Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1922)

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I 20 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section From Gray Hair and middle-aged appearance to the attractiveness of youth in 15 minutes. Itieoto Rapid is the discovery of Dr. Emile. Pasteur Institute, Paris, and differs from all other hair colorings because it replgmeotizes the hair shaft instead of only coating the surface. It is specifically uaranteed to color gray, faded or Streaked hair bo its original shade in fifteen minutes. The color is absolutely permanent and so natural it. cannot he detected from nature even under a microscope. It cannot injure the hair or interfere with growth and is not affected hy sunshine, salt water, shampooing, perspiration. Turkish Baths, and does not prevent permanent waving. 97% of the best European hairdressers use It, as well as the finest American parlors. Thousands of women apply it In the privacy of their own homes. SEND NO MONEY Write for particulars with proof and our "Beauty Analysis Chart" Form A-6. INEGTO, Inc. Laboratories and Demonstration Salon 33-35 West 46th Street, New York, N. Y. DONT miss a single item in the Plays and Players Department. It contains the most complete, reliable and livest news about film folks and pictures. Turn to r page 66. m MONEY AT HOME VOO can earn from $' to & an hour in your 1 spare time writing show cards. Quickly and easily learned by our new, simple "Instructograph" method. No canvassing or soliciting: we teach you how. guarantee you steady work at home no matter where you live, and pay you cash each week. Full particulars and Booklet free AMERICAN SHOW CARD SCHOOL 210 Ryrie Building Toronto, Can. DEAFNESS IS MISERY 1 know because Pwm Deaf and had Head Noises for over 30 years. My invisible Antiseptic Ear Drums restored my hearing and stopped Head Noises, and will do it for you. They arc Tiny Megaphones. .,- = Cannot be seen when worn. Effective when Deafness ^B? _M is caused by Catarrh or by Perforated, Partially or -«•' Wholly Destroyed Natural Drums. Easy to put in, easy to take out. Are "Unseen Comforts. In|<a expensive. Write for Booklet and my sworn • ^J statement of how 1 recovered my hearing. **^ A. O. LEONARD Suite 223, 70 5th Avenue New York City tt i£h School Course in 2 Years You can complete this simplified High School Course at home m nta for entrance to college side of two years. Meeta all reqniremf and the leading professions. This nnd thirty courses are described in our Free Bulletin, Send fori AMERICAN SCHOOL H C-71 Pr»x«l Ave. A 58th St. BAY. When In Rome Do As The Caesars Did (Continued from page 76) nd my Italian is comparable only of solid stone. no English to an organ-grinder's English For all the divinity of his roles Nerio has a lithesome, worldly air, somewhat reminiscent of the restless Joseph Schildkraut. He was never quiet. When he was not acting before the camera he was rolling feverishly on the grass, bounding up to kiss the hand of some lady, tossing back his acanthine locks, arguing violently with a colleague, flirting boldly with a beautiful little girl who had the face of an angel but not, I fear, the temperament. The Goliath of the picture is a huge importation from Cairo, discovered by director Edwards while filming the first scenes of "The Shepherd King" in Egypt and the holy lands. If Mr. Carlos' appreciation of the Italians had somewhat weakened in the fray, Mr. Edward's enthusiasm more than restored a balance. He was completely enamored by the charm, the friendliness and the fetching courtesy of these sunny people. As proof he pointed to his cast, entirely Italian save for Violet Mersereau. But he could not speak with the same unbounded zeal of Jericho and Jerusalem, where some of the most spectacular scenes of "The Shepherd King" were staged. In Jerusalem there exists three religiouspolitical factions: the Christians, the Jews and the Moslems. They seem to have only one biblical belief in common and that is "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." When it came to drafting "extras" the director was stumped. If he engaged all of one party the other two factions might make an onslaught. If he drew equally from all three there certainly would be civil war. Finally Mr. Carlos hit upon a coup d'etat. He went to the commander of the British troops stationed there and offered to donate to the mess fund an amount double that which he would pay native "extras" providing the English soldiers would make-up and act as Arabs. The officer consented, and the soldiers donned the costumes, marched to "location" and did a noble day's "extra" work. The halcyon was of short duration, however, for the next day the native donkey drivers, who were a necessary evil to the operations, got out their razors and fell to carving frescoes on one another. The English officer seeing riot in the air, and powerless to interfere with a native merry-merry, was compelled to withdraw his histrionic forces. And the bold tilmers had to evacuate Jerusalem, return to Rome and there in a calmer atmosphere duplicate the walls of the holy city. T WAGER that William Fox when perusing -*■ the expense accounts sent back from overseas wonders why he has to build so many ruins in Europe, which is supposed to be the home of them. The foregoing will explain somewhat. Anyhow, consolation is supplied him in the low cost of construction. Saul's temple would have been an impractical expenditure in Hollywood. Even in Italy, where labor is comparatively cheap, it would have been a tremendous expense had the construction been of wood. The Italian method of building "sets" is ingenious and economical. Saul's temple is but a skeleton of wood overlaid with cameracana, woven cane, which, covered with cement and painted, presents the appearance Although but a thing of straw it was sturdy enough to withstand some high winds that blew down several diffusers. The elaborate sculptural works, represented in basreliefs, winged lions and Assyrian pillars, were also cheaper and much finer than could be had in the United States, for Italian workmen are natural artists in clay. It is unquestionably cheaper to produce a big spectacle abroad with "extras" at fifty cents, stars for fifty dollars and "sets" at halfprice than in either Hollywood or New York. The real monetary profit, however, is not gained so much in reducing the cost of the production as in increasing the earning power of the picture. The scenery and atmosphere of America has been pretty well riddled by the cameras whereas that of Europe still offers novelty and fresh beauties. "The Shepherd King" and "Nero" are far from being cheap productions, but I doubt if either cost as much as "The Queen of Sheba," which cannot make claim to half the spectacular grandeur. In "Nero," for instance, there is the scene depicting the burning of Rome for which a veritable city was built on a hill near present-day Rome. For "The Shepherd King" the entire company was transported to Egypt and the hc'.y lands along with four freight cars of material. In one scene with the Sphinx and Pyramids for background there were utilized some five hundred camels, two hundred and fifty tents, two hundred and forty donkeys and about fifteen hundred Bedouin riders. TN addition to these expenditures there were ■*■ such trifles as thirty lions to hire and cart across Europe. For the big scene in "Nero" in which the Christians are offered as entree to wild beasts, the three lion actors of "Theodora" were engaged. After the scene had been shown in the projection room Director Edwards decided the effect was not sufficiently thrilling. There were more Christians than three small lions could digest. Rather than skimp on the menu Mr. Carlos telegraphed all over the continent for more lions. He finally located some hungry ones in Germany, but the trainer said he couldn't bring his dainties to Italy. The Christians would have to come to Germany if they wanted to be eaten. So Mr. Edwards packed up a carload of Italian martyrs and took them up the Rhine to be devoured. When "The Shepherd King" was being filmed, following the completion of ''Nero," it was decided to use some lions again. This time Mr. Carlos wired the German trainer to bring them into Italy as only a few were needed. The trainer agreed. But when he arrived at the Italian border the passport officials refused admittance, stating that a special permit must be obtained in Rome. The officials in Rome said they didn't know what kind of permit to issue. So the trainer and his three lions had to sit on the border — and they were still sitting there when I left Italy. Perhaps the purpose of Mr. Fox's hurried trip abroad was to drag them over the line. I only hope that inasmuch as he has so nobly done a Caesar's task he won't suffer a Caesar's fate. But those three little Hun lions are going to be devilishly hungry! Crimeless Hollywood •"yHERE is less crime in Hollywood than in in the past year were for minor traffic violations * any other police division of the city of and five percent were for speeding. The Los Angeles, and less than in any town of percentage of felonies is astonishingly small, corresponding population in Southern Cali Only two deaths by violence have taken place fornia, according to the annual report of the in Hollywood since the town was founded, one Hollywood police division. this year being the killing of a burglar by a Ninety percent of the arrests in Hollvwood man whose house he broke into. Every advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.