Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1935)

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PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE FOR JUNE, 1935 125 THE FAN CLUB CORNER SO many requests for information have come into the offices of the Photoplay Association of Movie Fan Clubs, regarding the operating of various clubs, that it may be wise to explain that a prospective member of a fan club may get detailed information about joining clubs already formed by writing direct to the club headquarters itself. Simply select the name of the club you wish to join, as they are listed in the Fan Club Corner, and write direct to the club. All information about joining, dues, etc., will be forwarded to you. Fan Club members are certainly getting around these days. Reports coming in from all the clubs have mention of members going hither and yon, seeing their favorite stars, visiting fellow members in other cities, and entertaining in a big way. Despite this happy visiting, club bulletins are more attractive 'this month, containing lots of hard work preparation, with much interesting news. The Fan Club Federation's second issue of "Fan Club Fare," is worth considerable time. There are so many interesting things in it that it is hard to name the outstanding club con'tribution. However, the fashion piece, "Fashion Designing with Charles LeMaire," written by Minnette Shermak, president of the Jean Harlow Club, is going to interest all members. ^Vrite the Fan Club Federation at 116 East |/9th Street, New York City. i Joel Dee McCrea, the precious little baby ';on of Mr. and Mrs. Joel McCrea (Frances pee), grabs the spot-light honors on the cover *pf the new anniversary number of the club pews. Shown at the age of six days, this [/oungster is going to have plenty of fan fol.owers in this club. Helen Moltz, Route No. 3, •Sheboygan, Wis., is the capable president of i his club. [ Jean Harlow tells her club members about per new studio dressing room, in the club 'oulletin, "The Platinum Page," She writes: fThe drapes are of a crepe in what is called lice White' — the exact shade of the walls. fhe furniture is antique white tipped in antique gold. The little French chairs are upholstered in different shades of white, some ;>eing quilted satin and others in fine brocade satin. In the dressing room proper the chairs and dressing table stool are done in oyster white velvet. The apartment also has an enclosed refrigerator that has the same mirrored panels as the wardrobes, and above that has shelves of white wrought iron. Mother gave me a delightful surprise by sending me a complete luncheon set of white Wedgwood, plain crystal glass with my monogram. Well, in all, it is indeed a lovely and cozy studio home, with radio and phonograph combination." Write Miss M. Shermak, 328 E. 90th St., New York City, for details on the Harlow club. The Sidney L. Bernstein questionnaire, going to a quarter of a million film goers in England, resulted in naming Norma Shearer the most popular actress shown on the British screen. George Arliss was named as the favorite actor. Members of the Norma Shearer Fan Club are certainly proud of the news. Hans Faxdahl, 1947 Broadway, New York City, is president of this club. The April issue of "The Telescope," will celebrate the first birthday of the Lew Ayres Fan Club. Write to Helen Raether, 311 S. Mingo St., Albion, Michigan, for details about joining. One of the members of the Vallee Booster Fan Club wrote a most successful song about their favorite. Rudy. It is " King of the Air." The club is sole distributors of the piece. All fans of Rudy Vallee are invited to write Beatrice "Val" Gordon, Lefferts Station, Brooklyn, N. Y., for club details. Alice White's letter, appearing in the club bulletin of the "Alice White Fan Club," informs us that while at Palm Springs recently she entered her English sheep dog in a dog show. Snooty won three ribbons and a trophy. This fan club is for girls only, and Lucile Carlspn, 206 E. Main St., Detroit Lakes, Minn., is president The Movie Club Guild of Chicago is certainly going places and doing things. The progressive dinner we told you about in the last issue was a great success. They are nowgoing in for all sorts of card parties. One was held March 14th. Quintuplets in Hollywood, too. Peek-aboo. the Persian cat that belongs to Cora Sue Collins, recently had five kittens. Cora Sue named them for the five Dionne babies. All are doing well * . #* i>'t X * *J 0 # Qfc BtST SELL1K1& PERSPIRATION PREVENTIVE IN HOLLYWOOD ! We believe you will like Ever-Dry as well as the motion picture capital does. At lea^t, tests have shown that 88 out of 100 women who once try EverDry remain steadv users, preferring it to other perspiration preventives. This pure, colorless, delicately fragrant liquid checks perspiration instantly, yet will not irritate the most sensitive skin. You can use it any time, day or night. We use only the highest quality ingredients in Ever-Dry ... in fact, guarantee money back if you don't like it better than any other perspiration preventive! 50c. EVER-DRY 385 Fifth Ave., N.Y.,and Los Angeles FADED HA R Women, girls, men with gray . laded, streaked hair. Shampoo and color ycur hair at the same time with new French discovery "SHAMPO-KOLOR," takes few minutes, leaves hair soft, glossv. natural. Permits permanent wave and curl. Free Booklet, Monsieur L. P. Valligny, Depl. 43. 254 W. 1 1 St., New York freckles Secretly and Quickly Removedl VOU can banish those annoying, ■* embarrassing freckles quickly and surely in the privacy of your own room. Your friends will wonder how you did it. StiUman's Freckle Cream removes them while you sleep. r-/\c Leaves the skin soft and smooth, oU thecomplexionfreshand clear. AJar StiUman's' F R.E C_K_L E__C_R_E A M Mail this Coupon to Box 81 THE STILLMAN CO., Aurora, Illinois and receivea FREE Booklet about Freckles. .Name k Address.