Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1935)

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nfloor; Jerry Rouleau, for copper and n urn masterpieces in miniature and n of wood carvers and workers of Lillii;; designs in revolving pillars and fanciful i\ decorations throughout the enchanted g'm Vnors who have done miniature books in handwriting for the library of Colleen I s Doll House include: Conan Doyle, ii Fcrber, Hendrick Van Loon, Joseph luimer, Louis Bromfield, Irvin Cobb, ,ewis, Gene Fowler, Kathleen Nor ■n Tully, Elinor Glyn, Rupert Hughes, MX Fitzgerald, Thyra S. Winslow, Warner Fannie Hurst, Booth Tarkington, e Rogers St. Johns, and many others. V the second floor is the Prince's bedroom, a prevailing color of deep blue, with a fated ceiling in designs of gold. The bed c carved walnut, painted in brilliant ol with figures done in relief. One also s lests of solid gold, etched by the Chinese Mesigns of fiery dragons. f Prince's bath room, done in marble o, has a bath tub guarded by two golden Water pours into the tub constantly ilea shells held by two mermaids of gold. j owing the shaded entrance hall, which is it xl by golden peacocks, the occupants of pry castle enter the bedroom of the riss. I walls are in shell pink, on which is rd a mural of fairies dancing. Over the ■ entering her bath room is painted Peter ilancing on a mushroom. The ceiling, hborn, is of little cherubs in pastel colors i ig in a sea of pink clouds. The floor is of tr-of-pearl, cut in tiny cubes, with a (r of inlaid gold. Two stained glass winn if birds of the forest overlook the garden, ^boat-shaped bed with great sweeping a made of solid gold, with a canopy of H enamel, is topped by a furling crown, i rella's golden slippers rest on a tiny ■ of seed pearls at the side. i' adjoining bath room of the Princess is i' in jade colors and carved glass walls. ad figures tell the story of Undine, the J-water sprite. : )RING into a bath of colorful carved glass i es, illuminated from the depths, the casI over the shoulders of the little cupids i he etched sea life a remarkable sense of ly and action. beautiful perfume cabinet of solid gold ) s a wall of the Princess' bath room, and loorway to her bedroom is surmounted a design of golden cupids. mtless other rare pieces in miniature Uete the house; it would require a volume scribe it all in detail, ere are trees of cellophane, bushes of der glass with pearl fruit dripping from : ranches, a tiny forest of golden pines and i es, and willow trees of silver and gold, iderella's silver coach, drawn by two horses, halts for a moment while the 1 little arched-back animals drink at a lese fountain of verdigris copper. Santa and his sled drawn by his faithful reinsweep in faint relief, barely perceptible, from the towering steeples into this inted realm. e tinkle of an old-fashioned music box the adult back to the days of childhood, porting every visitor to this marvel of iture perfection to the realm of make•'e, recalling the fondest memories of the ;r days when all literature was Mother e and tots won awards for being good. PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE FOR MAY, 1935 103 Why thisi JJ i, WkL when you can enjoy this I Se ^offflfr Guards You Against the Dangers of Re -used Pads! NO PERMANENT should ever ruin your hair. Yet many a woman risks having her hair practically destroyed because the same pads are used from one head to another. No wonder women dread the effects of bad permanent waving when such conditions prevail. 0£ M* 4% >.' certify*-' I...-' »ff UCtNSED °JJ^«^ A^2^z^~ Yet such fear is now needless. For you can protect yourself if you go to a Licensed Nestle Shop, using fresh materials that are always Nestle — and nothing else! For then you secure a glorious wave that is also a distinct benefit to the structure of your hair. THE NESTLE-LEMUR COMPANY New York LOOK for the Licensed Nestle Beauty Shop with this Certificate. It is your guarantee of a genuine Nestle Wave. Also insist on seeing the Nestle name on the foil cover of the felt pads. SCIENTIFIC PERMANENT WAVE