Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1922)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section The Shadow Stage (Continued from page 55) YOUR BEST FRIEND— Warner Bros. MOTHER MACHREE in Jewish. West End Avenue and Avenue A, brought close together in a drama that is crowded with heart interest and human sympathy. If the types are overdrawn, if light and shade are too much intensified, these are minor faults and can be overlooked because of the unusually splendid work of Vera Gordon and Dore Davidson. A family film, but almost too poignant to be popular. MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME— Pyramid USUALLY when you can't think of anything else to say about a picture you say it's good and clean. Providing, of course, that it really is. This one's as upright as a piano. You catch yourself wishing that one of the characters beside the villain, who is of the deepest dye, would do something rather irregular. Monte Blue and Lucy Foxe provide human interest. And it gives the orchestra a chance to play "My Old Kentucky Home" at least eight times. THE FIGHTING STREAK— Fox ONE of those gentle bad men. A lamb, when managed right, but when he's aroused — whew! All about a saloon fight, and a fight in a shack, and a fight on the edge of a cliff. Also many energetic escapes out of back windows and over sloping roofs and across balconies. Tom Mix in his shiny boots with Patsy Ruth Miller for his new leading lady. A fair family western. DONT WRITE LETTERS— Metro HOW many people have, too late, discovered the truth of those three fatal words ! Bobby Jenks did when his division returned from France and he found out that his letters — written in moments of loneliness and heart-hunger — had built an intangible barrier between him and the girl he loved. A human little story for the whole family, despite its insipid quality. Gareth Hughes is starred. THE MAN FROM BEYOND— Houdini Pictures Corp. JULES VERNE, H. G. Wells (before he •J wrote Outlines) and Arabian Nights. All made into an impossible tale about a man who comes to life after being frozen into a cake of ice for a mere matter of a hundred years. Real excitement created without the use of doubles — a rescue on the brink of Niagara Falls, and an escape from an insane asylum. Different — and a thriller. SECOND HAND ROSE— Universal ANOTHER Yiddish number for the monthly program, with Gladys Walton— whose tip-tilted nose limits her, racially— playing the part of an Irish adopted daughter. A simple and rather appealing story of a brother who almost goes wrong, and a girl's near sacrifice, and a shipping clerk beau. All served up in such a wholesome way that no one's digestion will be impaired. Not so bad — not so good. BVD'Underwear is Identified by This Red Woven Label MADE FOR THE BVD BEST RETAIL TRADE (Trade Mark Reg US Pal Off an J Foreign Cwnlries) No Underwear is "BV.D'Without It HlMMIlMHHMIMBHHNHwniHIBW %^J *"*": I ^lTie BVDJRed Woven Label is ihe Trade Mark by which The BVD. Company assures you the far-famed comfort, lond wear and dependable quality of its product. The BVD. Company NewVbrk. SOLE MANUFACTUOERS OF "DV.D." UNDER.WEAR) J "B.V.D" Sleeveless Closed Crotch Union Suits (Pat. U.S. A.)Men' s $ 1 .50 the suit. Youths' $1.00 the suit. " B.V. D." Coat Cut Undershirts and Knee Length Drawers, 85c the garment. 12,500 I UNIQUE LITTLE BUST/ I^S OF "'" GIVEN AWAY |§ Here at last is a beautiful little work of Art, ideal for mantel or piano, that is indeed a fittin-r tribute to the memory of the incomparable I'UU'SO 12,500 of theae unique little Ivory Finish busts of the (Treat tenor are to be GIVEN AWAY bv us each month! One of them will be YOURS, absolutely without cost — merely for the asking. Our attractive 5x7" Art Wall Plaque, portraying a bas-relief and fac-simile autograph „f ENRICO CARUSO costs . but 91,. tit this time. Our offer is this: Clip this ad, acnd your name and only 08c for this Caruso Art Wall Plaque and we will ALSO send you, absolule'y free— charges paid. one of these little De Luxe Caruso busts. This generous offer is limited to 12.500 busts. Many more will want foil will be SURE of yours if you act quicklySend at once, write us to-day! MODERN ARTS COMPANY, Dent. tOO. 296 Broadway, SEW YORK California Bungalow Books 'Home Kraft" and "Draughtsman" each contain Bungalows and Two Stories. "Plan Kraft" Two Stories. "Kozy Homes" Bungalows. $1.00 each— all four for $3.00. De Luxe Flats $1.00. DE LUXE BUILDING CO. 524 Union League Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. £tudy Chirop THE greatest drugless science of the age. You are not too old to learn. You can bring health to thousands and become independent by joining the classes ot the 3,000 now here in spacious classrooms Write for literature giving cost, course and advantages. The day you write means the upward turn in your life. Don't delay, write today to Tifr Palmer cSSSkSS™ at Chiropractic Fountain Head 802 Brady Street DAVENPORT, IOWA We Havo No Branch Nor Affiliated Schools When you write to advertisers please mention TIIOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.