Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1935)

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Photoplay Magazine for January, 1935 10 will increase the possibility of interesting effects immeasurably, permitting even such realistictouches as pale greenish tinges for seasick actors and pasty white effects for "hangovers," if desired. Hollywood today is pretty much divided .mi the subject of color. Sam Goldwyn and Eddie Cantor recently leagued with the pro-colorists when they made the final sequence of "Kid Millions" in Technicolor. RKO-Radio signifies its belief in the future of color by tossing tall sums of money into "Becky Sharp." But the fate of its future lies in the hands of the public. If the public demands it, the expense to the industry, the discomfort to players will be considered of small consequence. If the public wants it, Robert Edmond loncs' prophecy will be fulfilled — color will come to the screen, to stay. Hollywood Holiday Follies [ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 50 ] Mae agreed he might come down to see her sometime, so it was settled. Dietrich and Von Sternberg were to walk 'into the Paramount dining-room, each with a !shoe-box lunch under an arm and, selecting a table, were to calmly lay out their weiner' schnitzels to their hearts' content and the iwaiters' astonishment. This, too, would please and surprise Santa, :they felt sure. Joan Crawford begged to be allowed to Itwine gardenias in Santa's beard so he would smell in harmony when he came down her chimney. Provided Franchot would stand for any !such monkey business. The only snag they ran up against, however, was that all the girls wanted to tickle the jolly >ld rascal; he being such a plump old lamb. In ithe end, they finally had to lay down "no ticking" rules which simply put Miriam Hopkins .o bed with disappointment. After lunch (at the Brown Derby) Santa was ;o view the Bus Berkeley girls in action. If ■ianta still lived, a simple little twenty-seven ;ourse supper was to be spread at the new frocadero. "And let's finish up with nuts," omeone suggested. rT'HAT settles it," everyone screamed, "if the Marx Brothers come, we won't. They'll ;inish it up all right." | Just to show that every little thing had been hought out, it was agreed, if a Turkish bath ailed to bring Santa around after the evening's an, Adrian was to stitch a bale of cotton round Guy Kibbee and with Santa's pack on is back, he was to finish up the job. "But what if I get stuck in a chimney?" iuy whimpered, [i "You've been stuck in worse things than :iimneys, haven't you?" they argued. So it as agreed. And with this last detail complete, joy broke ■ose all over everything and Gracie Allen had i clean it up. Cheers, huzzahs and three iieers for "Hollywood's Holiday Follies" rang it over the land. And as Tiny Tim never in the world said, Merry Christmas to you all. And God help li, every one." l/Vcrlcu ccuii • Only 5 minutes' cooking instead of 15! And it never fails! Never too thick nor too thin. Goes on in lovely rich swirls! • But remember . . . Evaporated Milk won't — can't — succeed.'in this recipe. You must use Sweetened Condensed Milk. Just remember the name Ea^le Brand. m * a /'>!/' >f CD ETC I World'5 most amazing Cook Book jV'l /"W"l|l I Ittt ■ 60 photographs) showing .-* **^ ** -* ., astonishing new short-cuts. 130 recipes, including: Lemon Pie without cooking ! Caramel Pudding that makes itself! 2-ingredient Macaroons! Shake-up Mayonnaise! Ice Creams (freezer and automatic ) ! Candies! Refrigerator Cakes! Sauces! Custards! Cookies! Quick Breads! Address: The Borden Co., Dept. PU1 5, 350 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. AMAZING^ S SHORTCUTS ,N CODING Name_ Streets Quality City. State„ (Print name and address plainly) What $25-2 Will Bring You Hundreds of pictures of the stars of Hollywood and illustrations of their work and pastime — in twelve big (monthly) issues of Photoplay, The News and Fashion Magazine of the Screen. Scores of interesting articles about the people you see on the screen. Brief reviews with the casts of current photoplays. The truth and nothing but the truth, about motion pictures, the stars, and the industry. You have read this issue of Photoplay, so there is no necessity for telling you that it is one of the most superbly illustrated, the best written and most attractively printed magazines published today — and alone in its field of motion pictures. Send a Money Order or Check for $2.50 if in the U. S., its dependencies, Mexico, Cuba ($3.50 to Canada and foreign countries), for the next twelve issues, addressed to PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE, Dept. 1-P, 1926 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 4