Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1935)

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PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE FOR MAY, 1935 97 "Women welcome frankness when talking about these Kotex advantages'' CANT CHAFE • CANT FAIL CAN'T SHOW! lor of "Marjorie Mays I2lh Birlhdoy" ^^^ the sideS A all irritat\0t!nft do^ny CANT SHOIV Now you Can wear «,», . ever showing. ^iK""?11 W''th°Ut iin^ rounded in ordf nafv pads h T °0t mereJy » Pered besides. AbscZ. Si***!*"*! and No "give away" lines or * !nv!s'bii'ty always -kes fo/addeTasTur/nct 'fcl "? ** '° Peace of mind and p0ise ^ 1DJUSTABLE BELT REQUIRES NO PINS! No wonder thousands are buying this truly remarkable Kotex sanitary belt! It's conveniently narrow . . . easily adjustable to fit the figure. And the patented clasp does away with pins entirely. You'll be pleased with the comfort . . . and the low price. Your druggist can't tell you these things without embarrassment. But as one woman to another I want to tell you of these remarkable Improvements in sanitary protection. There is a -Hrtff^E£ the pad. It has ^^^/^d-thus avoids evenly the **$£$£*££ gives "bodyaccidents. And this specia Kotex but not bulk to ^e pad use • -na";ural move. keep adjusting itself to every u ^ ment. No twisting. The finer ^ tually 5 times more absorbent FRANKLY, I believe that I know what women really want in sanitary protection. For I have talked to thousands of women of all ages, and from all walks of life, about their personal problems. In intimate chats I've heard the faults they find with ordinary pads. And I know you'll be grateful to hear about the remarkable new Kotex. Here are the facts that will interest you most. Kotex is much softer because of its downy, cotton sides. 8 women in 10 say it prevents chafing entirely. Kotex gives a freedom of mind for hours longer because the"equalizer"distributes moisture evenly, avoids accidents. The tapered ends permit you to wear clinging gowns without the fear of lines that show. Kotex eliminates pulling and twisting. The reason for all this is contained in the pad itself and the new pinless belt. These are exclusive Kotex features of which no other napkin can boast. Super Kotex for extra protection Just let me mention that women who require extra protection find Super Kotex ideal for their needs. It costs no more than the regular. For emergency, Kotex is available in West Cabinets in ladies' rest rooms. WONDERSOFT KOTEX Try the New Deodorant Powder Discovery . . . QUEST for Personal Daintiness Available wherever Kotex is sold. Sponsored by the makers of Kotex