Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1938)

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»• m kw1 1 % Pat in a grand new part ... a night-world king who rules -with ' ji v*****;* A dashing new personality fights and loves his way to Hollywood's heart! 4f^ ^^^^TjjK:"' 3** w 3d hand! ■ SP^ii B^. ^||^BW^* _. ■ ,„ r " . mrTiiQES1 GREATEST T* ^^^^T^ARADEtN MOTION P,CT"R" h ac„onl Craved HEADING THE PARAU en,erlainme„,. '«•*•-*£ ,heo,rel „ere-s.he newsmen ^.e ^ ^ ^ romance with susses, Be J „,„ Wi ^ OF THE JOE V ENUTI AND HIS SWING CATS • JOHNNIE DAVIS . JERRY COLONNA 0*""***-.. » . .*» "Everybody but me turns in a five-bell performance." — Jimmie Fi< k" The greatest Lindsay you've ever seen ... in a role that's the soul of romance! DIRECTED BY BUSBy BERKELEY • Screen Play by Jerry Wald and Richard Macaulay From the Saturday Evening Post Story by H. Bedford-Jones and Barton Browne .Music and Lyrics by Harry Warren, Al Dubin and Johnny Mercer . A First Nationol Picture. Hear these grea. new song hits: "GARDEN OF THE ^^'""l0^^ .^!?f. YOU FIND IT" "CONFIDENTIALLY." "THE LADY ON THE TWO-CENT STAMP. "GIRL FRIEND OF THE WHIRLING DERVISH." CTOBER, 19 38