Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1922)

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I 20 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Do You Want A. Bigger Salary? It doesn't matter what you are Today or what you were Yesterday. Tomorrow Is your bright, clear day of Opportunity. Nothing can keep you down if you really make up your mind to go up. Maybe you've gotten a bad start. Perhaps you haven't had a decent raise in years. Or perhaps you are among those thousands who have had their wages cut — or have been thrown out of a job. But you aren't going to quit, are you? Right now, when trained men are in such demand, you've the best chance you ever had to get out of the rut and do something worth while. But you're "too old to start over," you eay? Nonsense! When some of the big men of this country were your age, they weren't earning half what you are getting today. But they didn't quit! They worked! They studied! They learned to do some one thing well. At 35, Henry Ford was working in the mechanical department of the Edison Electric Light & Power Company. At 38, John H. Patterson, who founded the National Cash Register Company, was the proprietor of a small and none too successful country store. At 25, George Eastman, president of the Eastman Kodak Company, was a bookkeeper in a savings bank. At 22, Edison was a roaming telegraph operator — out of a job, too poor, when he arrived in New York, to buy his own breakfast! Forget what you are today and deciae on what you want to be. No man has failed until he admits it to himself. And no real man ever admits it. Why, man, in Just one hour a day — in the spare time you will never miss — you can fit yourself for a better job and a bigger salary. This is all we ask: Without cost, without obligating yourself in any way, put It up to us to prove how we can help you. Just mark and mail this coupon. e- — — — — — INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Box 6468-B, Scranton. Penna. Without cost or obligation on my part, please lend me toll particulars about tbe subject before which I h»T» narked an X In the list below: — BUSINESS TRAINING DEPARTMENT T Business Management Q Salesmanship Industrial Management Q Advertising Personnel Organization QBetter Letters Traffic Management QForelgn Trade Business Law □Stenography and Typing Banking and Banking Law OBuslness English Accountancy ( Including C.P. A.) □ Civil Service Nicholson Cost Accounting D Railway Mall Clerk Bookkeeping □Common School Subjects Private Secretary DHlgh School Subjects Business Spanish □ French Olllustrating TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT □Airplane Engines lElectrical Engineering " Electric Lighting " Mechanical Engineer . Mechanical Draftsman . Machine Shop Practice , Railroad Positions . Gas Engine Operating . Civil Engineer . Surveying and Mapping . Mine Foreman or Engineer J8team Engineering DRadlo Name Street Address.. □ Architect □ Contractor and Builder □ Architectural Draftsman □ Concrete Builder □Structural Engineer □Chemistry □Pharmacy □ Automobile Work □ Agriculture and Poultry □ Mathematics Ctt» State Occupation Persons residing in Canada should tend this coupon to th» International Correspondence Schools Canadian, Limited, Montreal, Canada. Secrets 01 Beauty Parlors Revealed Formerly Closely Guarded Secrets, Now Yours We make yon expert In all branches, such as muscle strap, mad pack, dyeing, marcel, skin work, manicuring, etc Earn $40 to $75 a week. No experience necessary. Study at home In spare time. Earn while you learn. Authorized diploma. Money-back guarantee. Get FREE boob. Oriental Byttem of Reaaty Caltnre, Dept 210, 1000 Diverse; Blvd. Chicago Play Piano By Ear in 4Weeks! Voting and old can now learn to play pianofby ear without Liotea or music by our brand new quick and easy 10 lesson method. Send now for FREE Sample Lesson ! and play real chords at once. The World's simplest, easiest method. Nothing else like it. No musical experience necestary, play piano as easy as you hum or whistle a tune. Be a ragtime artist. Send for FREE sample lesson now before edition is gone. Don't delay. DAVID PIANO COURSE «°' gJJ^o!!™ mois8"*6' Miss Eileen.— Don't call me Old Fellow. I will wager I am younger than you are. Perhaps not by calendar, — I say this because I don't want to lose a customer — but certainly in spirit. No, no — Gloria Swanson isn't married to Wally. Mrs. Reid is Dorothy Davenport. Bebe Daniels is five feet five and weighs 1 20 pounds. Jerry. — I am distressed that you do not admire my moustache, which was shown in my photograph. Would you feel better about it if I told you it was just one of my disguises? You are at liberty to believe this if you care to. I won't swear as to the truth of it; but it's a pretty story. Lila Lee is five feet three and tips the scales at no. She is one of the featured members of the Lasky company. Selma K. — Yes, you can buy Russian roubles very cheap. But why not spend your money on something useful? There are a number of Russian film companies, I believe — or were. I have not heard lately about them. Theda Bara was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is on the coast making a new picture for Selznick. Her husband, Charles Brabin, former Fox director, is to handle the megaphone. They have no children. Theda is thirty-two. M. J., 'Frisco. — Thanks for your nice letter. Glad you like us. I would gladly tell Mr. York what you said about him but he is in danger of becoming conceited now, so many bouquets have been thrown at him; so I will refrain. It is all for his own good. Mary Miles Minter has returned from location in Idaho for " The Cowboy and the Lady," in which Tom Moore is her leading man; and may be addressed at the Lasky studio. Mary Pickford is twenty-nine. P. N. — If you subscribed chiefly because of my answers, I am flattered, but I suspect it was more for the photographs of Valentino. I harbor no delusions as the reasons for what little popularity I can boast. You esteem me because I have more information about your hero than you have. May McAvoy was mentioned for the role of the wife in "Blood and Sand," but Lila Lee was cast for it instead. Miss McAvoy is in William de Mille's "Clarence" with Wally Reid and Agnes Ayres. Sally Bess. — Are the longer skirts coming into general favor again? Well, Sally Bess, it rather depends upon who's wearing them. Girls eligible for the Follies prefer to be oldfashioned and wear them short. But some ladies have hailed the Parisian decree with joyful relief. At any rate, the well-turned ankle will come into its own again. Alice Terry is Mrs. Rex Ingram. Address her care Metro. The Ingrams are now in the east making "The Passion Vine." They are a charming couple. Conway Tearle, United Studios, 5341 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood. Wanda Hawley in "Burning Sands" for Lasky. Amelia. — So you are going to graduate from high-school and take a few dancing lessons before going into pictures. Isn't it nice you have it all arranged so simply? And it's just sweet of you to offer to send me your first autographed picture. I shall reserve a place for it on my office wall right now. Meanwhile you seem to be occupying your time chiefly with writing to Tommy Meighan. He's still with Lasky and may send you his photograph if you write him an interesting letter. Andy. — How many censors are there? I would say too many if I were addicted to puns; but if there's anything I dislike it's puns. I will indeed be good enough to give you a short account of the career of Harold Lloyd. He was born in Nebraska in 1893, and educated in Denver and San Diego. His stage career began at the age of twelve; he went Learn to Baiwe! at Home FREE PROOF record teaches you to dance in one hour All your friends dance. Why don't you? Surprise them with the latest steps. You can easily learn by yourself without embarrassment. It's not necessary to know the first thing about dancing. Just slip these wonderful records on your phonograph— and do as they say. That's all there is to it. 1*11 Prove It FREE Convince yourself at my expense how remarkably easy my unusual method is. For a short time I will send my first lesson, including ten-inch record, free and prepaid. Try it out for 5 days and decide whether you wish to learn dancing the modern way. You may then enroll or return the record. I have set aside only a few hundred for this special offer. You must write at once. WILLIAM CHANDLER PEAK "The Man Who Makes Better Dancers" Studio 22 4737 Broadway, Chicago, U. S. A. WM. CHANDLER PEAK. MB. Tbe Originator of Dance Instruction by Mail Nationally known as an outstanding figure in teaching dancing at borne, having taught over 60,000 men and women of high aoclal standing. He la Special Instructor In tbe oldeat and moat exclusive dancing association — Tha American Society of Teachere of Dancing, New York. Also President of tbe now famous Peak School of Dancing , Inc., Established since 1880. Want 20 copies at one typing? Use MultiKopy No. 5 J$» Makes twenty clear cut, permanent copies at one typing. MultiKopy No. 25 meets more requirements of general office use than any other carbon paper. MultiKopy No. 95 copies over 100 letters. And the copies will last as long as the paper holds together. Ask your stationer for your kind of MultiKopy. Star Brand Typewriter Ribbons write the best letters. F. S. WEBSTER COMPANY 377 Congress Street Boston, Mass. An Easy Way to Remove Dandruff If you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. The best way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it. To do this, just apply a little Liquid Arvon at night before retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp, and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most, if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications should completely remove every sign and trace of it. You will find, too, that all itching of the scalp will stop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times better. You can get Liquid Arvon at any drug store. A fourounce bottle is usually all that is needed. The R. L. Watkins Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Every advertisement in THOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.