Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1935)

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(he mental tests reveal too great an emotiona stability, Jimmy hasn't a chance. But if Dr. Williams' findings reveal that Immy is only a spoiled, over-indulged impered little boy, who can be reiaped into a tine citizen, he be jmes a Curtis charge. His first day at school is spent 1 the examination room of the ad of the physical culture Apartment. William Mcjlasters. Jimmy is photo aphed in silhouette to ;io\v defects in posture, jiotprints are taken, his md grip tested, his toulder strength tried it, his legs measured, ie tilt of his head ;>ted, his heart, his ngs, his muscle tone, s nutrition, his skin, j. fact there isn't a 10k or cranny of Jimy that isn't charted ,id indexed by his exniners. ! By the end of the day, IcMasters and his three .illed assistants have mapfed out Jimmy's physical ;ork for the forthcoming year. is stooped shoulders are to relive certain stretching exercises s flabby muscles will require slow jvelopment, his fear of physical pain underscored for careful consideration 1 swimming classes and acrobatic work. ; The next day, Jimmy joins the kindergarten, hich, because of California's almost flawless imate, is conducted outdoors almost every day in the par. Among his classmates he discovers chubby, blind eter Bennett, Constance Bennett's son, and his young >usin, Diana, daughter of Joan Bennett. The little Iris at the end of the play table are Mary MacArthur, Physical training is given equal importance with mental gymnastics. And soccer, for both boys and girls, begins in the fourth grade. This game starts with Richard Hoffman kicking the ball ptfp* These youngsters learn ballroom dancing before they are "grown up" enough to feel self-conscious about trying a tango with the best beau or the girl friend ! The tall young lady with the boyish bob, on the extreme left, is Jane Rich, daughter of Irene Rich daughter of Helen Hayes and Charles MacArthur, and Mary Elizabeth Brown, the wide-grinning Joe E.'s youngster. Later he makes the acquaintance of John Brooks Morris (Chester Morris) and William David Powell (William Powell), a pair of robust youngsters. Jimmy's teacher has a detailed account of his psychological and physical tests in the top drawer of her desk and she knows already that he is over-sensitive, unsocial, inclined to be destructive anddomineeringand abundantly curious. But a series of scientifically arranged games soon build up Jimmy's self-control and stimulate the sprouting of his first pinfeathers of good sportsmanship. His demolishing little hands are kept so busy with crayons, clay, tools and scissors, he forgets his original plans to scratch the colored pages out of the picture books. He learns, painlessly, to take a nap from eleven to eleven-thirty every morning, although his mother and all his nurses never had any luck along this line at home. [ please turn to page 118 | 33