Photoplay (Jan-Sep 1937)

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Contents of No More Alibis DECIDE IIOXV VOl WANT TO LOOK DIKT AND EXERCISE FOR GENERAL REDUCING WHEN FAT IS LOCALIZED — Too Much Hips, Lumps of Fat on the Hips, Reducing Abdomen, Reducing the ISreiists, Firming the Breasts, Fat I'udK.v Arms, Slenderizing the Kegs and Ankles, Correcting Bow-legs, Slimming the Thighs and I'pper Legs, Reducing Fat on the Back, Squeezing Off Fat, Where There's a Will, There's a Way — to Reduce REDUCING FOR THE ANEMIC GAIN FIFTEEN OR MORE POINDS A MONTH IF YOU'RE THIN IN PLACES — Enlarge Your Chest Develop Your Legs PEOPLE WHO SIT ALL DAY— "Desk Chair Spread," Drooping Shoulders, Luncheon Warnings! TDK "IN-BETWEEN" FIGURE KEEP THAT PERFECT FIGURE CLOTHES TIPS FOR STRUCTURAL DEFECTS A FIRM, LOVELY' FACE CORRECTING FACIAL AND NECK CONTOURS— OH' with That Double Chin!, Enlarging a Receding Chin, Slenderizing the Face and Jowls, Refining Your Nose, Smoothing Out a Thin, Crepey Neck "Old Woman's Bump" SKIN BEAUTY DIET AND ENERGY DIET BEAUTIFUL HANDS AND FEET ACQUIRE POISE AND GRACE— OVERCOME NEK VOl SNESS ADVICE FOR THE ADOLESCENTGirls THE WOMAN PAST FORTY ■To Mothers— T< LISTEN) BABYGIVE ME 50 MINUTES AND I'LL SHOW YOU HOW TO REMODEL YOUR BODY THE HOLLYWOOD WAV MADAME SYLVIA Now lea ... in (ifty minutes you can rn the carefully guarded beauty secrets of Hollywood's famous Madame Sylvia. You have always wanted to be beautiful . . . attractive . . . glamourous. Now you can be! For the very same methods which the famous stars of the screen and stage use to acquire and maintain their beauty are now revealed by Sylvia of Hollywood in No More Alibis. Madame Sylvia is the personal beauty adviser to H o 1 1 > wood's most brilliant stars. It is she who guards the exquisite charms of the screen's awe-inspir ing beauties. It is she who transforms ordinary looking women into dreams xJbJfardfyir id The 80,000th Cop Just off the Pres; I! ert Another Smash-Hit Pull Yourself Tog Madame Svlvia er Baby of loveliness. And now Sylvia has put all her beauty secrets between the covers of a book. In No More Alibis you will find every ounce of knowledge, every whit of observation and all the good, sound advice that Sylvia has gleaned over a period of thirtyfive years in making the human body ideally beautiful. In this book Sylvia reveals for the first time all of her carefully guard ed health and beauty secrets . . . the treatments and methods which have made her a power in Hollywood. She gives special attention to reducing and building up the body and covers the subject thoroughly with suggested exercises, illustrated by fine photographs. There is no other book like No More Alibis — for ihere could be none. In this one volume Sylvia tells you exactly how you can be as lovely as the stars of Hollywood — if not lovelier! No matter how old you are, or how fat you are, Sylvia will tell you how you can mold your body into beautiful proportions You cannot have good looks, a beautiful figure nor a charming personality by merely wishing for them. But beauty should be yours — and it can be if you follow the expert advice and suggestions of Madame Sylvia as given in No More Alibis. Glance at the table of contents listed on this page. Notice how completely and thoroughly Sylvia covers every phase of beauty culture. And bear in mind that all of Sylvia's instructions are simple to follow. You need not buy any equipment whatsoever. You can carry out all of Sylvia's beauty treatments right in the privacy of your own home. And remember that this book gives you the very same information for which the screen stars of Hollywood (fOO I In Madame Sylvia's new book. Pull Yourself Together, Baby! the famous adviser lo the Hollywood stars describes hundreds of ways to develop charm, glamour. The tricks and stunts that you can use to send your popularity stock skyrocketing are endless. Such simple things as a proper diet or a stimulating exercise will help tremendous! v. And Pull ) our self Together, Baby! is packed full of helpful, new exercises— illustrated by beautiful photographic reproductions. If you're dissatisfied with your social pulling power —if you're shy, self-conscious and timid — send for a copy of Pull Yourself Together, Baby! at once. The price of this marvelous book is only $1.00 postpaid ( screen have paid fabulous sums. Yet the price of this marvelous book is ridiculously small — only $1.00 a copy If you are unable I get this book at you local department or book store, mail the coupon below — now ir UL^f -Meil This Coupon TODAY , Mocfaddcn Book Company, Inc. Oept. P7, 205 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Send me the Svlvia of Hollywood books checked belov I enclose % D No More Alibis. $1.00 postage prepaid. D Pull Yourself Together. Baby! SI. 00 postage prepaid \;i \<h I City.