The photoplay writer ([c1913])

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SCENE I An old-fashioned kitchen with large fireplace Cinderella, in rags, polishing a copper kettle. Her step- mother and stepsisters enter and begin scolding her and ordering her from one task to another. These finished, the stepmother maliciously throws a handful of pumpkin seeds into the ashes on the hearth and commands Cinderella to pick them out. Stepmother and daughters laugh at her dismay and weariness and leave the room. Note — You cannot end your first scene with "Step- mother and daughters go upstairs to their rooms and dress for the ball." As the camera from its present position cannot take the mother and her daughters in their room up- stairs, we make another scene of that view. SCENE II Daughters' Room The two girls are dressing for the ball. They powder and rouge their faces and simper at their images in the mirror. Mother enters, handsomely attired. They admire her, arrange her hair, pin on a flower, etc. She does same to them, then they all take court patches from a little box and stick several on their faces. Quite satisfied with them- selves, they leave the room. SCENE III Same as Scene I Cinderella kneeling on hearth. Stepmother and daugh- ters enter and flaunt their finery before the little drudge. They give her final instructions, order her to open the door for them, and sweep out, laughing among themselves. Cinderella goes to the window and wistfully watches them depart. Note — You cannot say "They sweep out, get into a coach and are driven to the palace, where they enter the ballroom and are greeted by the prince." As the camera is focussed on the room,, the mother and daughters are out of the scene as soon as they pass through the door. To show them driving to the ball would entail another scene,