Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1920)

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IO« FHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE ADVKKTISINU OKCTION ^ [li 858 W.L.OOUGLAS PEGGING SHOES AT SEVEN ■\ YEARS OF Vl AGE l>/- ::^ ,v>-.. /^" W.L. DOUGLAS WAS PCRMtTTCDV TO ATTEND SCHOOL FOR SHORT ' PERrODS DURING THE WINTER MONTHS WHEN THERE WERSLACK SPELLS IN THEWORK, /k /^OCCASIONALLY HEHADTOFACE 'PUNISHMENT FOR TARDINESS BECAUSE HE WAS KEPT AT THE WORK BENCH UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE MANUFACTURING W LMm^mLAS THE SHge^m^T HOLDS ITS SHAPE " J.OO $ 3.00 ^^$9.00 ^ $lQ.OO SJIQJIS BOYS' SHOES $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 W. L. Douglas shoes are sold through 107 of our own stores direct to the wearer at one profit. All middlemen's and manufacturing profits are eliminated. W. L. Douglas $9.00 and $10.00 shoes are absolutely the best shoe values for the money in this country. W.L.Douglas name and the retail price stamped on the bottom guarantees the best shoes in style, comfort and service that can be produced for the price. Ctamping the price on every pair of »J shoeg as a protection against high prices and unreasonable profits is only one example of the constant endeavor of W. L. Douglas to protect his customers. W. L. Douglas name on shoes is his pledge that they are the best in materials, workmanship and style possible to produce at the price. Into every pair go the results of sixty-seven years experience in making shoes, dating back to the time when W. L. Douglas was a lad of seven, pegging shoes. The quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the fashion centers of America. They are made in a wellequipped factory at Brockton, Mass., by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest determination to make the best shoes for the price that money can buy. The retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. CAUTION — Insist upon having: W. L. Douglas shoes. The name and price is plainly stamped on the bottom before they leave the factory. Carefully examine the stamped price on the sole, if it has been changed or mutilated in any way, BEWARE OF FRAUD. For sale by 107 W. L Doaglas stares and over 9000 W. L. Doaglas dealers, or can be ordered direct from W. L. Doaglas by mail Send for booklet telling , bow to order shoes throagh the mall, postage free. ' President W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE COMPANY, 186 SPAEK STREET, 'BROCKTON MASS, h Band and Orchestra Instruments sold on our famous "Play While you Pay" plan. Free lesson certificate with each instrument. Learn To Play in bands and orchestras from Jenkins* band and orchestra bocks. First violin or ccmet books free. WRITE TODAY, simply eenduame, a post card will do, for 1S5 pane fully illustrated catalog, easy paymcDt plan andrfree instniction system. JENKINS MUSIC CO. 703 Jenkins Bulldin KA^SAS CITV. MC KEEPS SHOES SHAPELY HIDES LARGE JOINTS Affords instant relief for bunions and large joints, hides irregularities of foot form. Worn in any shoe; no larger size required. Over one-half million in use. Ask your shoe dealer or druggist. Write today for special free trial offer. No pay i( no relief. State size of shoes and if for right or left foot. The Fischer Manufacturing Co. First National Bank BIdg.. Depl. 35, Milwaukee, Wis. MP Hair Pins Keep the Hair in Place I Different Sizes54and 10* Packages Everywiiere IMP HAIR PIN MfG. Soi. H. CO|.0B?R6. Pms, CHICACp The Shadow Stage (Continued) bidder in order to live comfortably, it is lifted a Utile away from the commonplace by the gorgeousness of the star. In trying to remain honest with herself, the heroine confesses her need of funds to the usual poor young man who loves her for herself alone. He, reflecting the attitude of his cave men ancestors, decide that she also needs a lesson, as a result of which decision he first loans her money on the engagement gift her rich suitor has provided and then marries her himself. He delays the lesson until some lime in the suggested future, however, and thus the pleasant ending is guaranteed. Miss MacDonald suggests the Maxinc Elliott of twenty years ago and she is also blessed with an intelligence and a poise that give character to her performances. Her supporting company in this instance includes Winter Hall as the rich but lonely millionaire, and Roy Stewart as the handsome youth with cave-man instincts. GEORGE LOANE TUCKER AT THE BAR I AM glad to read that Mr. George Loane Tucker is making so valiant a fight for his rights as a director. As the producer of "The Miracle Man" he certainly is entitled to his part of the fame resulting from the success of that picture, and the advertising campaign conducted in its behalf. So far as the screen version is concerned, he is practically the creator of the best picture of the year. And if it happen that Mr. Tucker wins the suit and is thereafter properly mentioned in the publicity, I trust it will at least suggest to him the rights of another gentleman — one, Mr. Frank L. Packard — who first wrote the story of "The Miracle Man," and whose name I fail to find printed, even in the-j smallest type used, in most of the advertising of this particular feature. If it had not been for Mr. Packard, neither "The Miracle Man" nor Mr. George Loane Tucker as its gifted director, would ever have been heard of, and I'm sure any man who will go to the Supreme Court in search of redress for his own wrongs is certain to be inspired with generosity toward the wrong he may have done others, even unwittingly. B)/ Photoplay Editors A MODERN SALOME— Hope-Hampton Productions, Inc. IT never would have happened if she hadn't had her portrait painted — as "Sa-^ lome." Leaving the projection room after viewing this picture my mind was in a daze — but I was sure of one thing : she shouldn't have had her portrait painted. Then Hope Hampton, who played the part of Salome, wouldn't have had to go through all she did ^ust what it is I don't quite collect; and she wouldn't have had to heave so painfully in the close-ups or perform that hula-hula before Herod. The title is justified in a very brief biblical allegory. A trade-paper, reviewing this production, the first of the Hope Hampton, Inc., releases, said: "The star . . who is as well known for her acting ability in handling the light and shade of difficult situations, as she is for her appearance . . ." As Miss Hampton has never made an appearance before, on stage or screen, this is interesting. She is a pretty woman with an extraordinary coiffure and poor taste in clothes. Manifestly an amateur, her willingness to work herself up to the climaxes— in which this picture abounds —is apparent. The story is one of the wildest you ever saw; if you like a lot of at i Every advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.