Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1922)

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126 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section for MEN FOR v WOMEN You Can Mould Slim Curves With Dr. Lawton's Guaranteed FAT REDUCER RUB away fat where it troubles you most. .Weigh what you should for health and beauty, without starving, exercise, baths or drugs. FREE TRIAL OFFER For a limited time only we will allow you 11 days' free trial — so certain are we that Dr. Lawton's Fat Reducer will reduce your flesh where you want it to. Use this vacuum-suction massage just 10 minutes night and morning; you can banish fat from any part at once. Send no money. (No electricity.) Dr. Lawton's Reducer is a rubber device that breaks down excess tissues locally, and stimulates health circulation to carry off fatty waste. Dept. 7812 DR. THOMAS LAWTON 120 W. 70th Street, New York Please send me. without money in advance Dr. Lawton's Fat Reducer together with illustrated book entitled "Lawton Method of Weight Reduction" which is to be included free. I will pay the postman only $5.00 (plus few cents postage) in full payment on arrival, with the understanding that I have the guaranteed privilege of returning "The Fat Reducer" and my money refunded promptly, after 11 days if I am not entirely satisfied with the results. Book must be returned as it is well bound and is a valuable work, if for any reason I do not find the Fat Reducer satisfactory. Xame A ddress City State. Perfect hearing is now being re6tored in every condition of deafness or defective hearing from causes such as Catarrhal Deafness, Relaxed or Sunken Drums, Thickened Drums, Roaring and Hissing Sounds, Perforated, Wholly or Partially Destroyed , Drums.Discharge from Ears, etc. Wilson Common-Sense Ear Drum9 "Little Wireless Phones for the Ears" require no medicine but effectively replace what is lacking or defective in the natural ear drums. They are simple devices, which the wearer easily fits into the ears where they are invisible. Soft, safe and comfortable. Write today for our 168 page FREE book on DEAFNESS, giving you full particulars and testimonials. WILSON EAR DRUM CO.. Incorporated 284 Inter-Southern Bldg. LOUISVILLE. K& CMAKE MONEY •IP AT HOME Make 1 to 2 Dollars an hour At Home In Your Spare Time. We guarantee to make you a Show Card Writer by our " New Simple Method." No canvassing or soliciting. Working Outfit Free. We sell your work and pa/ you cash each week no matter where you live. Illustrated Booklet and Terms Free. The Detroit Show Card School Canadian Office: United States Office; 13 Land Security Bldg., 213 Dinan Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Detroit, Mich. $$$£$$$$$$$$ Mingo Mut, West Va. — I'm a brilliant old bluff, am I? Well, as I don't feel particularly pugilistic today, I suppose I'll stand for it. You mean well, old top. I'm sure of that. And now let me whisper in your cauliflower ear, by way of sweet revenge, that Louise Huff is married. She's Mrs. E. A Stillman and the mother of three children. Elizabeth and Teddy McC, Overbrook, Pa. — Kenneth Harlan's matrimonial adventures have not been as successful as his filmed romances. He has been divorced twice — once from Salomy Jane Harlan and later from Flo Hart, an actress. And now I suppose you two gentle little souls will be tickled to death. Harlan is now on the coast, playing with Marie Prevost in "The Beautiful and Damned." Margaret S. — Pretty, pretty notepaper — and nice, nice child. I am grateful for your good wishes and hope I'll always please you. Mary Pickford is five feet high; Gloria Swanson three inches taller than Mary, and May McAvoy one inch shorter than Mary. Yes, I'm for Mary, too — have been ever since I saw her in "The New York Hat," "The Mender of Nets" and "All on Account of the Milk," back in the old Biograph days. With you I'm awaiting "Tess." May McAvoy is not married; but she is rumored to be engaged to Eddie Sutherland. Helen Ferguson is reportedly the fiancee of Bill Russell; and Betty Compson and Walter Morosco are said to be contemplating matrimony. Wait and see. I've denied so many engagements which later culminated in the closeup clutch and reported so many more which were broken that it never affirm anything positively any more. Buddy. — You're just filled with music, are you? Be careful not to let it escape. We must consider our neighbor's feelings occasionally, you know. Priscilla Dean is married to Wheeler Oakman, an actor. Priscilla's latest is "Under Two Flags," and she is soon to be starred in "Drifting," from the stage play. May Allison is married to Robert Ellis. Wanda Hawley is Mrs. J. Burton Hawley. Agnes Ayres is divorced from Captain F. P. Shuker; her maiden name was Hinkle. Alice Lake is not married. A Sussex Gal. — So your uncle's father used to work with May McAvoy's grandfather. On the strength of this you should be able to get several autographed photographs. May is still under contract to Paramount, working at the Lasky studios in Hollywood. She lives with her mother. The flapper in "Clarence" | is her latest role. May was born in New York City in iqoi. She has dark hair, blue eyes, and weighs ninety-four pounds. Millie, Pittsburgh. — I have been in a j airplane— once. And then I didn't fly very I high. I am not as ambitious as I might be. Elliott Dexter opposite Clara Kimball Young in "The Hands of Nara." My picture appeared in the April issue along with the pictures of other members of Photoplay Maga j zine's all-star cast. Ahem, ahem! Eileen, San Jose. — I would like very much to send you those pictures; but I haven't any. You will have to write to the players them i selves. Theodore Roberts and Betty Fran 1 cisco, Lasky; Baby Marie Osborne, Pathe; j Betty Blythe, Whitman Vennett studios; | Marie Prevost, Warner Brothers. Rubye deRemer's personal address is 33 West 67th Street, New York City. I hope they all j answer you. Anna Lawrence, Mass. — Nita Naldi is really Italian — she also has some Irish blood. | Which makes an interesting combination. She is unusual for, among other things, being one of the few persons who was really born in New York City. It happened on April 4, 1899. Address her at the Lasky studio. She is under contract to Paramount for five years. Lina, Atlantic City. — You are tinier than any star on the screen except Baby Peggy. Marguerite Clark is four feet ten and May McAvoy four feet eleven. You're only four feet eight and a half. Wish some small star would do Walter de la Mare's "Memoirs of a Midget" on the screen. It would make a delightful picture, with all the photographic tricks called into play. Roy D., Late of London. — I am overcome, absolutely. Such a bouquet, for me. Oh, yes, I have an aura. But I am not at all formidable. You speak of my Art, and you capitalize the a. Dear lady, you over-rate me. My satire is as nothing compared with yours. But anyway, just in case you «ver want to ask me any questions, remember I'm for you. You have the wit, the grace, the charm — but I must get on to Norma, Rodolph and Mary. Statement of Ownership, Management, Circulation, etc., Required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 191 2, of Photoplay Magazine Published monthly at Chicago, Illinois for October 1, 1922 State of Illinois [ „, Comity of Cook 5 ° Before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State anil county aforesaid, personally appeared Robert M. Eastman, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes ami says that he is the Secretary ami Treasurer of the Photoplay Magazine, and that the following is, to the hest of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, Photoplay Publishing Co., 350 N. Clark Street. Editor, James B. Quirk. 350 N. Clark Street. Managing Editor, none. Business Manager, James K. Quirk, 350 N. Clark Street. 2. That the owners are: -(Give names and addresses of individual owners, or, if a corporation, give its name and the names and addresses of stockholders owning or. holding 1 per cent or more of the total amount of stock.) E. M. Colvin. Chicago, 111.; K. M. Eastman, Chicago, 111.; J. R. Quirk, Chicago, 111.: J. Hodgktns, Chicago, III.; Wilbert Shallenberger, Waterloo, Iowa: Photoplay Publishing Co., Chicago, 111. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: (If there are none, so state.) None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they apiiear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholders or security holder appears ujxjn the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given : also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or cori>oration has any interest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. 5. That the average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the six months preceding the date shown above is (This information is required from daily publications only.) K. M. EASTMAN. Secretary' and Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of September, 1922. [SEAL] KATHRYN DOrCIIEUTY. (My commission expires October 18, 1924.) Every advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.