Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1922)

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86 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section miU^MoMkdttim Coats Suits * Dresses youthfidMiulJonkStyleS YOUTH finds its cleverest interpreter in Miss Manhattan— the coats, suits, and dresses which bear her label are smart, slender in line, and tailored from the most desirable fabrics. Send for my catalogue of actual photographs of Miss Manhattan's Autumn fashions — if you do not already \now where you can get them, I'll tell you. 496 Seventh Ave., New York City ^>>s>*z.y*^- w^ J A LICE JOYCE REGAN seems lost to the ■**■ screen. She isn't even thinking about it. And when a friend asked her the other day about coming back, she just smiled and said, "Oh, I might if the right story happened along. Otherwise — " TF HE doesn't look out, people are going to *■ begin calling Wally Reid the radio kid. Wally has a wonderful radio outfit in the drawing room, one in his dressing room at the studio, one on each of his three automobiles, and one on his sleeping porch. Wally is exactly like a child with a new toy over anything new mechanical that comes along. His last hobby was "magic" and under the tutelage of Alexander the Great, he learned almost every trick known to professionals. Now it's radio. And then somebody will have to invent something new. OELZNICK is said to be concentrating its ^ stellar material. Conway Tearle and Elaine Hammerstein may be co-starred, according to report. Or Elaine and Owen Moore. Theda Bara's return to the fold will be accomplished under the Selznick banner, by the way. She begins work on her new picture soon — at a New York studio. VJINTA DURFEE ARBUCKLE, wife of ***■ the comedian, who after many years of separation returned to his side during his recent trouble, has left Hollywood for New York, where she will make an extended visit with her sister. All rumors of a new separation are denied by Arbuckle and his friends, but it is admitted that Mrs. Arbuckle left some time ago and will be gone indefinitely. A LARGE, hard-boiled, steely voice, heavily ■**■ uniformed cop appeared at the entrance gate to the Lasky studio the other day and asked belligerently for "Hezi Tate." "I want t' see Hezi Tate," he said, "I understand he works here for Mr. Cecil de Mille. I want to see him right away." The pretty girl at the desk swallowed a couple of times, and came up smiling. "Oh, Mr. Tate doesn't work here any more," she said. "Doesn't, eh? That's too bad. Where does he work?" "I'm sure I don't know," said the girl loyally, remembering some of Hezi's past escapades, "but I think he's gone to Japan." "Well, ain't that too bad," said the cop, "y'see I was his sergeant overseas, and I come all the way out here just to shake his hand and bring him a little present. I'm mighty sorry." And it took the girl quite a while to explain why she had strayed so far from the path of truth in her original statements. IF you want to know what people, all over the country, are thinking and saying about the movies, you can't afford to overlook the unusual letters you will find in the department "Brickbats and Bouquets," page 113 this issue. Every advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.