Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1935)

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WINNERS OF PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE GOLD MEDAL FOR THE BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR 1920 "HUMORESQUE" 1921 "TOL'ABLE DAVID" 1922 "ROBIN HOOD" 1923 "THE COVERED WAGON" 1924 "ABRAHAM LINCOLN" 1925 "THE BIG PARADE" 1926 "BEAU GESTE" 1927 "7th HEAVEN" 1928 "FOUR SONS" 1929 "DISRAELI" 1930 "ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT" 1931 "CIMARRON" 1932 'SMILIN' THROUGH" 1933 "LITTLE WOMEN" PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS, INC. BERNARR MACFADDEN, PRESIDENT IRENE T. KENNEDY, TREASURER WESLEY F. PAPE, SECRETARY PUBLISHING OFFICE 333 N. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. BUSINESS AND EDITORIAL OFFICES 1926 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY LONDON AGENTS MACFADDEN MAGAZINES, LTD. 30 BOUVERIE ST., LONDON, E. C. 4. TRADE DISTRIBUTORS ATLAS PUBLISHING COMPANY, 18. BRIDE LANE, LONDON. E. C. 4 CARROLL RHEINSTROM ADVERTISING MANAGER, GRAYBAR BLDG. 420 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. CHARLES H. SHATTUCK MANAGER CHICAGO OFFICE YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION: $2.50 IN THE UNITED STATES, ITS DEPENDENCIES, MEXICO AND CUBA; $3.00 IN CANADA; $3.50 FOR FOREIGN COUNTRIES. REMITTANCES SHOULD BE MADE BY CHECK, OR POSTAL OR EXPRESS MONEY ORDER. CAUTION — DO NOT SUBSCRIBE THROUGH PERSONS UNKNOWN TO YOU ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER APRIL 24, 1912, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT CHICAGO, ILL., UNDER THE ACT OF MARCH 3, 1879 COPYRIGHT, 1934, BY MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS, INC., NEW YORK PHOTOPLAY THE ARISTOCRAT OF MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINES KATHRYN DOUGHERTY, EDITOR W. T. WALSH, MANAGING EDITOR IVAN ST. JOHNS, WESTERN EDITOR WALLACE HAMILTON CAMPBELL, ART EDITOR VOL. XLVIII NO. 1 JUNE, 1935 HIGH-LIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE Close-Ups and Long-Shots . . Kathryn Dougherty 23 What DefeatedJack Gilbert? . Adela Rogers St.Johns 26 Filmland's New Dictator Is a Woman Philip K. Scheuer 28 Mae West Can Play Anything . Leo McCarey 30 Cal York's Gossip of Hollywood 34 Scene from "The Crusades" 40 How to Get Rid of the Depression Blues . .Sylvia 41 Where Is Hollywood's Glamour? . Kirtley Baskette 42 Don't Love Me (Part IV) 46 The Tragedy of Being a Hollywood Mother Ruth Rankin 50 Photoplay Fashions Courtenay Marvin 53 Irish Nights and Other Adventures . Mitzi Cummings 66 Photoplay's Hollywood Beauty Shop Carolyn Van Wyck 74 PHOTOPLAY'S FAMOUS REVIEWS Brief Reviews of Current Pictures 10 The Shadow Stage 68 PERSONALITIES Nelson Eddy ».„... 4 Marilyn Knowlden 22 Sally Eilers 25 The Man of the Hour Warren Reeve 32 Five Million Dollar Bachelor . . . Mildred Mastin 38 The Rise of a Song King .William A. Ulman, Jr. 44 Why Merle Clicked Helen Harrison 65 He Hated the Movies Bogart Rogers 72 INFORMATION AND SERVICE Letters 6 Ask the Answer Man 78 Hollywood Menus 80 Screen Memories from Photoplay 118 Casts of Current Photoplays 122 The Fan Club Corner 125 Addresses of the Stars .129 3