Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1922)

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I 12 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section c4ta£st/ All Che Beauty and Charm of OBBED HAIR is Voters Without Cutting Your Own Hair lashion Decrees Bobbed Hair *0&tional ffiob VJ Patented VJ-^ X— > Patented —gives you the beautiful desired effect of Bobbed Hair without cutting off your own precious hair or ruining it by curling or burning. If your hair is already cut and you want it to grow without any unpleasant annoyance, wear a National Bob. Blends perfectly with your own hair. Positively cannot be detected. Just a moment — on ana off. HOW TO ORDER ith $10.00. Artificial $ -1 501 Eye-Lashes X pr.l Simply send __ "Bob" willbe shipped ... ■end strand of hair alone and pay postman. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Send for FREE catalogue. National Hair Nets Ask your dealer or send 65 cents for Boudoir Box of 6 Guaranteed perfec. extra size. Real Human hair! State color and style leap or fringej. NATIONAL HAIR GOODS COMPANY Dept. 77 386 Sixth Avenue, New York SECRETS REVEALED SILL YOV1? DRAWINGS . iSrVOOWotSOO?0 ^A /OU can leam-quickly, » ^ I easily— from this Book,\ 4 *£-p>Sw, I simple secrets which bring\ success to the highest -paid | commercial artists. The only^ its kind ever publishe " the very methods u; 8 by hundreds ol "star" artists.' 5 "TRICKS OF THE TRADE" s tells how to make commercial S drawings that bring high prices. S In five vital chapters, devoted to ; : Conception of Merchandise,; E Composition and Layout, Color : H Values, Reproduction Values, ! H Selling Commercial Art. Con: = tains a selected list of 5,000 adver= tisers who buy commercial art. : H This list cost thousands to com: 5 pile. It, alone, is worth ten times : s the price to any man, woman, : 5 boy or girl who wants to draw ■ 5 and sell work. Get this Book and [ = earn money now! Price postpaid, : = $1.00. C. O.D.,$1.10 ARTISTS1' PUBLISHING CO. 1512 Mailers' Building. Chicago. 111. An Easy Way to Remove Dandruff If you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. The best way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it. To do this, just apply a little Liquid Arvon at night before retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp, and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most, if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications should completely remove every sign and trace of it. You will find, too, that all itching of the scalp will stop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times better. You can get Liquid Arvon at any drug store. A fourounce bottle is usually all that is needed. The R. L. Watkins Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Also in one of the pictures wherein a gentleman sat gazing into a grate fire, there appeared for a moment just above him a large reproduction of a young lady standing in a garden, — which proved that two entirely distinct photographs had been somehow confused. Obviously this new invention of animated photography has by no means been perfected. And this, sir, is what you recommend to your readers as a means of recreation and relaxation ! I am, my dear sir, your obedient servant, Horatio F. X. Hicgenbotham, B. S., M. A., Ph. D. Madame Manhattan (Concluded from page 42 ) a tense, sick pang of longing for — New York. Fifth Avenue on a spring day. The scurry amid the snow for a taxi, under the lights of Broadway, after the theater. The splendid, jagged skyline against the background of fleecy clouds. New York. She breathed it. Her voice was the voice of New York itself. She is what she is — a product of that great melting pot. "I had a lot of Latin ancestors of one kind and another," remarked Miss Naldi, "but I was born in New York." Then it was easier still to place her. And I found I was right. On the end, front row, in the Winter Garden — the Midnight Frolic. "It's all right out here," she said, "but I've got a kid sister back in New York. She's all the family I have and I'm all she's got. I take care of her. I hate being away. You know how it is." She left the chorus to p!ay opposite Owen Moore and Eugene O'Brien, and she was in "Experience" last year. Since she arrived and has worked under Fred Niblo, there has been much talk of a big future for her. They are calling her the female Rodolph Valentino. "She's the most interesting personality I've seen in some time," June Mathis, the famous scenario writer, said to me, "I'd love to write for her." Motion Picture Axioms No pure girl can hold a job because of the unwelcome advances of her employer. All lady's maids look like Ziegfeld Follies girls. All houses in the country are dependent for their water-supply on an old-fashioned rustic well at which the daughter of the house spends most of her time. No house ever catches fire that some young lady in a kimono is not overcome by smoke in a room on the top story. All ladies wake up in the morning with their make-up in perfect condition, and without a single lock of their immaculate coiffure disarranged. All chauffeurs and taxi-drivers wear snappy new uniforms, and salute every time they are spoken to. Men convalescent from surgical operations invariably have their heads swathed in bandages. Do Men Think of You as " Star-Eyes?" You can have expressive eyes, with long dark lashes instantly with LIQUID LASHLUX. Applied with a tiny glass rod, it beads the lashes and makes them appear thicker and longer. Moisture does not affect Liquid Lashlux— it will not run or smear even after swimming. Absolutely harmless. At night apply Colorless Lashlux Cream to keep your lashes soft and promote their growth. Liquid Lashlux (black or brown), 75c, Cream (black, brown or colorless), 50c, at Drug and Dept. Stores or by mail. Send 10c for a generous sample of the new Liquid Lashlux, ROSS COMPANY 73 Grand Street New York LASHLUX means luxuriant lashes CASH VALUE $165. 30 DAYS TRIAL Genuine blue-white perfect cut diamonds now sold direct to you by DIAMOND IMPORTERS at wholesale prices on credit at 40% discount. 18Kt. solid, white, Roldririfr included free, V\ carat only $49.00; % carat $147.00; 1 carat $195.00. If satisfied, pay H down and balance in 10 monthly payments. We guarantee, to please you or refund your money. Order direct from this ad. or write for 128-page bargain catalog of other jewelry $1,000,000 and 43 years experience back our guarantees NASSAU STREET a 466. NEWVORK h Your skin can be quickly cleared of Pimples, Blackheads, Acne Eruptions oh the face or body— Enlarged Pores, Oily or Shiny Skin. Clear-Tone has been Tried, Tested and Proven i merits in over 100,000 test cases. {IT "E* WEITE TODAY for my "If* P* i^reeBooklet— "ACleabJLdlBLdi Tone Skin" — telling how I cured myself after being afflicted fif teenyears. E. S. GIVEN S, 139 Chemical Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. Reduce Your Flesh in Spots Arms Legs Bust Double Chin in fact the entire body or any part without dieting by wearing DR. WALTER'S Medicated Reducing RUBBER GARMENTS Bust Reducer, $6.00 Chin Reducer, $2.50 Anklets for Reducing and Shaping die Ankles, $7.00 per pair. Extra High, $9.00 Send ankle meaiurtment when ordering. Send for illustrated Booklet DR. JEANNE P. H. WALTER 353 Fifth Ave., New York Every advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.