Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1938)

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WOODEN ANNIVERSARY .More Like a Honeymoon! 6 P. M. SAME DAY Smart Wives use this extra beauty care. . . they cream EXTRA "SKIN-VITAMIN'wo their skin -*%* Princess — H. R. H. Princess Maria Antonia de Braganca (Mrs. Ashley Chanler) is a great believer in creaming "skin-vitamin" into her skin. She says: "I'm glad to get this extra beauty care in Pond's — the cream I've always used." Vitamin A, the "skin-vitamin," is necessary to skin health. • In hospitals, scientists found that this vitamin, applied to the skin, healed wounds and burns quicker. • Now this "skin-vitamin" is in every jar of Pond's Cold Cream! Use Pond's night and morning and before make-up. Same jars, same labels, same prices. Earl's Daughter— Lady Cynthia Williams, popular member of British aristocracy, has used Pond's since her deb days . . ."Now I'm more enthusiastic about Pond's than ever. Extra 'skin-vitamin' in Pond's %* "Any wife would be foolish not to take advantage of Pond's new 'skin-vitamin' beauty care! I've always used Pond's. It softens my skin . . . gives sparkle to my make-up." Charming Hostess, MRS. CHARLES MORGAN, III (left) popular in New York's young married set Cold Cream helps provide against possible lack of it in my skin." (above) At her ancestral home, Waldershare Park, Kent, England — introducing her baby daughter, Juliana, to the hounds. Amazing Pond's Offer With purchase of large jar of Pond's Cold Cream, get a generous box of Pond's "Glare-Proof" Powder. BOTH for the price of the Cold Cream. ^<t LIMITED SUPPLY . . . ^^■.^sJjS* '*' YOURS TODAY! -7* .,;^*rr, socSnr mauww * Statements concerning the effects of the "skin-vitamin" applied to the skin are hased upon medical literature and tests on the skin of animals following an accepted laboratory method. Copyright, 1938. Pond's Extract Company Tune in on "THOSE WE LOVE/' Pond's Program, Mondays, 8:30 P. M., N. Y. Time, N.B.C. DECEMBER, 1938 77