Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1922)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section 103 "Where are you going?" he demanded, and she replied dully, "I'm going to hi> needs me " -he One Clear Call (Continued from page 78) trees, and he saw her walking about in the moonlight. It was the first time he had been so near to her since she had left the hospital, and he could not resist the impulse to disobey her order. As he entered the yard, she heard his step. She could avoid him only by flight, and she waited. "You must forgive me," he said, "but there's something troubling me. I want your advice." "Come in," she said, and led the way to the house. "I won't mention any names," he began, and then he told her about Garnett, his promise to help the dying man, and the possible effect upon his standing in the city. "What would you do?" he asked, when he had ended the story. "Help him, or leave him to an unsympathetic outsider?" "You must help him, of course," she replied. "I knew you would say that, because I know it is right." She walked to the gate with him. In the deep shadow of a low-hanging tree he took her arm with a gentle insistence. She resisted the pressure, trembling. "You know I love you," he whispered, but she made no reply. "Is there — someone else?" he asked, and his heart sank as he saw her nod her head slowly. He turned away, and hurried down the street. Slowly she went back to the house, and found Yetta waiting for her. "The man you told him to help is Henry Garnett," the negress said. "No!" Faith exclaimed. "How do you know?" "It's my business to know about Henry Garnett," Yetta replied. While Garnett had made it his business to fortify himself with the city authorities in such a way as to be immune from police interference, this did not quiet public anger. The garish lights of the Owl were an eyesore to all decent citizens, and at last that mysterious organization, the Clan, which flourishes here and there in the South, decided to take action. With the utmost care and secrecy the plans were worked out for a raid which would wipe out Garnett's establishment. They did not know he was a dying man, they did not know he was himself devising means to close out his business. They only knew that they had endured the blot upon the city as long as they intended to. And one night the white-robed, masked body gathered outside the city, and swept through the streets. Somewhere the cry started, "The Clan is raiding the Owl," and spread on the wings of fevensh excitement. Dr. Hamilton was at home when the news reached him. He remembered his promise to help the man whom he had once known as a friend. Ignoring his sister's frantic appeals, he jumped into his car and drove to the Owl. Already the front of the place was riddled with bullets and the leaders were calling to Garnett to come out and surrender. Alan elbowed his way through the mob and mounted the steps of the building. "You shan't do this!" he shouted. "I know your arguments — that it is justice and that there's no other way for justice to be done. But that's no excuse for cowardice. You're a gang of cowards!" Yells of "No" greeted this accusation. "All right then, I'll tell you how you can prove that I'm wrong. If there's a man among you who has not patronized this kind of place, let him take off his mask and go in and get Henry Garnett." Silence ensued, while the masked riders shifted uneasily in their saddles. Alan knew he had won. Then he clinched it. "If you'll go, I'll make you this promise, and you know that I'll make good — the Owl will be closed in thirty days." The riders hesitated, a few wheeled their horses and rode away, the others gradually following. Alan went inside, up the stairs, and found Garnett standing at a window, a revolver in his hand. "You've saved my life, and some others," Garnett said. "But is that my limit — thirty days? I tell you the Owl shall not close while I live, just on account of this thing tonight." "I've made a promise — and I think you'll help me keep it," Alan replied. Neither spoke for a few moments. Garnett sat in his chair, musing, and Alan did not interrupt his thoughts. At last the gambler spoke. "There's one thing I wan. — <■ st one thing. Perhaps you can help me. I \v„nt to find my wife." "Your wife?" "I married her in Texas. She didn't know anything about me, but some kind friends enlightened her, and she left le. I haven't been able to find her since. I'll give you all the facts tomorrow, and maybe you can find her for me." When Alan went down to his car, he found Yetta waiting for him beside it. • Castle Photo by Campbell Sludioi Corticelli Castle Co-kel and Castle Duvene combine to make this three-piece costume Irene Castle in the new Corticelli Silks The tight-fitting blouse is again to the fore! This three-piece costume was especially designed for Irene Castle by Joseph A. Morris & Co., New York, in Castle Co-ket and Castle Duvene. These two new Corticelli Silks instantly claimed the attention of designers. If your favorite store cannot show you the new Corticelli Satin Crepe, Satin Princess, Crepe de Chine, Castle Crepe, Castle Duvene, Castle Co-ket, and other Corticelli Dress Silks, please write us. On request we will also gladly advise you where this attractive three-piece costume may be bought. New frocks for Irene Castle Send today for free booklet in full colors showing Irene Castle in fashionable new frocks of Corticelli Dress Silks. Address The Corticelli Silk Company, 1308 Nonotuck Street, Florence, Mass. No Canadian requests can be filled. The Corticelli Silk Company Also makers of Corticelli Spool Silks, L<;r//>s' Silk Hosiery, Yarns and Crochet Cottons When 5011 write lo advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.