Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1935)

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PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE FOR MAY, 1935 91 NEVER A DULL MOMENT __ The KAY — pertorations scattered with a lavish (and fashion-wise) hand add cool smartness to this two-eyelet tie of kid. ' yj 1 The RO YD EN — perforations again (they're smarter than ever) — used to add interest and airiness to a foureyelet kid oxford. O-OVJSlightly higher west of the Rockies Other Selby Products— :H PRESERVER and TRU-POISE Shoes In Canada write Selby Shoes, Ltd., Montreal "It's a merry life — and a busy one — now that I'm wearing Styl-Eez shoes. They have a way of making my feet look exactly as they should when summer's in the air and there's adventure around the corner. I like their smartness, their comfort, their perfect fit . . . things I've never seemed to find in other shoes at the price. I'm glad I have the Styl-Eez habit . . ." Styl-Eez shoes have special built-in features that keep your feet from tiring easily and prevent rotation of the ankles . . . unusual in shoes so moderately priced. Send this coupon for Styl-Eez booklet of features and new models. THE SELBY SHOE COMPANY, PORTSMOUTH, OHIO Please send me a copy of your Styl-Eez booklet. Name . A d dress