Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1935)

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for Beautiful s and Feet a!mt that and I'm telling all you gSs, "Don't wear heels that are too hi;h!" Spike heels impair your hiilth and your grace. They give you al ugly, wobbly walk. And they're tSi for your circulation. Some years ago, as a reward for the \ rk I'd done, I came to New York as (loria Swanson's guest to see the openit of her picture "The Trespasser." A fjl friend of hers from Chicago met us in I.'w York but she had to go back home in a fv days. Gloria hates to be alone so she ; ced me if I would stay all night with her. 'I have a hard time getting to sleep in a ;!ange room, but at last I fell off into that ikt heavy sleep only to be awakened by one J Gloria's practical jokes. Unknown to me, se reached across from her twin bed to mine Id put her ice-cold feet on my stomach. Mind Ju, I was dead asleep but I awoke with a start id yelled, "Oh Gloria, didn't I tell you not 1 wear those high heels? They're bad jr your circulation." Gloria thought at was the funniest thing she had er heard. ; How to have foot loveliness? ere's how. Every week ve your feet a massage ^ ith a good feeding cream. . ub the cream in well and nber up the toes with a | •ntle rotating movement the hands. Then with a orangewood stick, Few women are fortunate enough to have an upper leg as perfect as Gertrude Michael's. However, with careful and regular exercise, Sylvia says it can be achieved tipped with cotton and dipped in peroxide, treat the toenails exactly as you treat your fingernails. Press back the cuticle. Let little pads of cotton saturated with peroxide soak on each toe-nail while you're massaging the other foot. And be sure that you cut the toe-nails straight Never round them. You'll have ingrown nails if you do Now wipe off all the peroxide and cold cream and paint your nails with liquid polish. It looks swell, especially when you wear evening sandals, for that big night. You great big girls who teeter and toddle around on fat feet squeezed into shoes a couple of sizes too small for you should be ashamed of yourselves. Better still, you should give yourselves the onceover in the mirror and see how ridiculous you look. If you're fat all over, reduce! In a minute I'm going to give you an exercise for the legs that will also reduce the feet and don't forget that with my good old squeezing method you can take off stubborn lumps of flesh. If you stand a lot and your feet swell take alternate hot and cold foot baths and afterwards lie on your bed with your feet propped up so that they are much higher than your head. And don't have bunions. The only way to avoid them is to have properly fitted shoes. If you have a bunion get scientifically fitted shoes. Yes, yes, I know. You say they're not very attractive. Maybe they're not, but it's far better to wear these shoes for a couple of months than to spend the rest of your life with unsightly bunions. Take a good look at Gloria Swanson's feet. There are no bunions. Remember this also — no foot can be really beautiful unless it's hooked onto an attractive ankle and no ankle looks well unless the rest of the leg is good. Maybe you can guess one of my requirements for a beautiful ankle. It's the same as for every other part of the body. I can say it in one word — my favorite. Slim! Joan Blondell's ankles and the lower part of her leg from and including the knee down are wonderful. Take a good long look. You won't regret it. [ PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 85 1 Additional advice by Sylvia about other personal beauty problems found on page 85 57