Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1938)

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<=-+■ tciiXct Alottt or a valiant woman an A or now, todan, a/w ia making a XtCitin come Izn BY KIRTLEY BASKETTE Gladys George, the Madame Dubarry of M-G-M's "Marie Antoinette," the mistress of the old king, Louis XV. Honored by the heads of Europe, for the way to the king's grace led through her salon, she was, according to history, to suffer her first rebuff at the hands of the fourteen-year-old Dauphine, Marie, who publicly refused to speak even one word to the courtesan, thereby throwing the court — and all of Europe — into turmoil Above: Albert Van Dekker as the Comte de Provence, Louis XVI's envious younger brother, the enemy of the charming gay queen. Left: Tyrone Power as Axel, Comte de Fersen, Swedish nobleman, and the one man whom Marie truly loved. At the age of eighteen, on one of his trips to Paris, he meets the queen a\ a masked ball — she flirts with him — and thus begins one of the greatest and most moving romances of French history Left: Anita Louise as Princesse de Lamballe, the naive young noblewoman who was one of the queen's best friends. Right: John Barrymore as old King Louis XV, whose morals were a bit questionable but whose heart went out to the childlike Marie whom he had chosen to be his grandson's wife — and the future French queen PORTRAITS BY REGINA McANANY