Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1935)

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124 PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE FOR JUNE, 1935 The Shadow Stage atui 7oJc/0 yeoAA ifoimcj&i Here is a safe and approved method. With a small brush and BROWNATONE, you tint those streaks or patches of gray, or faded or bleached hair to lustrous shades of blonde, brown or black. Over twenty-three years success. Don't experiment. BROWNATONE is guaranteed harmless for tinting gray hair — active coloring agent is purely vegetable. Easily and quickly applied — at home. Cannot affect waving of hair. BROWNATONE is economical and lasting — it will not wash out. Imparts desired shade with amazing speed. Just brush or comb it in. Easy to prove by applying a little of this famous tint to a lock of hair. Shades: Blonde to Medium Brown" and "Dark Brown to Black" — cover every need. BROWNATONE is only 50c— at all drug and toilet counters — always on a money-back guarantee. WATCH WRINKLES FADE/ T 6"BROWN MAGIC" Treatments 1 00 Skel far ,!■■ Eternal Youth in N Y loua treatment for wrinkles . . . crows' feet . . . flabby skin. What a thrill to feel "old aEe Hnee" actually being erased and "lifted" from your face and neck! Her Intensive Rejuvenating BROWN MAGIC" does the work. After each treatment, friend> will marvel at your youthful appearance. Send $100 for 6 complete treatments iCheckor.M.O , , do cash unless legi* tered. . . . C. O. D. if preferred.) EUNICE SKELLY'S Salon of Eternal Youth. The Park Central Suite W3, 56th St. & 7th Ave.. New fork "Old Town Canoes i»S 'X Paddle your own canoe. Camp. Fish. Hunt. Like an Indian. Old Town Canoes are easy to handle. Light. Sturdy to last for years. Inexpensive. (1935 prices start at $68.) Write for a free catalog showing models and prices. Also outboard boats, rowboats and dinghies. Old Town Canoe Co., 116 Main Street, Old Town, Maine. 2 Perfumes SUBTLE, fascinating, alluring. Sells regularly at $12.00 an ounce. Made from the essence of flowers : — Two Odors (1) Fascination (2) Orange Blossom A single drop lasts a iveek! To pay for postage and handling Bend only 20c (silver or stamps) for 2 trial bot ties. Only 1 set to each new customer. 20c! Redwood Treasure Chest: SSi^or4"^ fume selling at $2.00 an ounce — (1) Hollywood Bouquet, (2) Persian Night. (3) Black Velvet. (4) Samarkand. (Jhest 6x3 in. made from Giant Redwood Trees of California. Send only $1.00 check, stamps or currency. An ideal gift. $1.00! ^■.■■■■■■.■..■..■■a......a. I PAUL RIEGER, 217 First Street, San Francisco J I D Send 2 trial bottles Q Send Redwood Chest ! \N ' ■ Name ■ Send only 20/ I Street ._ __ I I City _ State.. [ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 71 IT'S A SMALL WORLD— FOX /T1AY dialogue in a wisp of a story presents ^-^ Spencer Tracy and Wendy Barrie as two whose cars crash in a Louisiana swamp, leaving them stranded. Tracy falls hard, but believes the girl to be a notorious divorcee. Complications are adjusted with numerous laughs. Wendy Barrie has something new. Spencer is easy and assured. Light and amusing. THE HOOSIER SCHOOLMASTERMONOGRAM KIORMAN FOSTER is the schoolmaster ' ^who finds himself in the Indiana hotbed after the Civil War, and Charlotte Henry plays her first grown-up role. Fred Kohler, Jr. and Wallace Reid, Jr. look like promising material. Others in the cast of this old time favorite are: Dorothy Libaire, Tommy Bupp, William V. Mong and Russell Simpson. BABY FACE HARRINGTON— M-G-M AN amusing, none too unusual little story about the timid soul whom everyone mistakes as a big-shot gangster, and who, in the end, is turned into a hero. Charlie Butterworth, with his sad, rather expressionless face turns in an ideal characterization. Nat Pendleton as Public Enemy No. 1 is fine. So are, Donald Meek, and Una Merkel who should have had more to do. HOLD 'EM YALE— PARAMOUNT DATHER a weak but pleasant little program ^picture, involving four thugs who inherit a lady — not literally, but it amounts to that. Patricia Ellis falls for uniforms, causing grief and_ expense to her fond papa, so he invites the comic gangsters to keep her. It winds up with a football game between "Harvards" and the "Yales" — and Larry Crabbe, papa's choice — wins the game and the girl. Cesar Romero gets better in every picture. William Frawley, Andy Devine, George E. Stone. DEATH FLIES EAST— COLUMBIA W/HAT originally made very good reading vv concocted by Philip Wylie emerges, on the screen, as an irritatingly illogical story with much too much air-liner. Both Conrad Nagel and Florence Rice do well with it all, but the comedians, Oscar Apfel, Raymond Walburn and Irene Franklin have to struggle desperately with material that simply is not funny. But it isn't very interesting. WHILE THE PATIENT SLEPT— FIRST NATIONAL IUST another murder mystery, and pretty ^thin in spots. For your suspense and excitement you follow Aline MacMahon and Guy Kibbee as they track down the murderer of a paralytic's son. It's not their fault that the story sags, for they're both in top form, as is Allen Jenkins who struggles manfully to make you laugh. Robert Barrat, Lyle Talbot and Patricia Ellis hold up in support. MARK OF THE VAMPIRE— M-G-M ANY picture presenting Lionel Barrymore gives you some pretty good acting, but here he labors with a confused and incoherent story. All about vampires who live in an otherwise deserted castle and suck out I people's life blood — ugh! But in the end they're just stooges who help solve a murder. CHASING YESTERDAY— RKO-RADIO A RATHER pallid film version of "The ' Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard" by Anatole France. Motivated by nostalgia over a youthful and frustrated romance, O. P. Heggie seek? out and adopts, after some legal difficulties Anne Shirley, daughter of his one-time sweetheart; but this story, while straight enough. doesn't seem very important in the screen telling. There are excellent characterization^ by Helen Westley and Elizabeth Patterson. When you see Bill Powell in the mystery drama, "Star of Midnight," he's gay and debonair. But discussing the script with Stephen Roberts, the director, Bill is certainly taking the picture seriously