Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1922)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Face Pores Give Up Their Poisons To New Magnetic Clay I Men and Women Amazed as New Discovery Almost Instantly Reveals a Hidden Beauty NEVER before has the attainment of smooth, clear, beautiful complexion been as simple, as inexpensive as now. Anyone can now have a fine-textured skin, radiant with the fresh coloring of youth, smooth and firm as a child's. In only 30 minutes, mind you! In one short half-hour you can have a brand-new, beautiful complexion! It seems almost magical. Tired lines, enlarged pores, sallowness— all vanish. Blackheads and pimpleheads are lifted right away. Hidden beauty that you never dreamed you possessed is brought to the surface. What Is This New Kind of Magic? It's all very simply explained. The face is covered with millions of tiny pores, through which Nature intended impurities to be expelled. But when dust, bits of dead-skin, and other harmful accumulations clog these tiny pores, the impurities cannot escape. The skin becomes dull, coarse, colorless. Soon poisons form in the stifled pores, and blackheads and pimples make their appearance. Ordinary methods cannot relieve this condition. Water clears the surface of the skin, but cannot get at the tiny mass of impurities and accumulations beneath the surface — the bits of poison that are hidden away in the pores and that are causing all the trouble. Massage may help temporarily, but stretches the skin and eventually causes wrinkles. Only now, after years of research and experiment, has the positive, natural way been found to relieve the condition of clogged pores at once. Certain elements when combined in just-right proportions, have been found to possess a remarkable potency which acts on the face pores as a magnet acts on a bit of steel. These elements have been blended into a fragrant, creamlike clay, which is as easy and pleasant to use as a face powder. Actual Letters From Users I received ray jar of Complexion Clay and I am very much pleased with it. My face was full of blackheads, wrinkles and large pores, and there is a great improvement already. I cannot say enough for it; every woman that has facial troubles ought to give it a trial. It's wonderful. Mrs. A. B. Scolt, Geneva, N. Y. I think your Complexion Clay is wonderful and no woman should be without it, and you can tell anyone who wants to write to me regarding same. I used it twice and my friends say I am looking fine. I want to thank you for letting me know of your wonderful preparation. Thanking you again and a thousand times again. Nothing I ever tried could beat it. Mrs. A. Pothe, 137 N. 7lh St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Each particle of this amazing new kind of clay is like a tiny, invisible magnet. When you apply the clay to your face, it seems almost as though millions of tiny magnets were drawing the pore-poisons and accumulations to the surface, absorbing them, lifting away the blackheads and eruptions. The feeling is one of physical re * ^ lief — refreshing and (^\^|^ invigorating. ^•^a'fVftc How to Use Domino Complexion Clay That's what it is called, this remarkable discovery — Domino Complexion Clay. It is applied with the tips of the fingers, just as an ordinary cream would be applied. You may read or relax while it is doing its wonderful work. In a few moments it will dry and harden into a fragrant mask. There will be a cool, tingling feeling as the tiny pores awaken, and as the magnetic clay draws the clogged-up impurities to the surface. In a half-hour, remove the clay. With it you will remove every blackhead and pimplehead, every pore-poison and impurity, every bit of dust, dirt and dead skin. Your complexion will be transformed! It will have the soft texture, the fine, delicate coloring of youth. You will declare that a fairy must have touched your face, gently removed the blemishes and impurities, and revealed a new beauty! Introductory Offer No Money in Advance The wonderful beautifying effects of clay have long been known to beauty specialists. Indeed, many kinds of clay have been used in beauty parlors for years. But only now have the just-right elements been found which, when combined create a magnetic clay — a clay that draws the impurities to the surface and lifts them away. To enable everyone to try Domino Complexion Clay, we are making a very special introductory offer. If you act at once, a full-size jar of Domino Complexion Clay will be sent to you direct from the Domino Laboratories, without any money in advance. Just mail the coupon below — no money. Gentle as the touch of a fairy's wand, powerful as the influence of a magnet, is the marvelous new Domino Complexion Clay. As though the fairy wand had touched each clogged-up pore, the poisons and impurities are released. When the clay is removed, all blemishes and impurities are removed with it — and a radiant, ' clear, new complexion beauty is revealed. ONLY St 95 If You Act at Once 1 When your jar of Domino Complexion Clay arrives, simply give the postman $1 .95 plus postage, in full payment, instead of |3.50, which is the regular price. If, within 10 days, you are not delighted with Domino Complexion Clay, simply return what is left of it and your money will be refunded at once. Mail this coupon now. A postcard will do if you prefer it. Don't miss the special introductory offer. Tomorrow may be too late — do it today! Domino CQmplexion Clay will be sent to you in a plain sealed package — no marks to indicate contents. Domino House, Dept. 269, 269 South 9th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Domino House, Dept. 269 269 So. 9th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. You may send me a $3.50 jar of Domino Complexion Clay for which I will pay the postman only $1.95 plus postage. Although I am benefiting by this specially reduced introductory price, I retain the guaranteed privilege of returning the jar within 10 days and you agree to return my money if I am not delighted with results in every way. I am to be the sole judge. City State If you wish, you may send money with coupon. Price outside U. S. $2.10 Cash with Order When you write to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.