Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1920)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advektising Section ^m/nmidck 75 Arflier I'e A great welcome for Brunswick Records Mui'ic lovers overwhelm us with orders. Tremendous eagerness shown for this latest Brunsiuick Triumph HARDLY had Brunswick records been announced than orders came in from all parts of the country — an avalanche of orders. We had planned and made preparations for what we considered a very large production. But the instant approval and the enormous demand compelled us to greatly increase our production facilities. This reception of Brunswick Records has created a sensation in the phonograph world. No welcome could be more sincere — nothing could prove more certainly the place of the House of Brirnswick in the hearts of the people. Something different in records JUST as we brought advancements in phonographs when we introduced The Brunswick several years ago, so do we again contribute to better music through improvements in recording. We come with Brunswick Records at a time when reproduction seems to have reached perfection. But you will quickly appreciate the betterments. We felt 'midst all the wonderful advance of modern recording, that there was still a final development, one that would bring complete synchronization. The outcome is remarkable. It brings hidden beauty, magnetic personality. It brings life into phonographic music that might otherwise be mechanical. Pictured here are some of our great artists — famous the world over. Their selections on Brunswick Records set new standards. Hitherto hidden qualities are now brought out sympathetically. Each Brunswick Record is interpreted by a noted director or an accomplished artist technically trained in the art of recording. Thus we bring that rare charm into Brunswick renditions which you will recognize instantly. We invite you to join the thousands of critical music lovers now judging Brunswick Records. Hear them. Make comparisons. Note their superiority. ° We're sure you'll want to add many Brunswick selections to your collection of records. Elias Bree8kiii I [ Violinist i\ Remember, Brunstvick recitrds can he played on anil phonograph with steel or fibre needle. IHE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER COMPANY General Offices: 623-633 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago Branch Houses in Principal Cities of United Slates, Mexico and Canada Canadian Distributors: Musical Merchandise Sales Co., S19Yonge St., Toronto When you write to adreitiscrs please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.