Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1935)

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124 PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE FOR MAY, 1935 What the engaged girl should know ■ III fAI € I IK COR1ER about WEDDING RINGS • That Traub wedding and engagement rings are made by master craftsmen in precious metals. • That Traub rings are correctly designed in simple modern and orange blossom patterns. • That Traub rings, if jeweled, are set with beautiful gem stones only. • That Traub rings can be bought at all reliable jewelers. • Prices range from $10 to $500. Don't get married without "Orange Blossoms," a book on bridal etiquette and customs that will help you no end in your wedding preparations. Ask your jeweler about it. rrr\ TRADE (II) MARK Traub OILY SKIN! IS A DANGEROUS BREEDING GROUND FOR BLACKHEADS NEVER SOUEEZE BLACKHEADS. IT CAUSES SCARS. INFECTION! Involve Blackheads scii-ntilically with nriiumi! KLEERPLEX WASH. This wonderful NEW DISCOVERY contains 5 scientific ingredients. Also refine! Large Pores, stops embarraasins Grcsiness. "Shine." Clears Muddy. Sallow Tanned Skin. Has marvelous medicated pore-purifying powers. Gets at. the cause QUICKLY, SAFELY! RENEWS! LIGHTENS! BEAUTIFIES your skin. Gives you that clean-cut attractive look. SEE INSTANT IMPROVEMENT. No cntmicalt. No staying home. A guaranteed pure, natural product, approved by Health Authorities end thousands of happy users — Men and Women. A'otAtnti hke it! Stop wasting tune and money on ordinary products. Your skin deserves the best. Get your 2 months' sopplv of Kleerplex Wash TODAY. Send $1 (plus 10c postage) direct to KLEERPLEX (Dcpt. P6>. 1 W. 34th St., N. Y. C. Orpav postman (pin COD. charge). Outside U.S. $1.35. and no C.O.D .'a. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! (Convrijht 1934. Kleerplel.) &rni&)Y(mun CUwwji (Ittbact The women you most admire, and perhaps envy, prize their beauty and guard it. Their lustrous eyes and clear skin are the result of daily care. Above all else, these women keep their systems free of the poisons of constipation. Thousands of such women find Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets a matchless corrective. Madeof pure vegetableingredients. Know them by their olive color. They are a safe substitute for dangerous calomel. Not habitforming. All druggists, 15c, 30c and 60c. NOW that the warm weather is here again all the fan clubs are busy planning their Summer activities. There will be picnics, boat rides and all kinds of outings. If you're not a member of some fan club why don't you get busy and join one so that you will be in on some of these good times? So many letters have been pouring in upon the Photoplay Association of Movie Fan Clubs, asking for information about organizing clubs eligible to membership in the Association, that this explanation of the various types of clubs is given: The two most popular types of fan clubs belonging to the Association are: (1) Clubs organized to sponsor a particular star, and (2) Clubs which do not sponsor individual stars but embrace all of them in general, their work in films, the kind of films being shown in theaters, and the movie industry in general. The first type of club is organized by persons particularly interested in the work and ambition of one favorite star. Personal permission from the star must be obtained by the organizer of such a club before it is started. Many such clubs are already organized and are members of the Photoplay Association of Movie Fans Clubs. The second type of club is much easier organized. It may be directed along lines embracing all movie lines in general. It offers many topics for discussion and is the ideal type of club where it is possible to hold regular gettogether sessions. Many such organizations are limited to local membership, others welcome corresponding members from other parts of the country. Both types of club are eligible to membership in the Photoplay Association of Movie Fan Clubs. For any information write to the Association's office, 1926 B'way, New York City. These are some of the clubs that would be interested in hearing from new members. Lew Ayer Club, Helen Raether, Pres., 311 S. Mingo St., Albion, Mich., Ginger Rogers Club, Marion Hesse, Pres., 154 Elm St., Elizabeth, N. J., Norma Shearer Club, Hans Faxdahl, Pres., 1947 B'way, N. Y. C, and the Mike and Movie Club, Barbara Tickell, Pres., 1925 14th Ave., S. Birmingham, Ala. A note from Barbara Tickell, Pres. of the Mike and Movie Club, informs me that the contest they have been running is completed and the winners selected. The first prize, which was to be selected by Vera Van, herself, went to Chaw Mank, Pres. of the Movie Fan Friendship Club at 226 E. Mill St., Staunton, 111., second prize to Mrs. Pearl Himes, third prize to Dorothy Mae Hulse, fourth prize to Dorothy Dilley and the fifth to Catharine Macadam, Pres. of the Lanny Ross League Club. We had a very interesting bulletin from the Movie Club Guild telling us that they held a "Waffle Party" at the home of the Ruth Roland Club, 4822 N. Meade Ave., Chicago, 111. It turned out to be a great success. The crowd was much larger than they anticipated but they were able to serve them all with steaming hot waffles and other delicacies. Two weeks later they followed this up with an eight stop, eight course, all night "Progressive Dinner" which took them over a fifty mile route of Chicago's boulevards, winding up with a seven A. M. breakfast at the last stop. The Lanny Ross League membership contest winners have been chosen, first prize going to Rose Moore, Lancaster, Pa , and second prize to Dorothy White, N. Bennington, Vt. Betty Smith also of Lancaster was given honorable mention. Large pictures of Lanny went to the following: — Rose Moore, Dorothy White, Betty Smith, Ida Cagna, Miss Porter, Eleanor Reichenbach, Frank Gokas, Virginia Bales and Adaline Brown. Jean Arthur, with Edward G. Robinson in the current "The Whole Town's Talking," is scheduled to do another film with Eddie for Columbia, "Jail Breaker"