Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1935)

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Sylvia's Ideals for Mouth, Chin and Face Structure [ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 73 Don't try to look "cute" by pouting or pretending to sulk. And don't pucker your lips as if you had just eaten a green persimmon. If your lower lip hangs down use every effort of will to hold it up. Determination again! You can do it if you try. And when you smile see that it means something. If you can't do any better than just pulling your lips back in a "prop" grin — then don't smile at all. Garbo doesn't smile much — and she's done very well. But there is nothing so attractive as a real, spontaneous, peppy smile. And there is nothing worse than an affected smile which doesn't mean a thing. For the greatest of all charms is personal sincerity. Sincerity is a seller — and that goes for you girls both on and off the screen. You can relax the mouth and take away wrinkles around it by using your finger tips in a gentle rotary movement at the corners but the attractiveness of the mouth is much more a matter of mind and personality than exercise. Don't make faces — like the slapstick comedians and even some of our big emotional stars do. In Hollywood language, don't you "mug." Don't be so doggone animated that you pull your mouth out of shape. That sort of animation isn't real anyhow. If you have a big mouth make the most of it. That's swell, for the little pursed-up rose-bud lips went out bustles and big hips. Don't simper. Just be plain natural. / the nervous habits of sucking in your li setting your mouth in a thin, hard line other words, use your mouth to talk (naturally) and to smile with (naturally). I hope you've got sense enough to apply lipstick so that it doesn't make your it grotesque. And now, here's to you — with a nice sle izing tomato juice cocktail — for perfect and figures. Keep your chin up and waistline down. Use your head for some more than a carry-all for excess weight! Answers by Sylvia Dear Sylvia: My arms are very flabby. I think that is caused from reducing them so much. What can I do about it now? D. R., Richmond, Va. And that, baby, is because you haven't paid attention to everything I've told you. Listen! Dieting alone will not do all the work. You've got to take exercises, too. I'll bet that you've been dieting okay but you haven't had the courage to take the exercises. Well, I'll let you off easy this time but see that it never happens again. In last month's article in which I set the standard for beautiful backs, arms and hands you'll discover the exercise that will make your arms firm. Do that exercise and don't fall down on it. And remember this. You must take exercises. You must do everything I tell you to do or I can't be responsible for the way you look! Dear Sylvia: How much sleep do you think the average person requires? I mean the average adult. D. B., Grand Rapids, Mich. That depends upon whether you want to reduce or gain weight. If you're reducing never, never stay in bed for more than eight hours and seven is even better. Get up every morning at seven o'clock and get right straight up — don't turn over for that extra snooze. •But be sure that your sleep is good sleep and the way to do that is to take my relaxing exercises before you go to sleep. Six hours of good hard sleep is better than eight hours of tossing and tumbling in bed half-awake. But you'll sleep well if you're perfectly relaxed. However, if you're building up you should be in bed every other night at nine o'clock and not get up until seven. That's ten hours sleep, isn't it, and that will put flesh on you if you're run down and under weight. Dear Sylvia: Kindly send me your reducing diet. R. W. T., Lincoln, Neb. Since it is such a long diet and would take up so much space to reprint it here I suggest that you send a self-addressed, stamped en LETTERS, letters, how they flood in! But why not, girls, when two little stamps may bring you a lot of happiness and health? You'll never owe anything to Aunt Sylvia for whatever advice I gladly give you. I've helped plenty of people whose problems may have seemed worse than yours. Merely write Sylvia care of PHOTOPLAY Magazine, 1926 Broadway, New York Citv, enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope. SYLVIA velope so that I can give you a personal answer and enclose my general reducing diet. Dear Sylvia: Please tell me what to do for drooping shoulders. I work in an office all day and am bending over either a typewriter or books. R. S. J., Kansas City, Mo. Only self-control and gumption will get those shoulders up and keep them up. If you can't do it yourself, then find a friend who when she finds you slumping will give you a good, hard whack between your shoulder blades. Tell this friend to give you one you won't forget in a hurry. That will remind you if you can't remind yourself. And for heaven's sake don't slump in those desk chairs. It makes you fat about the waist, gives you a big stomach, causes your shoulders to droop. It makes you look awful and inefficient. You develop an appearance as if you ought not to be in any job. Dear Sylvia: I have two questions to ask you. 1. What is good for the nerves? 2. What is good for inducing immediate sleep? M. J. H., Detroit, Mich. Nervousness is caused by a terrific demand on your energy. My advice is to read as light and amusing literature as possible. Always try to laugh and to forget. Another thing, try to acquire a taste for simplicity in life. Since most nervous people are thin, you ne( to build up your general health and give ,ji nerves food as well. Why not send fo ly Building-Up diet? Then when you're nervous, you can't s p. Here is an exercise that will give you p restful sleep that relaxes your entire 1 1 Grasp the bars or sides of your bed. C A whatever you hold onto. Feel your vie body become tense, even your fingers and 3 Then relax. Repeat until you feel yoi If slipping off to sleep. If you can get sev § even six hours of good sleep after taking is exercise, it will mean everything to your li I and beauty. Dear Sylvia: I have never done any real hard work ill the veins in my hands are very large, you any corrective for them? D. S. C, Richmond, V Large veins usually mean poor circula n. The way to overcome them is to get up id do things that will send your blood mc ig rapidly. Get some life into yourself! Ifl work also makes large veins. There's k to do about this except to hold your his above your head as often as you think 1 1 Then sit so that your hands are a little bH than your arms. This lets the blood flow m your hands, makes them look whiter anc ie veins less conspicuous. Dear Sylvia: I am a young girl, sixteen years old, wbjM a little natural curl to her hair but nnffl doesn't approve of girls my age visiting bt ly salons to have their hair set; what am I to to have a nice neat hair dress? M. W. F., New York C Wash and dry your hair yourself. Whi d£ hair is still damp, set it with your hands hffl waves. If your hair is stiff and wiry, pu a few wave combs but make the waves <>e apart. Take any little loose ends— ban ot side curls — and twist them around in littl 3t curls and pin them with invisible hair I All the movie stars do this. I've seen | make those little curls with hair pins a n® times. Now let your hair dry thoroitf> take out the pins and combs and arra 100