Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1935)

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IIAKEM OF STARS It's time we women admitted that we really are all polygamous at heart! When we see George Bancroft portray real he-man parts in which the heroine leads a tempestuous, heretoday-gone-tomorrow existence, we thrill to it and vow that is the only life for us. Until, we see Leslie Howard and Herbert Marshall with their quiet sophisticated gentility. Then, just as suddenly, the old heart does a right-about-face, for handsome Gable is in the next movie we see! Ah me! The Sultan of Turkey used to have his harem of women but we women secretly have our harem of stars. Emma Emmett, Portland, Ore. CROONERS' KITTY Salvos of praise to a new sensation — Kitty Carlisle. She actually looks intelligent all the time that Bing is singing to her. This is refreshing after seeing other girls with an inane emptiness of expression while listening to the crooning of the male. Marguerite Varnes, Denver, Colo. TILE COLONEL'S GREAT IN COURT! Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! For Henry B. Walthall, for his splendid performance in the picture "Judge Priest." No other actor has ever come so near stealing a picture from Will Rogers as did Mr. Walthall in the courtroom scene. I remember Mr. Walthall years ago as the Little Colonel in the picture "The Birth of a Nation." He was a great actor, then. I He is great now. T. Matthews, Houston, Tex. TEAM 'EM, STUDIOS Here are some screen teams we fans would like to see together: Ann Harding and Fredric March Norma Shearer and Clive Brook Claudette Colbert and Ronald Colman Carole Lombard and George Brent Margaret Sulla van and Robert Montgomery Madge Evans and Richard Arlen Loretta Young and Joel McCrea Frances Dee and Robert Young Joan Bennett and Lew Ayres B. Holt, Fort Smith, Ark. MORE— And while you're on the subject of screen teams, how about Tom Brown and Anita Louise? On the screen, off the screen, they're my idea of a swell pair! June Ellis, St. Louis, Mo. NO GYP Anna Sten cost Sam Goldwyn a million dollars. (So you said in a past issue of Photoplay.) Well, believe me! She's worth it! I've just seen Miss Sten in "We Live Again," and while it only cost me fifty-five cents to see the show, I think Goldwyn and I both got our monev's worth. J. M. P, New York City For consistently fine performances over a longperiod of time I vote a gold medal to Lewis Stone. I do feel, however, that Mr. Stone's mlcs recently haven't been quite as good as they have in the past. Please, Mr. Movie Executive, keep Stone in leading or strong supporting roles. R. L., Stamford, Conn. You can just quote me as saying, "I have just seen 'The Gay Divorcee' with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, and wish to say it is the most delightful picture I've seen for years" — and let it go at that. P. S. — I've seen it three times. Lilith Kitchell, Kansas City, Kans. CHARLES HAS WHAT IT TVKKS Talk about sex-appeal! I didn't know the meaning of the word until a few days ago when I saw Charles Boyer in "Caravan." One day Boyer was only another obscure actor to me and the next I had him heading my list i f favorites. Bertha Smith, Mullins. S. C. LONG A WINNER She's been my favorite star for fifteen years. On the screen and in the public print, I've followed her through flops, tremendous successes, changing roles, motherhood, four marriages. I'm glad now to see her back on the Nearly nineteen years ago Henry B. Walthall (above) won movie fame for his fine portrayal of the Little Colonel in "The Birth of a Nation." Today he's gathering laurels for a performance just as outstanding in the Fox production, "Judge Priest" fright) screen again, more beautiful than ever, in a smashing good picture. I'm talking about Gloria Swanson, star of "Music in the Air." Evelyn Andrews, Des Moines, Iowa SEALS FOR BABES? I thoroughly enjoyed your article, "Robbing the Cradle for Stars," in the November Phi i i <> PLAY. However, I think the sudden outcrop of child PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 16 13