted" offer. Send NOW. B. Max Mehl. Coin Dealer. Mehl Hldg.. Deiit. P. Fort Worth. Texas. WATCH YOUR CHANGE. MANT COINS WORTH double and more their face value are in circulation. We paj' $5.00 for 187S Half Dollar, .S, mint. Cash paid for thousands of different coins and bills. Get posted Send 4o for our largo Illustrated Coin Circular. Send now. Numismatic Bank. Dept. 75. Fort Wi>rth. Texns. PATENTS PATE.NTS. WRITE FOR FRED GUIDE BOOK and Eviilence of Conception Blank. Send model or sketi'h for opinion of its patentable nature. Highest References. Prompt Attention, Reasonable Terms. Victor .r. F.Tans & Co.. 763 Ninth. Wa.shiiig<on. T> . C. SHEET MUSIC AX. PIANTADOSI CO., JIl'SIC I'tnSLISHEKS. 240 W. 46th St.. N. Y. C for popularizing purposes, offer their latest Waltz Song "Egyptian Nights," 30c seller, and eleven other choice song hits, post paid for $1.00. SS yCA/fS THC STHNDHRD TK/IIMNO SCHOOL FOR TMEATrf£ AFITS AUVTEV^ SCHOOIy I3R/LMAX1C ARTS FaUI? SCHOOLS IN ONE. PRACTICAL STAGE TRAIt<ING. THE SCHOOt'S STUDENT'S STOC«"«I> THEATRtAffCRD PUBUC STAGE APPEARflNCES' Write for catalog raentioning study desired lo A. T. IRWIN, Secretary 225 W. 57th St. New York City Learn Piano This Interesting Free Book ehows how you can become a skilled player of pianoor organ at quarter usual cost. It ehows why one lesson with an expert is worth a dozen other lessons. Dr. Quinn's famous Written Method includes all of the many important mod ern improvements in teaching music. „„ ..„.., .u your noma the great advantages of conservatory study. For the b«'t;inner or experienced players. Endorsed by great artists. Successful graduates everywhere. Scientific, yet easy to understand. Fully illustrated. All music free. Diploma granted. Write Today for Free Book Qninn Couservatorv, Studio PC, Social I nion Bldg-,. Boston Uafis. DOYOU LIKE TO DRAW? CARTOONISTS ARE WELL PAID We will not give yen any grand prize if yoo answer this ad. Nor will we claim to make you rich in a week. But if you are anxious to develop youi talent with a successful cartoonist, so you can make money, send a copy of this picture, with 6c in stamps for portfolio of cartooraand sample lesBon plate, and let us explain. The W. L. Evans School of Cartooning 850 Leader Bldg., Cleveland, O. FACTORY-TORIDER SAVES YOU MONEY Buy direct and save $10 to $20 on a bicycle. RANGER BICYCLES novr come in 44 styles, colors and sizes. Greatly imnroved; prices reduced. WE DELIVER FREE to you on approval and SO days trial, actual riding test. EASY PAYMENTS if desired, at a small advance over our Special Factory-to-Rider cash prices. TIRES. lamps, wheels, parts and supplies at half usual prices. Do not buy a bicycle, tires, or sun. dries unlil you get our big free Ranger catalog, low prices and jj W.^fc, /■ ''beral terms. A postal brings every Eieetrle \Stk Jm *'""^ Lightea X^^UCAnCYCLE COMPANY Motorbiko ^^r niCIIUDept.T-40,Chicaeo Army Auction Bargains (ents $4.25 up Saddles 4.65 up Uniforms 1.50 up Teainharness26.8S C. W. revjlvers $2.65 up Army Haversacks .15 up Knapsacks .75 up trmy Gun slings .30 up tsnpintr Rem cal 30 single shot rifle for model 1106 SlrrrTges S7 77 Ball cart. S3.50 per 100 . 1 6 acr.s A?my Good.. Large iUustrated cyclopedia reference catalog-428 pages- issue 1920 mailed .'lO cents. New Circular lO conM FRANCIS BAHNERMANSONS, 501 Broadway, New York "Don't Shout" "I hear you. 1 can hear now as well as anybody. 'How'? Wilh the MORLEY PHONE. I've a pair in my < now, but they are invisible, would not know I had them m, myself, only that I hear all .., 'The MORLEY PHONE (or the to the ears what glasses are to the eyes, visible, comfortable, weight' less and harmless. Anyone canadjuslit" Over 100,000 sold. Write for booklet and lestimonials. THE MORLEY CO..Dept.789.26S.15th St..Phila. B^S ^^^B B Every advertisement In PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE Is guaranteed.