Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1935)

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LLUSTRATED B FRANK GODWI! ywooc l'> WE were sitting on the patio basking in the golden sun and watching the Hollywood parade go by on the main stem of this quaint little desert oasis. Palm Springs! We were stag refugees from Hollywood getting a kick out of watching fellow Hollywood refugees go native. Quite a party of us boys had been playing at golf in a desert tournament with some of the famous professionals, and we were now enjoying the hospitality of one Senor Roberto Woolsey, the bespectacled, cigar-chewing comedian. Like many a former smart Broadway and Hollywood lad, Senor Woolsey has gone completely native. He owns his own hacienda in Palm Springs and lives between pictures clad only in shorts and sandals. Among the star refugees were Srs. W. C. Fields, Peon Errol, Bert Wheeler, Dick Arlen, William Frawley and the author. "Phis is God's country," announced our host, a line which all of us had heard before. "Palm Springs is the tops." "It's (). K. if you got something wrong with you," agreed Senor Frawley, which upset Senor Woolsey no end, indeec "You're nuts!" he chirped. "It is God's gift to Hollywood] What a playground! Look at those happy folks going by. We peeked. Pedestrians, equestrians and cyclists, they a looked very happy, though a bit on the languid side. The;, were all clad the same, shorts, sandals and occasional eye shades. "Phere goes Garbo on a bicycle," announced Senor Errol: Senor Fields complained bitterly. "I wish I was turner around so as I could see her." However, it turned out no to be Garbo at all, so we resumed the argument. "Speaking of playgrounds," said Senor Arlen, "I'll tak Ensenada or Catalina. Or, if a fella has the time, Honolulu.' "You guys with yachts make me sick," retorted irreconcil able Senor Frawley, "as for me ..." A chorus of interruptions. Senor Fields agreed with Seno: Woolsey on Palm Springs because it is easier to get to with ij trailer. I held with Senor Arlen. Phe Srs. Errol and Wheelei being more of the sporting types, prefer the Santa Anita rac; track and Agua Caliente, respective!}'. Lbb giioneer Hollywood days, the de§ert was avoided liKc smallpox. How, it's a Mecca SCOOP COIWIOl 76 • i<>