Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1922)

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n8 DIAMONDS \VAtCHES_ Genuine Diamonds GUARANTEED PRICES ARE DOWN i We invite comparisons. You will be convinced that you can do better with LOFTIS. Our IMMENSE BUYING POWER for our Chain of Stores an our large Mail Order House enables us to make lower prices than sm all concerns . SEND FOR FREE CATALOG Everything explained Over 2.000 illustrations of Diamond-set Jewel Pearls. Watches, etc Any article sent prepaid for Free Examination. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. BARGAINS Selected from our "Al Best Sellers. " Diamonds are dazzling, blue white, perfect cut. Mountings are all Solid Gold. Furnished at 'es given, and up to ny pnc Order by Numbei DIAMOND RINGS: 1-Whlte Gold, J100. 2Yellow Gold. {50. 3White Gold, or Green Gold with White Gold prongs $75. 4-Green Gold. Diamond set In White Gold. $60. S-White Gold 176. 6-WEDDING BING: Platinum, $26: Green or Yellow Gold. $10. 7-WATCH: 17-J., gold filled, guaranteed 26 years. S27.5U* 8-WRIST WATCH: White Gold, 15-J., $32.50. nnrniT T C D M S ■ One-fifth down, balance divided Into vKLUII ICItmO. equal payments within eight months. THE OLD RELIABLE ORIGINAL CREDIT JEWELERS DEPT. B-502 ■ 108 N. State St., Chicago. III. ESS BROS & CO. 1858 Stores in Leading Cities I r»..i..i— n.<~. i^*wn i ■■ ■*■ ** ' I0FT1S Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Typical Casts of American PhotO'Dramas (Concluded from page 74) The High-Life-Society Film One Stutz Bearcat Three Limousines, with special bodies Twelve Butlers, with bushy side-burns and stiff joints Four French Maids, with high-heeled satin pumps, silk stockings, and lace caps Three Japanese Valets, two in native costume Four Chauffeurs, in livery, black leather puttees, brass buttons, infantry caps, and fancy gauntlets Eight Footmen , with gold-braided uniforms, shakos, epaulets, and spurs A Soclety Matron, with arched eyebrows, a diamond tiara and a lorgnette Her Husband, a millionaire financier Their Daughter, a coy and pouting debutante, bristling with pep Eddie, a no-account younger brother, given to gambling and midnight suppers. The Business Partner, a smooth, unprincipled bachelor, with a waxed moustache and enormous boutonnierre, who woos the daughter with suave and masterly technique The Secretary, a highly moral and handsome young man, who dresses nattily and is good to his old mother Eighty "Extras," in evening clothes, every woman with a lorgnette, and every man with white gloves (The principal action is laid in a ball-room the size of a hippodrome.) Don't Envy Beautiful Ankles — Have Them! You need no longer envy beauty of ankle line. BONNE FORME makes BEAUTIFUL ANKLES. Worn at night BONNE FORME gives definite rest and comfort to tired, aching feet and ankles. BONNE FORME SHAPES YOUR ANKLES to the CORRECT LINES. Write for our free illustrated booklet and learn what famous stars like Marion Davies and Doris Kenyon, who have used BONNE FORME, say. Better yet, just slip $5.00 in an envelope and we will send BONNE FORME postpaid by return mail. Order by mail. L. R. TAYLOR CORPORATION Dept. M-5 18 W. 34th Street — New York City MUE MONEY AT HONE VOU can earn from $1 to $2 an hour in your * spare time writing show card*. Quickly and easily learned by our new, simple "Instructograph" method. No canvassing or soliciting; we teach you how, guarantee you steady work at home no matter where you live, and pay you cash each week. Full particulars and Booklet free AMERICAN SHOW CARD SCHOOL 210Ryrie Building Toronto, Can. Thompsons EYE WATER strengthens weak. Inflamed eyes, and Is an ideal eye wash. Good since 1795. Keep your eyes well and they will help keep you. Off ft At All Druggists or sent by «*«**» mall upon receipt of price. Writ* for our Booklet It Is FREE JOHN L. THOMPSON SONS & CO. 183 River St., Troy, N. Y. The Footlights-Broadway Film Mary Purdy, a sweet and innocent New England maiden, who has run away from home to go on the stage Mark Abrams, a great musical-comedy impresario, with a fur-collared overcoat, spats, high silk hat, and a gold-headed stick, who the moment he beholds Mary, is completely staggered and bowled over by her simple rustic beauty Gus Farrady, Wall Street magnate and theatrical "angel," with a double chin and a faqade, who is also stunned by Mary's superlative country charms Flo Latour, a hard-boiled chorus lady and "friend" of Gus's, who lives at the Bijou Apartments, and tells Mary that the stage is a rotten place for a sweet young thing like her "Papa" Grundy, a childish old man who is the stage-door keeper at the theater where Mary is playing, and who shakes his head sadly when he sees Gus trying to force a priceless string of pearls upon Mary Albert, a noble young millionaire with ideals, from Mary's home town, who, from his seat in the stage box, observes immediately that Mary is "not that kind of a girl" Two Hundred "Extras," dressed up like an audience (The principal action is the struggle which takes place in Mary's conscience.) Filming the Atom A FILM entitled, "Beyond the Microscope," prepared by the General Electric Research Laboratories at Schenectady, N. Y., of a scientific nature, presents most interestingly the action of the atom. To give a clear idea of the subject, the principle of the animated cartoon has been called into service. The result is a surprisingly plain explanation of the motion of two atoms — the simplest in composition known to physicists. nde M^ybeCline "FASCINATION" There is nothing so fascinating as large, beautiful, expressive eyes. Any eyes may be instantly beautified by applying which darkens and beautifies the eyelashes and eyebrows, making them appear naturally long, thick and luxurious. Instantly and unfailingly the eyes will appear larger, deeper and more brilliant. "MAYBELLINE" is unlike other preparations, it is absolutely harmless and greaseless, will not spread or " smear on the face. Used by beautiful girls and women throughout the \ world. Each dainty purple and gold b_ix contains brush and mirror. Two shades. Brown for lllortds. Black for Brunette*. 75c AT YOUR DEALER'S or direct from us postpaid. Accept ONLY genuine "M AYRELLINE" and your satisfaction is assured or price refunded. , Tear out this ad now as a reminder. MAYBELL1NE CO. 4750-S2 Sheridan Road Chicago gg^Sg L The Photodramatist "The Scenario Writer's Magazine" Published it the center of motion picture production. The PHOTODRAMATiSTcontainsexclusive articlesbynotablescreen authors. Itisinstructive, inspirational, authoritative — the only publication of its kind in America. It is distinguished by recognition given it by the accredited organization of nationally known scenarists. Talks by H H. Van Loan and a special department devoted to the Screen Writers' Guild of the Authors' League of America, are exclusive monthly features. Regular price, $2.50 yearly, but $1 sent with this advertisement enters your subscription for six months. Sample copy 25 cents. PHOTODRAMATIST PUBLISHING CO , INC. Suite 620, 411 So. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. .. j... ».;■■! "Don't Shout" "I hear you. I can hear now as well as anybody. 'How-? Wilh the MORLEY PHONE. I've a pair in my ears now, but they are invisible. ( 1 would not know I had them in, myself, only that I hear all right. The M0RIEY PHONE for the DEAF is to the ears what glasses are to the eyes, visible, comfortable, weightless and harmless. Anyone can adjust il. Over 100,000 sold. Write for booklet and testimonials, THE MORLEY CO., Dept.789, 26 S. 1 5th St. Phila. Every advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is ffiia.rant.rm1.