Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1935)

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PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE FOR MAY, 1935 129 ET YOUR LIBRARY PROFIT >Y THESE SPLENDID VALUES 2 >idP slifl • di^ IJr agf-* ■■-■ : $?--^ , " > ^§9JKSSE^9HE^wr k*^i <*? I^^Mk^^^pV 10 its thousands of friends the Economy Educational League wishes to announce i , in pursuance of its regular function of ling good books to persons of high lity taste at prices all can afford, it has red a series of six volume sets of the •ted greatest works of great authors that i grace any library in which they are placed. i almost every home, at one time or an•r, the intent has been expressed to secure ltually the best works of Dickens, Kip, Poe or some other author whose works missing in the family library. If you have i.etimes felt the need of a set of the works my of the great authors listed in the er box of this page, feel no hesitation in ling in your order today. At $6.95 ($1.16 volume) they are a splendid investment will be a wonderful addition to the culil background of your home. Printed on i paper, approximately three thousand ,es to the set, richly bound in red and 1 fabricated leather with edges beauti•y marbled in full color, it is a pleasure landle them and a far greater pleasure >wn them. Ve take much pride in this offer and will come your order for one or more sets. As .he case of every book ever offered by ! organization, if for any reason they uld not prove satisfactory in every way, y may be returned within reasonable time prompt and cheerful refund of your ley. In ordering specify clearly by aur s name which set or sets you want. Shipit will be made promptly upon receipt of er. k for catalogue of other attractive book values YOUR CHOICE Beautiful, six volume set of selected, greatest works of any of these famous authors DICKENS GEORGE ELIOT EMERSON & PLATO HAWTHORNE LAMB SMOLLETT FIELDING DE MAUPASSANT KIPLING STEVENSON POE WHILE THEY LAST ONLY $6.95 POSTPAID ECONOMY EDUCATIONAL LEAGUE Dept. P-5 1926 BROADWAY NEW YORK, N. Y. Other Outstanding Book Values EVERY book listed below is an excellent buy at the price offered. All books shipped postpaid. All are returnable for prompt refund if not satisfactory. Order by titles. THE ARABIAN NIGHTS— Original Lane Translation — a gorgeouB volume for lovers of the rare and exotic, full color, 1260 pages, only $2.98. GREAT POEMS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE— One of the finest anthologies of its kind ever compiled. Indispensahle to homes with growing children or where poetry is loved and appreciated. Beautiful great volume weighing four pounds. Cross indexed three ways, hy titles, by first lines, by authors. 1502 pages, 82.98. THE ROMANCES OF HERMAN MELVILLE — one volume edition — Moby Dick, Typee, White Jacket, Rebum, Mardi,Omoo, Israel Potter — 1660 pages, $2.98. THE STORY OF MEDICINE by Victor Robinson. A survey of the development of medical knowledge from the stone age until our own time — 327 pages, $2.98. THE BOOK OF MUSICAL KNOWLEDGE by Arthur Elson. A splendid reference book — 609 pages, $2.98. THE OMNIBUS OF ADVENTURE. Edited by John Grove— 882 pages, $1.98. BEST AMERICAN WIT AND HUMOR. Edited by J. B. Mussey. Anthology of the finest work of a score of great humorists — 301 pages, $1.98. BOOK OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN OPERA LYRICS — The Mikado, Pinafore, Penzance, Bab Ballads— a rare treat— 232 pages, $1.00. FAUST — translation by G. Bayard Taylor of Goethe's masterpiece. 252 pages, while they last, $1.00. ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND and THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS— Lewis Carroll's immortal whimsey — 243 pages, $1.00. CYRANO DE BERGERAC by Edmond Rostand, tragic-heroic, French drama made beloved of the American public by Walter Hampden — 184 pages, $1.00. All books postpaid under this special offer LL BOOKS RETURNABLE FOR REFUND IF UNSATISFACTORY