Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1920)

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112 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section 1052 xm ^PEGG DOUGLAS „ SHOES'^ EVEff K YEARS OF -fiJl Ik „j^ \/^' 1i»v I WHEN AGE *'^ SHOES' WHEEL MATER BOW ELEVEN YEARS OF ^ HE BOY WHO PEGGEDN PREQUENTLY HAD LEATHER AND OTHER' lALS FROM TOWN IN A BARDISTANCE OF ABOUT WO MILES W.L. DOUGLAS NAME AND THE ' RETAIL PRICE IS PLAiNLV S^^TAMPEDONTHE SOLESOFEVERK ^PAIROFSHOES BEFORETHEYLEAVE THE FACTORY. THIS PROTECTS THE ^WEARER AGAINST HIGH PRICES AND UNREASONABLE PROFITS MANUFACTURING FOR MEN AND WOMEN wh^mumLAs 'THE. $7:00 Sfl.OO Wm^ HOLDS ITS SHAPE ' ^$9.00 g^$IQ.oo SHOES BOYS' SHOES $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 W. L. Douglas shoes are sold througli 107 of our own stores direct to the wearer at one profit. All middlemen's and manufacturing profits are eliminated. W. L. Douglas $9.00 and $10.00 shoes are absolutely the best shoe values for the money in this country. W.L.Douglas name and the retail price stamped on the bottom guarantees the best shoes in style, comfort and service that can be produced for the price. Stamping the price on every pair of "The quality of W. L. Douglas product is shoes as a protection against high * guaranteed by more than 40 years prices and unreasonable profits is only experience in making fine shoes. The smart one example of the constant endeavor styles are the leaders in the fashion centers of W. L. Douglas to protect his customers. W. L. Douglas name on shoes is his pledge that they are the best in materials, workmanship and style possible to produce at the price. Into every pair go the results of sixty-seven years experience in making shoes, dating back to the time when W. L. Douglas was a lad of seven, pegging Shoes. of America. They are made in a wellequipped factory at Brockton, Mass., by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision of experienced men, ail working with an honest determination to make the best shoes for the price that money can buy. The retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. W. L. Douglas shoes are for sale by over 9000 shoe dealers besides our own stores. If your local dealer cannot supply you, take no other make. Order direct from the factory. Send for booklet telling how to order shoes by mail, postage free CAUTION.— Insist upon having W. L. * ^ ---' President W.L. DOUGLAS Douglas eboes. The name and price is plainly stamped on the sole. If it has been changed or mutilated. SEW ARE OF FRAOS. SHOE COMPANY, 126 SPARK STREET. BROCKTON • MASS. Become a Nurse A most dignified and re:pected profession )\ training at home through , _) our correspondence course. I Age 19 to 60. I RlgLleenth Year — 10.000 {irada* I Btes Kaniing $18 li> $30 weekly. ' Invaluable for the practical nurse. Entire tuiiion earned m a few weeks. Two montlis^ trial with money re« funded If stiidenl disriinlihnes. Send today for catalog and sample lessons _ The Chautauqua School of Nursing 582 Mam Street Jamestown. N.Y. Cultivate Your Beauty Have a youthful appearance, clear complexion, magnetic eyes, pretty eyebrows and Inshes. graceful neck and chin, luxiiriant hair, attractive haii'ls, comfortublo feet. Remove wrinklea, lines, pimples blackheadf^, strengthen sa^gint; facial musrlije— all through following our nitnple dtret-tionH. Thousands have done eo. big expense and quick results. Send for latest catalog and many Beauty Hints— all free. GRACE MILDRED CI'LTURE COURSE Oept. 17, 624 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Illinois (.1 Urauch ^'/' S/is,t>iH.t Cocro/T s /i'oy/.-) MORE THAN $100 99 A DAY Glare Briggs, the man who draws "When a Feller Needs a Friend" receives more than $100 a day. There are many other cartoonists whose incomes would look good to a bank president. If you have ideas and like to draw, you may have in ofh?s"'^v?hen''a'F'Ji'i?w°! ^*'" *^^ making of a great cartoonist. Developing natural ability is the surest road to success. Through the FederalSchooIof Applied Cartooning, the 30 most famous cartoonists of America teach you. What this school will do for you by mail in your spare time is told in the 32-page book "A Road to Bigger Things.** It contains studio picturesof Briggs. McCutcheon, Sid Smith, Fontaine Fox and e other stars on the Federal Staff. Write for >ur FREE COPY today. Just tear out this advertisement, put your name and address in the margin and mail it now. WHITE FOR THIS BOOK TODAY. FEDERAL SCHOOL OF APPLIED CARTOOHING OeS Wwmr nylHll»».>IIIMiiii»«mij. .MIiiMsata . The Shadow Stage (Contin'ued) members by the way, when all the villains were German? PICADILLY JIM— Select 'Tis better to be Irish than to be handsome. Ask the Moores. Both Tom and Owen know just when and how to smile. Thai's the Irish in them. And they know when to be properly romantic. "Picadilly Jim" brings Owen Moore back to the screen as a regular star, with a certain number of pictures a year and a trade mark to back him. It was made from a story by P. G. Wodehouse and is the humorous romance of a young man who will do anything, provided it is silly enough, to win the girl. The story should have been funnier than it is. However, there is Owen Moore and there IS also Zena Keefe. $30,000 — Hodkinson And here is another Irishman, J. Warren Kerrigan, who needs neither introduction nor comment. If you like him, you like him; that's all. To many persons, he is the visualization of the gentleman concealed in the box when the phonograph is twirling a John McCormack record. He works his Irish hard: he is a professional. ",^30,000" has a lot of plot. It just whizzes by. Watch close or you'll miss it. But you won't miss much. THE HELL SHIP— Fox Madlaine Traverse is the star of this picture, which is a roaring melodrama of the sea, v.'ith rough weather and rough men. The hero, enacted by Albert Roscoe, stands out as conspicuously as an evening suit at a longshoremen's beef-steak dinner. Miss Traverse has a fighting part and goes at it with a good deal of zest. The plot is very "Yo, ho ho and a bottle of rum" for heavy drinking mixes with heavy melodrama. Of course, there is the usual shipwreck and spectacular rescue. HIS TEMPORARY WIFE-Hodkinson The title tells the story. To fulfill the terms of a will, a young man is obliged to marry some other woman than the vampire with whom he is smitten. The woman he selects, haunted by dire poverty and yea, even starvation, consents on condition that the marriage be a business proposition. But the temporary wife is blonde Ruby De Remer so you know that the man, played by brunette Eugene Strong, will plead for permanency. The cast is the most noteworthy asset of the picture. Besides the players just mentioned, we have Mary Boland and Edmund Bresse. THE VIRGIN OF STAMBOUL— Universal They say, at Universal, this is the greatest picture they have ever made. We might be disposed to say something sarcastic if our minds were not a little dizzy every time we beheld that human tornado, that young dynamo, Priscilla Dean. Whoever named that girl Priscilla is entitled to immortality as a practical joker. Miss Dean is a healthy Californian who somehow conveys that she knows more about the Orient than a Cook's Tourist could tell you. She is a luscious, yet frank, baffling yet human actress, with a smile that insures the industry to more new eras than any mechanical invention. Kvery advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZIXE is guaranteed.