Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1920)

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12 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Train for the Big Position The higrh salaried poeitions are open only to men who can show they have proper training. Big business organizations everywhere need men able to assume responsibilities — to think, plan and carry out important policies. LaSalle Extension Univen sity has trained thousands of men for promotion tt) executive positions. Its big etaflp of experts can help you increase your earning power. Rise above oetail work to a place where you direct others. You can— but will you? The LaSalle plan will not interfere with your presentduties. You can train for promotion during spare time at home by mail. Mark with an "X" below the kind of position for which you wish to qualify. We will send full information about the course and service and our convenientpaymentplan. Alsoour valuable book for ambitious men, "Ten Years' Promotion in One." Take the first step to bigger pay by mailing the coupon now. □ HIGHER ACCOUNTANCY: Training for positions as Auditors, Comptrollers, Certified Public Accountants, Cost Accountants, etc. □ BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: Training for Official, JVlanagerial, Sales and Executive Positions. □TRAFFIC MANAGEMENTFOREIGN AND DOMESTIC: Training for positions as Railroad and Industrial Traffic Managers etc. □ LAW: Training for Bar; LL. B. Degree. □ COMMERCIAL LAW: Reading, Reference and Consultation Service for Business Men. □ PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY: Training for Production Managers. Department Heads, and all those desiring training in the 48 factors of efficiency, □ BUSINESS LETTER WRITING: Training for positions as Correspondents, Mail Sales Directors, and all executive letter-writing positions. □ BANKING AND FINANCE: Training for executive positions in Banks and Financial Institutions. □ BUSINESS ENGLISH: Training for Business Correspondents and Copy Writers. □ COMMERCIAL SPANISH: Training for positions as Foreign Correspondent with Spanish-speaking countries. □ EXPERT BOOKKEEPING: Training for position of Head Bookkeeper. □ EFFECTIVE PUBLIC SPEAKING: Training in the art of forceful, effective speech for Ministers, Salesmen. Frater . nal Leaders. Politicians, Clubmen, etc. □ C. P. A. COACHING FOR ADVANCED ACCOUNTANTS: Prepares for State Board and Institute Examinations, LaSalle Extension University *'The Largest Business Training Institution in the World" Dept. b,}02-R Chicago, IlUnois [Name] [Present Position] " [Address] 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL and freight prepaid on any "RANGER" bicycle. Write at once for our big catalog and special offers. Select from 44 styles, colors and sizes in the "RANGER" line, EASY PAYMENTS if desired, at a small advance over our Special Factory-lo-Rider cash prices. You cannot afford to buy without getting our latest propositions and FactorytoRider prices. Boysv be a "Rider Agent" and make big money taking orders for bicycles and supplies. Get our liberal terma on a sample to introduce the new "RANGER". Tires, equipment, sundries and everything in the bicycle line at half usual price 8. Writp tofiat/. IICAnCYCLE COMPANY In CHU Dept. A-40, Chicago Ranger Eioctrie Llghtott MotorbikO Every Advertisement in Photoplay is Guaranteed, not only by the Advertiser, but by the Publisher CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING rxrv. Rate 35cents per word IK tm pseiKKa' J U M;l, ff^mwt^rmf\'^nrih^nWc\nHWE All Advertisements have equal display and same good opportunities for big results. ^::UvUU;U.U'U;U PH0IDBl3»y This Section Pays. 85% of the advertisers using this section during the past year have repeated their copy. U U U U:UiJjyiJi|JiJ,:ii(ij FORMS FOR AUGUST ISSUE CLOSE JUNE FIRST HELP WANTED WOKK FOB YOUR GOVERNMENT. HUNTtREDS meii — women. 18 up. wanted imiinediately. Pleasant woik. Commence $100 month. Experience unnecessary. Excellent list positions open — free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. S-203. Rochester, N. Y. WOMEN TO SEW. GOODS SENT PREPAID TO your door: plain sewing: steady work; no canvassing. Send stamped envelope for prices paid. Universal Co.. Dept. 21. Pliiladelphia. Pa. BE A DETECTIVE— E.\RN BIG MONEY: EASY work: write Wagner. 186 East 7 9th St.. New York, Dept. 585. HELP WANTED TO TINT PHOTOGRAPHS. TURN spare time into money. Kxperience unnecessary. Fascinating work, easy to learn. Write: liedkrafts, Dept. 21H, Denver. Colo. IHETECTnTES EARN BIG MONKEY. TRAVEL Excellent lopportunity. Write .Johnson's Detective School. 23 2 Sheldon Ave., Grand Rapids. Mich.. Desk 41. WOMEN WANTED. BECO.ME DREISS DESIGNers. $125 month. Fascinating. Sample lessons free. Write immediately, Franklin Institute. Dept. R-8 6 6. Rochester. N. Y. RAILWAY TRAFFIC INSPECTORS EL4BN FROM $110 to $200 i>er month and expenses. Travel it desired. Unllmitad advancement. No age limit. We train you. Positions fuml3he<I under guarantee. Write for Booklet 011-2 6. Standard Business Training Institute, Buffalo. N Y. AGENTS AND SALESMEN TELL THE KEADEBS OF PHOTOPLAY WHAT yod liave of interest to tlieni. You can reacli liiem at a very small cost through an advertisement in tlie classified section. 85% of the advertisers using this sci'tion during the past year have repeated. The section is read ant! Ijrings results. $40 TO $100 A WEEK. FREE SAMPLES. GOLD Sigii Letters anyone can put on windows. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co.. 431 -K N. Clark, Chicago. SALESMEN— CITY OB TRAVELLING. EXPEBI eiice uiHiecessary. Send for list of lines and full particulars. Prepare in spare time to earn the big salaries— $1,5 0 0 t(, $10,000 a year. Employment services rendered Members. National Salesmen's TrainIng Assoolatioh. Dept. 138-G, Chicago, 111. ■ INSYDE TIRES— INNER AR.MOR FOR AUTOMO blle tires; prevent punctures and blowouts: double tire iDileage. Liberal profits. Details free." American Accessories Co.. Cincinnati. Ohio, Dept, 129. EXTRA MONEY for YOU We pay surprisingly hieh pricesfor old watches, diamonds, platinum, old or broken jewelry, old gold, silver, magneto points, old false teeth, war bonds and stamps — anything of value. Send them to us today. Cash by return mail. Goods returned if you're not satisfied. THE OHIO SMELTING & REHNING CO. 204 Lennox BIdg. Cleveland, Ohio arn'35to100aWei BECOME A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Big Opportunities NOW. Qualify for this fascinating profession. Three months' course covers all branches: Motion Picture — Commercial — Portraiture Cameras and Materials Fui nis)ied FRF.F. Practical instruction; modern equipment. Day or evening classes; easy terms. The .school of recognized superiority. Callor write tor catalog No. 37. N. Y. INSTITUTE of PHOTOCRAPHY 141 W. 36lh Si., New York 505 Stale St.. Brooklyn AGEJSTS— TO TRAVEL BY AUTOMOBILE INTROducing our big line of fast summer sellers. The greatest line on earth. Make $10 a day easy. Coml)lele outfit and automobile furnisheti to workers. Write at once for exclusive territory, Am^rioaa Products Co., 2358 Araeilcan Bldg.. Cincinnati. O. IHOTION PICTURE BUSINESS $35.00 PROFIT NIGHTLY. SMALL CAPITAL starts you. No experience needed. Our machines are used and endorsed by goyernment institutions. Catalog free. Atlas Moving Picture Company. 438 Morton Bldg., Chicago, FILMS FOR SAUO: ONE MIIJ.ION FEET, ALL makes, lengths and varieties $4.00 per reel and up. Send for list. Featuire Film Company. Loeb Arcade, Miinieapolis. olC coins wanted watch your change. have you a nickel nf 1912 with S Mint? We will pay lOo for it. This is one of thousands of coins we pay high cash premiums for. Some as late as 1916. It will pay you to get iK>sted. Send 4c for large Illustrated Coin Circular. Send now. Numismatic Bank, Dept.-75, FVirt Worth. Texas. COLLECT OLD COINS FOR PLBASUKE AND profit. Send only lOe. Get large old U. S. Copper cent, nearly size of half-dollar, and illustrated coin catalogue. Send now, B, Max Mehl, Coin Dealer, Dept. P, Mehl Building, Fort Worth, Texas, PATENTS PATENTS. WRITE FOR FREE GUIDE BOOK and Evidence of Conception Uliink. Send model or sketch for opinion of its patentable nature. Highest References. Prompt Attention, Reasonable Terms, Victor .1, Evans & Co.. 763 Ninth. Washington, D. C. PATENTS— SENT) FOR FREE BOOK, CONTAINS valuable informatkHi for inventors. Send sketch of your invention for Free Opinion of its patentable nature. Prompt service, (Twenty years' experience,) Talbert & Talbert, 4724 Talbert Bldg., Washington, D, C, MISCELLANEOUS TELL THE READER.S OF PHOTOPLAY WHAT vou have of interest to theui. Ynu can reach them at a very small cost through an advertisement In the cla.>^sified section. 85% of the advertisers using tbia .section during the past year have repeated. Tile section is read and brings results. Learn How to Write Short Stories JeS^ofs&rt'^ |f stories, photoplays and feature articles. You can learn how to write at home in Bpare time, lack London said so. He and other g^reat writers have en* dorsed oor home atady course. Course is fasciofttioir ffnd takes only a few of your spare hoursiUfi^a fnr frAA hnnk ^"d details of our Limited IntroWirilt: lUr irCC UUUn ductor^ offer. No obligatione. Hoosrer Institute, S. S. Dept At53 Ft. Wayne, Ind. Be a "Movie" Photographer Earn $50 to $200 Weekly Fascinating work taking you to all parts of the world E. BRUNEI COLLEGE OF PHOTOGRAPHY (No connection with any other school 1269Broadway,N.Y. Day or ni(?hl classes. 3 months' course complete instruction In General Photography and Motion Pictures operating standard cameras. Expert instructors. Installments taken. Emile Brunei operates 20 studios in New York, ('hicago. Boston, Phi la delphia. Detroit, PittsburRh. Call or send today for Booklet P. ,JOSr WHAT ON SEA FARM\ YOU WANT OR RANCH 272fEET LONG ONLY 99 Cents ACHROMATIC TELESCOPE MADE UPON NEW SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. Positively sucU a good Telescope was never sold for tbis price before. Eastern Telescopes aro made hy one of the largest manufacturers of telescopes in America; we control entire production; measure closed 8 Indies and open over 21/2 feet m 4 sections. TI)ey are nicely brass bound, witU eeientlflcally ground lenses. Guaranteed hy the maker. Every sojournor in tlie country or at the seaside resorts should certainly secure one of these instruments, and no farmer should be wlUiout one. The scenery Just now is beautiful. A Telescope will aid you in taking views. Objects are brought to view with astonishing clearness. Sent by mail or e.vpress, safely packed, prepaid, for only 99 cents. Our new Catalogue of Watchei. etc., sent with each order. This Is a grand offer and you should not miss it. We warrant each telescope just as represented or money refunded. Send 99 cents today. To dealers 6 for Four Dollars. EASTERN NOVELTY CO., DEPT. 73 172 E. 93d STREET, NEW YORK. Every advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAG-^ZIXE is guaranteed.