Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1938)

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Maid Marianne ... from the rollicking adventurous days of Sobin Hood... new platform sole. Zephyr... light ... airy... beautifully perforated stepin. Stroller . , . exquisite Alligator* side strap for daytime wear. *Soft, smooth, calfskin. STYLED JUST LIKE THOSE YOU'LL SEE THIS FALL AT HOLLYWOOD'S FAMOUS Who said that fashionable shoes had to be expensive? Here are styles destined to steal the fashion spotlight at Hollywood's popular Santa Anita Race Track, yet priced so reasonably that you can afford several pairs. Thank Jolene, ace fashion observer, for the advanced footwear styles that are first sponsored by Hollywood's best dressed women. You can be thrifty and still wear authentic Hollywood creations by insisting on Jolene Shoes this fall. Ask your dealer to show you the new Jolene models that cost only $3 to $4. For the name of your Jolene dealer write direct to Jolene's Studio K, 7751 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, California. Sunset ... walled stepin lightly perforated and laced. Everglades. Alligator oxford cleverly styled of soft, smooth, luxurious calfskin. 3LENE FASHION SHOES are distributed by OBER-SAIFER SHOE COMPANY Eleanqre Whitney Glamorous Paramount Star says, "You've won fashion's approval Jolene, by styling your shoes in Hollywood." ST. LOUIS, MO See ELEANORE WHITNEY in the new PARAMOUNT PICTURE "CAMPUS CONFESSIONS" CTOBER, I 9 3