Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1922)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Questions and Answers J2I (Continued from page 106 ) Manhattan. — What's this? Is someone attempting — only attempting, mind you — to have a little fun with me? If so, I warn you I am not to be spoofed. I think you know that Rodolph Valentino was not in "Foolish Wives" and that Eric von Stroheim was, but I'm telling you anyway. Peg. — There is only one production of "The Sky Pilot" that I have heard of. Colleen Moore and Kathleen Kirkham appeared in it. It was the Cathryn Curtis production of Ralph Connor's story and it was directed by King Vidor. H. E. — "The Sheik" was filmed in Hollywood or environs. The interiors were all made at the Lasky studios, and the exteriors on the sandy wastes of Cal. Yes — we seem to be running to deserts and sheiks and captured English maidens lately, don't we? C. A. M., South Bend, Ind. — Bert Lytell has been on the stage or screen two-thirds of his existence. His last play was "Mary's Ankle," with Irene Fenwick. His latest picture is "To Have and To Hold," with Betty Compson. Address him Lasky Studios, Hollywood. Send your reports of errors seen in pictures to the Why Do They Do It Department, 25 West 45th Street, New York City. C. K., Providence, R. I. — Virginia True Boardman, the mother in "Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight?" is the widow of True Boardman, who died September 30, 1018. Here is the cast of "Mother o' Mine": John Standing, .Rupert Julian; Catherine Woodson. .Ruth Clifford; Christine .. Elsie Jane Wilson; Mrs. Standing . .Rubye LaFayette. Miss Jackie. — Wally Reid in "The Dictator," with Lila Lee, and "Nice People," William de Mille's new special. Paramount is concentrating its star dust. It is casting such stars as Dorothy Dalton and Wanda Hawley, and Reid, Bebe Daniels, and Nagel, in one picture. Wally is thirty years old, has brown hair and blue eyes, is six feet tall and weighs 185 pounds. Gloria Swanson weighs 112 pounds. Her eyes are bluegray; her hair dark brown. Inky, Charleston, West, Va. — Carlyle Blackwell ! What has become of Carlyle ? He was in the varieties the last I heard. His last picture was "The Restless Sex," with Marion Davies. Blanche Sweet hasn't appeared in anything but private life for a long time now. I miss Miss Sweet; she has great dramatic talents. Never will forget her as "Judith of Bethulia," will you? Dodo. — By Benson? But no — of Brooklyn. Your gold ink is interesting, but hard on the eyes. Some secret formula must have made it. I never saw any gold ink before. Or maybe — as I remove my glasses I observe that the ink I thought was gold is only a vague yellow. And so it goes. Valentino is under contract to Paramount. His first stellar vehicle is "Blood and Sand," in which I imagine he will be very picturesque. Isabelle Lafonts, New Orleans. — Connie Talmadge is getting her divorce from John Pialoglou — I daresay she has it now. Constance is a blonde; she is five feet six inches tall and twenty-two years old. She was bom in Brooklyn. Gloria Swanson is a Chicago product. But perhaps that isn't a very polite way to tell you that the lovely Gloria was born in the Windy City. Ah, well — I mean well. Janice Jourdan, Shawane, Wis. — That can't be your real name. It's too delicious. Why, the man who invented Eskimo Pie is many times a millionaire. I wish I'd thought of it first. All I do is eat it. And I can't afford to very often. Middle Western Fan. — Mabel Normand used to be known in London as Muriel Fortesque, but that was in the Biograph days when the real names of players were never given out. Blanche Sweet was Daphne Wayne to the Britons. Mary Pickford was always "the girl with the golden curls." Jack Mulhall may be reached at 5857 Harold Way, Hollywood, Cal. B. H., Birmingham, Ala. — I have never heard of a brother of Harold Lockwood in the films. You say a Robert L. Lockwood is supposed to be a brother or cousin of the late star. I have no record of such a person. The Players' Club is at 16 Gramercy Park, N. Y. C. J. P., Honolulu. — Hey, old-timer ! Where you-all bin? Gaston Glass was born in Paris in 1895. He appeared on the stage with Sarah Bernhardt for about five years. He has dark hair and brown eyes. Not married. Nancy Lee. — Elaine Hammerstein is the granddaughter of the late Oscar Hammerstein, the impresario. She's a New York girl, born in 1897. Elaine has a fair complexion, brown hair and gray eyes and weighs just 120 pounds. She is living in California now, since Selznick no longer makes pictures in the East, having moved its entire production force to the west coast. Elaine in "Why Announce Your Marriage?" and "Reckless Youth." T. L., San Francisco. — So you object to my calling my stenographer henna-haired. You insist upon titian, and don't see why she doesn't too. I am very easy to get along with. My stenographer is absolute autocrat — of course all autocrats are absolute; I know that — of my office. But upon one thing I am adamant. I keep right on calling her henna-haired. Rodolph again! He was divorced from Jean Acker, an actress. Dreamy Eyes. — You have nothing on me. But I wear smoked glasses so they can't tell whether I'm dreamy-eyed or not. I mostly am. I do get so tired of telling 'em Valentino is married. Jack Sherrill was Steve O'Mara in "Then I'll Come Back To You." That's an old picture. Barbara La Marr, Metro Studios, Hollywood, Cal. California-Bound. — There are many who will envy you. Give my regards to Broadway, Los Angeles, and to all the little starlets. Viola Dana in "Seeing's Believing," with Allan Forrest as her leading man. Viola has returned from her personal appearance tour and is once more making pictures for Metro. Write to Marion Davies at the Cosmopolitan studios, N. Y. C. Marion's later pictures have been "Beauty's Worth" and "The Young Diana." She is now playing Princess Mary Tudor in "When Knighthood was in Flower." A charming part and Marion looks very lovely in the picturesque costumes. "At Last— a Real and Real Money!" "And if only I'd started earlier, I could h;»e had them five years ago. I didn't realize at first what spare time study would do for a man. Taking up that I. C. S. course marked the real beginning of my success. In three months I received my first promotion. But I kept right on studying and I've been climbing ever since. " Every mail brings letters from some of the two million students of the International Correspondence Schools telling of advancements and increased salaries won through spare time study. How much longer are you going to wait before taking the step that is bound to bring you more money? Isn't it better to start now than to wait five years and then realize what the delay has cost you? One hour after supper each night spent with the I. C. 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Big FREE „ catalog sent on request. Easy payment^ plan-PLAY WHILE YOU PAY.FREE V lesson certificate with each instrument Musicians Earn Big Pay. Learn to play from Jenkins' Band and Orchestra Books. First violin or cornet parts FREE. ;Our 44 years In business Is your guarantee of reliable service. Post card brings BIG FREE CATALOG. X W. JENKINS SONS' MUSIC CO. 917 Jenkins Building. Kansas City, Mo. mym<nn\\'um. UJiil When you writo to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.