Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1922)

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io6 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Beautiful Hair The Secret of Attraction VOU have often wondered why some xfolksaremore attractive than others. You have often heard remarked "How beautiful she is" or "What a handsome man." Yet have you ever stopped toconsiderthecause? Well dressed hair with that soft, glossy, well groomed appearance adds charm and attraction so becoming to stars of the stage and screen. HERMO "HAIR-LUSTR" KEEPS THE HAIR DRESSED FOR MEN-WOMEN— CHILDREN Dress yoar hair in any style and a few drops of Hermo 'Hair Lustr" will keep it well dressed. The most stubborn hair is easily dreased with Hermo even after shampooing. Dainty women and careful men are never without it, because itaida to smart appearance-excites admiration— adds beauty and life to the hair. GREASELESS AND STAINLESS GUARANTEED absolutely harmless. A few drops of Hermo Hair Lustr" used daily will complete your toilet. S1.00 size contains 6 months' supply. We will send either size direct prepaid upoi receipt of price. Use it 5 days— if not entirely satisfied return it your money will be promptly _ _ refunded. We know you will be de.f '1 SOc lighted. Send for a bottle Today. ', !' , ftfl HERMO COMPANY NH c:'" 642 E. 63rd Street ^sT^ Dept. 67 <& Chicago, III. ^' Face Powder *»V The charm of Lablache becomes more apparent by constant use. For fifty years a favorite — making new friends — clinging to all. So natural— it becomes, delights, and protects the complexion. Fashion's favorite, because pure, safe, economical elusively fragrant. Refuse Substitutes They may be dangerous. Flesh White. I'ink or Cream. 50c. a box of druggists if by mail. Over two million boxes sold annually. Send 10c. for a sample box. BEN. LEVY CO. French Perfumers, Dept. 125 Kingston St., Boston, Mass. Ford Given Can you count thi. cluls? Lots of fun. Try . it. Send us your a • I swer and become member of • LUXURIOUS SEDAN The Wonderful ALLYEAR CAR — Electric STARTER and LIGHTS — Orlre Your 0«n Car Aschoolg dan!Other ^^ MrewntljwonAute valuable prizes and hundreds of dollars in Cash given. Every* body Wins! So easy you will be surprised. We've given away y Autos. Why not ^you?^ Send your r today. many Anlos. Why notyouf bend your answer looay. Ford WHlson,Mer,141 W.Ohio St. Dept, 2391, Chicago, III, STUDY AT HOME Become a lawyer. Legally rained men win high positions nd bis success in business nd public life. Greater opportunities now than ever before. Be independent— be a leader. .OOO to SiO.OOO Annually „, by atep. You can train at home during Bpare time. Let us send you records and tetters from LaSalle students admitted to thu bar in various Kites. Money refunded according to our Guarantee nd If dissatisfied. Degree of LL. B. conferred. Thousands of successful students enrolled. Low cost, easy terms. We furnish all text material, including fourteen-votume Law Library. Get our valuable 120-page "Law Guide" and "Evidence" booke FREE. Send for them-NT)W. LaSalle Extension University* Dept. 7302-L, Chicago Questions and Answers (Continued from page q8) Polly. — Wally Reid is the husband of Dorothy Davenport. They have a little boy, William Wallace, better known as Bill, in Beverly Hills. Beverly Hills is a beautiful suburb of Los Angeles, where the more prosperous film folk have built their mansions next door to those of the wealthy first families. Others who live there are Bill Hart and his bride, the William Desmonds, the Fairbankses, Polly Frederick. You are, I am sure, more than welcome. I might even urge you to come again. Edith Dumbbell, Norton, Conn. — I know many dumbbells, but few who admit it. My congratulations. The fact that you call yourself a dumbbell raises you from the dumbbell class. Forrest Stanley was born in New York City just about thirty years ago. He was in stock for some years. His screen career began with the Morosco picture, called "Kilemny." He is six feet tall, weighs 174 pounds, has blond hair and blue grey eyes. Married. Marilynn. — Yes, yes — your Rodolph was a professional dancer before he went on the screen. His former wife, Jean Acker, has black hair and brown eyes. Mae, New Orleans. — I wouldn't say that Valentino was the handsomest man in the world because I haven't seen them all, and besides, I am not a very good judge. I am always jealous because I haven't shiny black hair and soulful eyes. Harrison Ford in "The Primitive Lover." Ford collects first editions; that's a good hobby. It'd be mine if I could afford it. Since I can't, I collect canes. I have many canes, some of them very fine specimens. Dorothy, Texas. — May Allison has gone to Porto Rico to make pictures. Her husband, Bob Ellis, went with her to be her leading man. Mabel Normand's latest picture, not yet released, is "Suzanne." Ella Hall evidently has retired from pictures. She is married to Emory Johnson and has a small son. Marian. — Alan Hale is married to Gretchen Hartman. They have a baby boy, a few months old. Mrs. Hale was starred by Fox as Sonia Markova. Hale has done splendid work lately in "A Doll's House" with Nazimova. He is playing Little John now, with Douglas Fairbanks, in the spectacular production of "Robin Hood." That should be a great picture. your nicer were very Nadine Kenyon, Tacoma. — Bless heart, I don't know when I've read a letter. You wish your small son more like me. You make me feel unworthy when you say that. Of course it is a small son's prerogative to ask questions and not answer them. I was a small son myself once, away back. Mary Pickford is not thirty-five. She is twenty-nine. Mary, just for fun, donned a medieval costume and played an extra in a mob scene in Doug's picture, "Robin Hood." See if you can pick her out of the crowd. Please write to me again soon. My best to the bambino. Winifred, Flushing, L. I. — There have been three "Little Ministers" made into celluloids. The first for Vitagraph years ago, directed by James Young, and starring Clara Kimball Young. The current year brought two more Lady Babbies to the screen. ~ Betty Compson, supervised by Penrhyn Stanlaws for Paramount, and Alice Calhoun, directed by David Smith for Vitagraph. They were all good pictures. I don't know right now where "The Beggar Maid" is playing in your vicinity, but I'll try to find out and I'll drop you a line. Awfully glad you like us, Winifred. We strive to please, are advertised by our loving friends, and all that. Honestly, I'm tickled to death to have found such a good friend. Mrs. J. W. P., Richmond.— Madge Bellamy is indeed one of the most promising of the younger screen actresses. Note how highbrow I am becoming? Indeeds, etc., every other word, b'gosh! Yes, she hails from Texas. She is under contract to Thomas H. Ince and has appeared only in his films. Her biggest role so far is Lorna Doone in Maurice Tourneur's picturization of the famous story. Madge isn't married. She lives with her mother, studies hard, and is a very sweet child, according to everyone who knows her. Frank M., Cambridge. — Cleo Madison is not playing in Rex Ingram's new version of "Black Orchids." The "part originally taken by Miss Madison is now being interpreted by Barbara La Marr. Florence Deshon is dead. She committed suicide in New York. She was a splendid actress, and had contributed many fine characterizaions to the screen. Ruth Stonehouse was with Metro last. She obtained a divorce from Joe Roach. P. F., New Rochelle. — You spell it Reid, not Reed. Address Wallace at the Lasky Studios. He is making pictures right along. The only way you can get his autographed photograph is to write to him and ask him for it, enclosing twenty-five cents to cover cost of mailing. I can't get one for you. Or if I did, most of my friends would become my enemies, saying, "You never got me a photograph of anybody, though I asked you time and again." Etc., ad infinitum. Constance and Bebe Admirers. — Miss Talmadge will probably have her divorce by the time you read this. Miss Daniels never has been married so I can't very well inform you when her divorce case is tried. Thomas Meighan is married to Frances Ring, former musical comedy and vaudeville star. They are one of the most devoted couples in filmdom. Mrs. Meighan is a very delightful lady and very attractive, too. Tom is mighty proud of her. Meighan is doing George Ade stories now: "Our Leading Citizen" and "Back Home and Broke." The Irish star and the Hoosier humorist are very good friends, and Tom recently went to visit Ade at his home at Brook, Indiana, to get the author's ideas on the filming of his famous yarns. W. B., Nashville. — So even the teachers at your boarding school approve of Signor Valentino. For heaven's sake ! That certainly makes it unanimous. Glad I, too, am popular at your school. We great men! Ah me! Don't be afraid to write to me. I'm not so awful, am I? I admit it must be funny to have to address me as Questions and Answers, as if I were turns or something. But I can't give you my real name, because if .1 did, you'd be disappointed. It isn't a grand name like Rodolph Valentino. It's a very commonplace, everyday, sensible name. No — it is best I keep it a secret. Besides, that's one of the rules. (Continued on page 121) Every advertisement in riTOTOrr.AY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.