Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1922)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Casts of Current Photoplays Complete for every picture reviewed in this issue You Too Can Now Have Glorious Wavy Hair ! New Liquid Discovery Quickly Gives You a Wealth of Soft, Glistening, Curly Hair No longer need you envy the girl with beautiful wavy hair. For beauty experts have at last found a new harmless liquid, which gives even the must stubborn hair a wonderfully natural waviness and curliness. This new liquid makes your hair fall in soft, fluffy waves and silky curls. It adds a wonderful new charm, youthfulness and beauty to your appearance. No fuss — no bother. Simply moisten the hair with a few drops of this wonderful new liquid, called Domino Curling Fluid. One application will keep your hair wavy and in curl usually for a week or more. Why ruin your hair with hot irons, or pay bis fees to hair dressers? Try this new harmless method, and see if your friends aren't amazed at the wonderful improvement in your appearance. Send No Money The remilar price of Domino Curling Fluid is $2.50 :i bottle. But on this special Introductory offer we will send you a full size bottle for only si. 45. plus a few cents postage. Send no money — Just the coupon. Pay the postman on arrival. Then if not perfectly satisfied with results simply return it and your money will be instantly refunded. Mail coupon now, before this special offer Is withdrawn. TIMOTHY'S QUEST— American Releasing.— Directed by Sidney Olcott. Story by Kate Douglas Wiggin. Scenario by Katherine ! Stuart. Photographed by Al Liguorie and Gene French. Timothy, Master Joseph Depew; "Lady Gay," Baby Helen Rowland; Miss Avilda Cum m ins, Marie Day; Samantha Ann Ripley, Margaret Seddon; Jake Slocuin, Bertram Marburgh; Witty Tarbox, Vivia : Ogden; Miss Dora, Gladys Leslie; Dave .1/ ill i ken, Wm. F. Haddock. LOVF. IS AX AWFUL THING— Selznick. — Written and directed by Victor Heerman. The cast: Anthony Churchill, Owen Moore; Helen Griggs, Marjorie Daw; Ruth Allen, Kathryn Perry; Harold Wright, Arthur Hoyt; Porter, Douglas Carter; Marion, Charlotte Mineau; Superintendent, Snitz Edwards; Superintendent's Wife, Alice Howell. * WHEN KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN FLOW I.R — Cosmopolitan. — Directed by Robert G. Vignola. Scenario by Luther Reed. The cast: Henry VIII, Lyn Harding; Louis XII, William Xorris; Charles Brandon, Forrest Stanley; Duke , of Buckingham, Pedro de Cordoba; Sir Edward : Caskoden, Ernest Glendinning; Duke Francis, William H. Powell; Cardinal Wolsey, Arthur Forrest; Due de Longueville, Macey Harlam; Will Sommers, Johnny Dooley; King's Tailor, i William Kent; Grammont, Gustav von Seyffer I titz; Sir Adam Judson, Charles Gerrard; .1" J Adventurer, George Nash; Sir Henry Brandon, Arthur Donaldson; Queen Catherine, Theresa I Maxwell Conover; A French Lady-in-Waiting, \ Flora Finch; Lady Jane Bolingbroke, Ruth • Shepley; Mary Tudor, Marion Davies. MANSLAUGHTER— Paramount — Directed by Cecil de Mille. From the novel of I Alice Duer Miller. Adapted by Jeanie Mac| pherson. The cast: Daniel O'Bannon, Thomas Meighan; Lydia Thome, Leatrice Joy; Evans, | her maid, Lois Wilson; Gov. Stephen Albee, John Miltern; Judge Romans, George Fawcett; Mrs. Drummond . Julia Faye; Adeline Bennett, Edythe Chapman; Drummond, a policeman, Jack Mower; Eleanor Bcllington, Dorothy Gumming; Bobby Dorset, Casson Ferguson; Dicky Evans, Mickey Moore; Butler, James Xeill; Prison Matron, Sylvia Ashton; Brown, Raymond Hatton; "Gloomy Gus," "Teddy;'' Prisoners, Mabel Van Buren, Ethel Wales, Dale Fuller; Wiley, Edward Martindel; Doctor, Charles Ogle; Musician, Guy Oliver; Miss Santa Claus, Shannon Day; Witness, Lucien Littlefield. Domino House, 269 S. Ninth St. Dept. C-2611, Philadelphia, Pa. REMEM BR ANCE — Goldwyn. — Written and directed by Rupert Hughes, with the following cast: Pop, Claude Gillingwater; Mom, Kate Lester; Mai Grout, Patsy Ruth Miller; Seth Smith, Cullen Landis; Julia, Nell Craig; Ethelwolf Grout, Dana Todd; John P. Grout, Jr., Richard Tucker; Beatrice, Esther Ralston; Julia's boy, Arthur Trimble; Julia's girl, Lucille Ricksen. Please send me one S2.50 bottle of Domino Curling Fluid. When the postman hands it to me, I will pay ; him only Si. 45 plus a few cents postage (in full payment). If for any reason I am not satisfied I will return it within fiye days and you agree to promptly refund my money. THE HANDS OF NARA— Metro.— Presented by Harry Garson. Adapted from the novel by Richard Washburn Child. The cast: Nora Alexieff, Clara Kimball Young; Boris llexieff, Count John Orloff; Emlen Claveloux, EUiott Dexter; Connor Lee, Edwin Stevens; Adam Pine, Vernon Steel; Doctor Haith Address Claveloux, John Milterne; Emma Gammcll, Margaret Loomis; Mrs. Miller, Martha Maddox; Carrie, Miller, Dulcie Cooper; Gus Miller, Ashley Cooper; Vanessa Yates, Myrtle Steadman: Mrs. Claveloux, Eugenie Bessemer. Name City State If ymi irish you may send cash iritti coupon and the postafft . THE VALLEY OF SILENT MEN— Cosmopolitan-Paramount.— By James Oliver Curwood. Scenario by John Lynch. Directed by Frank Borzage with the following cast: Marette Radisson, Alma Rubens; Corporal James Kent, of the Royal Northwest Mounted, Lew Cody; "Buck" O'Connor, Joseph King; Pierre Radisson, Mario Majeroni; Inspector Kedsty, of the Mounted, George Nash; Jacques Radisson, J. W. Johnston. ^ SLIM SHOULDERS— Hodkinson.— Produced by the Tilford Cinema Studios. Directed by Alan Crosland from Charles K. Harris' story, with the following cast: Naomi Warren, Irene Castle; Richard Langdon, Rod La Roque; John Clinton Warren, Warren Cook; Mrs. Warren, Marie Burke; Count Guido Morriani, Mario Carillo; Jerome Langdon, Anders Randolph; The crook, Matthew Betz. THE YOUNG DIAXA— CosmopolitanParamount. — By Marie Corelli. Scenario by Luther Reed. Settings by Joseph Urban. Directed by Albert Capellani and Robert G. Vignola with the following cast: Diana May, Marion Davies; James P. May, her father, Maclyn Arbuckle; Richard Cleeve, Forrest Stanley; Lady Anne, Gypsy O'Brien; Dr. Dimilrius, a scientist, Pedro de Cordoba. RICH MEN'S WIVES— Goldwyn.— By Frank Dazey and Agnes Christine Johnston. Scenario by Lois Zellner. Directed by Gasnier. The cast: John Masters, House Peters; Gay Davenport, Claire Windsor; Mrs. LindleyBlair, Rosemary Theby; Juan Camillo, Gaston Glass; Mrs. Davenport, Myrtle Stedman; Jackie. Baby Richard Headrick; Estelle Davenport, Mildred June; Mr. Davenport, Charles Clary; Maid, Carol Holloway; Nurse, Martha Mattox; Reggie, William Austin. BURNING SANDS— Paramount — Director and producer, George Melford. Author, Arthur Weigall. Scenarists, Olga Printzlau and Waldcmar Young. The cast: Muriel Blair, an English girl, Wanda Hawley; Daniel Lane, a philosopher, Milton Sills; Kale Bindane, Muriel's friend, Louise Dresser; Lizette, a dancer, Jacqueline Logan; Robert Barlhampton, an English official, Robert Cain; Mr. Bindane, Fenwick Oliver; Governor, Winter Hall; Secretary, Harris Gordon; Ibrahim, an Arab, Albert Roscoe; Old Sheik, Cecil Holland; Hussein, Joe Ray. Distributed by Paramount. PAID BACK — Universal. — From the story by Louis D. Lighton. Directed by Irving Cummings. The cast: Carol Gordon, Gladys Brockwell; Jack Gregory, Stuart Holmes; David Hardy, Mahlon Hamilton; Dorothy Br it Ion. Lillian West; Carol's Servant, Kate Price; Elouise Hardy, Edna Murphy; Jason Lockhart, Arthur Stewart Hull; Ship Captain, Wilfred Lucas. TOP O' THE MORNING— Universal — From the stage play by Anne Caldwell. Directed by Edward Laemmle. The cast: "Jerry" O'Donnell, Gladys Walton; John Garland, Harry Myers; Dot Garland, Doreen Turner; Jerry's Aunt, Florence D. Lee; Dermoil O'Donnell, William Welsh; Mulrooney, Don Bailey; Father Quinn, Dick Cummings; Mrs. O'Donnell, Margaret Campbell; Eugene O'Donnell, Ralph McCullough; Katherine Vincent, F.thel Shannon; Blakely Stone, Harry Carter; Thomas Wilson, William Moran; Katie McDougal, Sally Russell; Miss Murdoch, Martha Mattox. Every a Irertisement in FHOTorLAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.