Photoplay (Jan-Sep 1937)

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"Now we always think of time in the terms of past, present and future. But that huge second hand made me realize that there is no present. "Everything is past or future. "Like many other people, I have lived for the present. "But I found myself stagnant. Because there is no present. You must take each moment and live it for its effect upon the future. You must be cautious and careful of your seconds. "I know it is easy to theorize about life, but no two experiences are alike. Something may happen in February and be all wrong. The same thing may happen in March and be right. Different locations, different people, different temperaments, different times, shift the whole picture. "If I said, 'What's the use, I've had a bad experience from life and I'll never trust it again,' I'd be wrong. You still can profit by your mistakes." ISS SWANSON wouldn't talk directly about her romances. "I have learned — I hope I have now — that, She is Mrs. Simpson of the screen . . . poised, worldly, smart. Her romance with Herbert Marshall (at the left) had amazing influence on her career if you depend on anyone else, you are apt to be let down. " I know I'm a weakling. When I get into emotional tidal waves, I get whirled around. We who act do not live a normal life. We arc wide open to our emotions. I hope I have learned. Still, I may not be strong enough to adopt all my theories. I can just hope. " I know the tiling I most want now is peace of mind. "This rest period has given me time to think. Rest periods would be good for everybody. They give you a chance to catch up with yourself. 1 pursued a mad, hectic thing, year in and year out. I was a I rain trying to keep on schedule. I took my private life in snatches, on the run. I never did justice to it, I had no opportunity l<> nurse it along, and it suffered horribly. Maybe thai is whal demolished my marriages." Mi Swan on read me a letter she has just received from a friend in England who had followed her pictures through the years I watched ^ouralread) fabulous salary climb to $6,000 a week, to 512,000 to $18,000. Nov, I think you realize thai what you are i more importanl than what you earn. 16 "The scales of life move up and down, but don't be disheartened. Half of the women in the world would be glad of your memories. But I know memories mean nothing to you, that the future is everything." Miss Swanson laid the letter aside. "I never look back," she said, with a note of finality. Then she went on: "I worked so hectically through the years that I had little time to think. Most of the things that happened to me, of course, seemed fun to the outside world. But there have been many headaches back of the glamour. "When you are an actress, you never have time to do the things you want to do. I have worked since I was fifteen. I absorbed my education in snatches from life, here and there. The snatches had a lot of hurts. "I always have believed in travel to develop anyone. It is a mistake to stay in one place. Too long in one country, in one state, in one town, is to stagnate. It is a barrier to any sort of development. "There are so many things I always have wanted to know about. I'm a mental vampire. I have always said 'Why?' ever since I was a youngster. When I go to a party, I hunt out an interesting person and drag that person to a corner I'm always seeking to learn. "After all, knowledge is the only solace when you get older. It is the only possession of any [ please ti'kx to page 118 |