Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1922)

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u8 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rate 35cents per word MM ■^.j.' ■p-h^n-n-^ri^; nrtn/nfi^^n n-r\^h'HrinW!rj^r)h -rr r A All Advertisements have equal display and same good opportunities for big results. LJJU WQJ-:U 'U:JAU' U ;U Mil U U U, U U -LhU'li vmi mcnopm This Section Pays 83% of the advertisers using this section during the past year have repeated their copy. FORMS FOR OCTOBER ISSUE CLOSE AUGUST TENTH AGENTS AND SALESMEN AQENTS. $60 TO $200 A WEEK. FREE SAMliles. Gold Sign Letters tor Store and Office windows. Anyone can do it. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 431-K, No. Clark St., Chicago. AGENTS— $5 TO $15 DAILY— INTRODUCING NEW style guaranteed hosiery — latest modes and shades — ■ nude, camel, silver, etc. Big Profits. Repeat orders bring you regular income. Tou write orders — we deliver and collect. Experience unnecessary. Outfits contain all colors ami grades including silks. Mae-O-Chce Mills Co., Desk 1008, Cincinnati, Ohio. WE START TOU WITHOUT A DOLLAR. SOAPS. Extracts, Perfumes. Toilet Goods. Experience unnecessary. Carnation Co., Dept. 205, St. Louis. LARGE MANUFACTURER WANTS AGENTS; SELL advertised brand men's shirts direct to wearer. No capital or experience required. Free samples. Madison Mills, 505 Broadway, New York. RIG MONEY AND FAST SALES. EVERY OWNER buys gold initials for his auto. You charge $1.50; make $1.35. Ten orders daily easy. Write for particulars and free samples. American Monogram Co.* Dept. 16'J, East Orange. N. J. WE START YOi: IN 1HS1XESS. FURNISHING everything; men and women. $30.00 to $100.00 weekly, operating our "New System Specialty Candy Factories" anywhere. Opportunity lifetime: valuable booklet free. W. IIILLYER RAGSDALE, Drawer 90, East Orange, New Jersey. MOTION PICTURE BUSINESS MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. FILMS AND equipments for Homes, Schools, Churches and Theatres. Dept. P, Monarch Theatre Supply Co., Memphis, Tenn. $35.00 PROFIT NIGHTLY. SMALL CAPITAL starts you. No experience needed. Our machines are used and "endorsed by government institutions. Catalog free. Atlas Moving Picture Company, 469 Morton Uldg.. Chicago. MANUSCRIPTS— TYPING, ETC. PHOTOPLAYS, MANCSCKIPTS TYPED. 10c PAGE. Seven years' experience. Marjorie Jones, 1872 Ansel Read, Cleveland, Ohio. MANUSCRIPTS TYPEWRITTEN, CORRECTED, REvised. Specialty of Scenarios. Markets suggested. Typing, fifty cents each thousand words including carion copy. Prompt, efficient service. Send yours today. Southern Authors' Bureau, 1617 Ionia St., Jacksonville, Florida. SCENARIOS TYPED, FIVE CENTS HUNDRED words; one dollar minimum; cash. S. R. Hebert, Box 325, Plaquemine, La. MANUSCRIPTS, PHOTOPLAYS TYPED, REVISED. Reasonable. Haworth Typing Service, 1237 Real Estate Trust Bldg., Philadelphia. HELP WANTED WANTED— WOMEN. BECOME DRESS DESIGXers. $35 week. Learn while earning. Sample lesson tree. 'Franklin Institute, Dept. F-507, Rochester, New York. LADIES— EARN MONEY THROUGH CONTROL OF Dr. Blair's Famous Toilet Articles. Big, permanent business can be built up in short time. Remarkable sample line and selling plan. Particulars on request. Blair Laboratories. Dept. H-9. Lynchburg, Virginia. U. GOVERNMENT WANTS MEN— WOMEN over 17. Steady work. Life jobs. $95 to $192 month. Paid vacation. List positions free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. F-136. Rochester, N. Y. AT ONCE— LADIES TO TRAVEL. DEMONSTRATE and sell dealers: $40 to $75 per week; railway fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 59, Omaha, Ne'br. DETECTIVES EARN BIG MONEY. EXCELLENT opportunity. Experience, unnecessary. Particulars free Write. American Detective System, 1968 Broadway. New York. WOMEN TO SEW. GOODS SENT PREPAID TO your door; plain sewing; steady work; no canvassing; send stamped envelope for prices paid. Universal Company, Dept. 21, Philadelphia, Pa. WOMEN— GIRLS. LEARN MILLINERY DESIGNing at home. $125 month. Fascinating. Sample lesson free. Franklin Institute, Dept. F-805, Rochester, New York. PATENTS TATENTS. WRITE FOR FREE GUIDE BOOK and Evidence of Conception Blank. Sethi model cr sketch for opinion of its patentable nature. Highest References. Prompt Attention. Reasonable Terms. Victor J. Evans & Co., 763 Ninth. Washington, D. C. POEMS-VERSES $500.00 PRIZE CONTEST. IF YOU WRITE THE best third verse for our song "Empty Arms" you will receive $500.00. Send your name and we shall send you free the contest rules and words of this song. World Corporation, 245 West 47th St., Dept. 6ti!i-B, New York. PHOTOPLAY TEXT BOOKS AMBITIOUS WRITERS SEND TODAY FOR FREE copy America's leading magazine for writers of photoplays, stories, poems. Instructive, helpful. Writer's Digest. 611 Butler Building, Cincinnati. PICTURES AND POSTCARDS TEN MAGNIFICENT MOUNTAIN VIEWS, THIRTY cents. Return for mailing. Surprise friends. Great fun. Hadler, 4087 S. Broadway, Denver, Colo. GAMES AND ENTERTAINMENTS TRICKS, JOKES, MAGIC, PUZZLES, JOKER'S Novelties. Catalog free. F. Fenner, 2401 Jefferson, Louisville, Ky. Mme. Briand Cigarettes The Ladies' Famous Smoke Carton of fifty $1.50 Cigarette Holders, Sterling Silver Mounted, $3.00 and $5.00 Shipped by mail. Remit by money order or stamps. THE BRIAND PRODUCTS CO. YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO Delivered toyou Free Mr tor SO days trial on approval. Your choice of 44 Styles, colors and sizes of the famous Ranger Bicycles. Express prepaid. Low Factory-to-Rider Prices. lOMOIlthStOFSy knd'I'irVeaJiljBa" AH the email monthly payments. T2-._^ wheels, lamna. and equipment at IrCS half osaal prices. Write for remarkable factory prices and marvelous offers. roVQU Dept.T40ChlCagO I'ee catalog SAVE 50 CENTS Use the coupon on page 102 and have the next twelve issues of Photoplay delivered to your home. EI3 D0Y0U LIKE TO DRAW? CARTOONISTS ARE WELL PAID We will not give you any Brand prize if you answer this ad. Nor will we claim to make you rich in a week. But il you are anxioua to develop your talent with a eucceseful cartoonist. so you carl make money, send a copy of this picture, with 6c In stamps for portfolio of cartoons and sample lesson plate, and let us explain. The W. L. Evans School of Cartooning 850 Leader Bldg.. Cleveland, O. By Note or Ear. With or without' music. Short Course Adult beginners taught by mail. No teacher required belt-Instruction Course for Advanced Pianists. Learn t>7 styles of Buss, 180 Syncopated Effects Blue Harmony, Oriental, Chime, Moyie and Cafe Jazz. Trick Endings Clever Breaks. Space Fillers. Sax Slurs, Triple Bass, Wicked Harmony, BlueObligato and 247 other Subjects, including Ear Playing. 110 pages of REAL Jazz, 25,000 words. A Postal brings our FREE Special Offer. Waterman Piano School 2*7 i"S"i«lJ£Vc'"[."em It's She 'It A Hollywood Girl (Continued from page 48) " But you should see my new dress. — chiffon, orchid and blue chiffon!" cocked her head preeningly. ;;um!" "But you never can tell," she wilted, may not get over." I suggested that if it didn't it might be cur and edited. That always helps an evening gown — especially the cutting. Suddenly she became very solemn. She informed me that there were two sides to her nature; that she was, in fact, a sort of Miss Jekyll-Hyde. I was extremely awed by this revelation. As proof of this dual character she pointed to her eyes. One of them, she pointed out, was gray while the other was brown. She turned toward the light so I might notice the difference. "Yes," I muttered. "That one's gray!" "No! that's the brown one," she protested. We finally decided, for the sake of her dual nature, that I was color blind, "Oh, it's no use," she moaned. "I can't do it — I can't be mysterious like other girls are in their interviews. I never did have any confidence in myself. Mother always is having to bolster me up. Oh, honestly," she turned her eyes upon me, "I'm not at all like I should be. I'm not what you call militant. No, really I'm not. The least little thing hurts me dreadfully. If I ever marry, he'll have to be very, very understanding — and kind." By the time we had reached Hollywood she had regained her composure and was facing life quite stoically. She even giggled now and then in contemplation of the party she was to attend that evening. Bessie Love was going with her. Bessie Love was her best friend, the best and most real of all the girls who started in pictures together. "I think maybe that's why she hasn't been luckier," Colleen opined. "She can't pose. She's like me — just a Hollywood girl." A Hollywood Girl! Copy this Sketch and let me see what you can do with it. Many cartoonists and illustrators earning S30.00to -?200.00or more per week were trained by my personal individual lessons by mail. Landon Picture Charts make original drawing easy to learn. Send sketch with 6c in stamps for sample Picture Chart, lontr list of successful students, and ^r evidence of what you can accomplish. to^ Please state age. ^^-*i& THE LANDON SCHOOL S07 National Bldg., Cleveland, O. Why They Get Fabulous Salaries (Continued from page 48) Mabel Normand's salary with Goldwyn is said to have ranged from $2,500 a week to $4,500 a week during the three years she was with that company. Mack Sennett recently won her back to his establishment at a salary which is reputed to be $8,000 a week during actual working time. This is probably the highest weekly salary being paid to any star. Anita Stewart was receiving a salary of $4,500 a week up to the expiration of her contract with Louis B. Mayer a few months ago. Viola Dana, the queen and ace of the Metro pack, has been exchanging her services for $2,250 per seven days. Thomas Meighan has a contract with Lasky which provides for a pretty raise every six months or a year. He is receiving, or will soon receive, §2,500 each Saturday night. Antonio Moreno signed a contract with Vitagraph some time ago which has advanced him to the $2,ooo-a-week class. Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, Charlie Chaplin, Alia Nazimova, and Charles Ray now operate as independent producers. Being independent producers means that they roll their own. That is, they manufacture and can the celluloid friezes in which they appear as central figures. They are also their own distributors through the United Artists organization. This corresponds to the wholesale branch of any other mercantile business. Thus these artists sell directly to their theater manager, and make all the money their pictures can earn above the costs. The earning power of Mary Pickford is easily a half a million a year and that of her Every advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.